[fa-stable.git] / header2.inc
1 <?php
2 /**********************************************************************
3     Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
4         Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL, 
5         as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 
6         of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10     See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
11 ***********************************************************************/
12                 // New version (without vertical lines)
14         global $wo_types_array, $systypes_array;
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61                 {
62                         $logo = company_path() . "/images/" . $this->company['coy_logo'];
63                         $this->AddImage($logo, $ccol, $this->row, 0, 40);
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65                 else
66                 {
67                         $this->fontSize += 4;
68                         $this->Font('bold');
69                         $this->Text($ccol, $this->company['coy_name'], $icol);
70                         $this->Font();
71                         $this->fontSize -= 4;
72                 }
73                 $this->SetTextColor(190, 190, 190);
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83                 $this->Font('italic');
84                 if ($this->company['phone'] != "")
85                 {
86                         $this->Text($ccol, _("Phone"), $c2col);
87                         $this->Text($c2col, $this->company['phone'], $mcol);
88                         $this->NewLine();
89                 }       
90                 if ($this->company['fax'] != "")
91                 {
92                         $this->Text($ccol, _("Fax"), $c2col);
93                         $this->Text($c2col, $this->company['fax'], $mcol);
94                         $this->NewLine();
95                 }       
96                 if ($this->company['email'] != "")
97                 {
98                         $this->Text($ccol, _("Email"), $c2col);
100                         $url = "mailto:" . $this->company['email'];
101                         $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255);
102                         $this->Text($c2col, $this->company['email'], $mcol);
103                         $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
104                         $this->addLink($url, $c2col, $this->row, $mcol, $this->row + $this->lineHeight);
106                         $this->NewLine();
107                 }       
108                 if ($this->company['gst_no'] != "")
109                 {
110                         $this->Text($ccol, $doc_Our_VAT_no, $c2col);
111                         $this->Text($c2col, $this->company['gst_no'], $mcol);
112                         $this->NewLine();
113                 }
114                 if (($doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE || $doctype == ST_STATEMENT) && $this->company['domicile'] != "")
115                 {
116                         $this->Text($ccol, $doc_Domicile, $c2col);
117                         $this->Text($c2col, $this->company['domicile'], $mcol);
118                         $this->NewLine();
119                 }
120                 $this->Font();
121                 $this->row = $adrline;
122                 $this->NewLine(3);
123                 $this->Text($mcol + 100, $doc_Date);
124                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESQUOTE || $doctype == ST_PURCHORDER || $doctype == ST_SALESORDER)
125                         $this->Text($mcol + 180, sql2date($this->formData['ord_date']));
126                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)       
127                         $this->Text($mcol + 180, sql2date($this->formData['date_']));
128                 else
129                         $this->Text($mcol + 180, sql2date($this->formData['tran_date']));
130                 $this->NewLine();
131                 $this->Text($mcol + 100, $doc_Invoice_no);
132                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESQUOTE || $doctype == ST_PURCHORDER || $doctype == ST_SALESORDER) // QUOTE, PO or SO
133                 {
134                         if ($print_invoice_no == 1)
135                                 $this->Text($mcol + 180, $this->formData['order_no']);
136                         else    
137                                 $this->Text($mcol + 180, $this->formData['reference']);
138                 }               
139                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)       
140                         $this->Text($mcol + 180, $this->formData['id']);
141                 else if (isset($this->formData['trans_no']) && isset($this->formData['reference'])) // INV/CRE/STA
142                 {
143                         if ($print_invoice_no == 1)
144                                 $this->Text($mcol + 180, $this->formData['trans_no']);
145                         else
146                                 $this->Text($mcol + 180, $this->formData['reference']);
147                 }
149                 if ($this->pageNumber > 1 && !strstr($this->filename, "Bulk"))
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151                 $this->row = $iline1 - $this->lineHeight;
152                 $this->fontSize -= 4;
153                 $this->Text($ccol, $doc_Charge_To, $icol);
154                 $this->Text($mcol, $doc_Delivered_To);
155                 $this->fontSize += 4;
157                 $this->row = $this->row - $this->lineHeight - 5;
159                 $temp = $this->row;
160                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESQUOTE || $doctype == ST_SALESORDER)
161                 {
162                         $this->Text($ccol, $this->formData['name'], $icol);
163                 }
164                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)
165                 {
166                         $this->Text($ccol, $this->formData['location_name'], $icol);
167                         $this->NewLine();
168                         $this->TextWrapLines($ccol, $icol - $ccol, $this->formData['delivery_address']);
169                 }
170                 else
171                 {
172                         if ($doctype == ST_PURCHORDER || $doctype == ST_SUPPAYMENT) {
173                                 $name = $this->formData['supp_name'];
174                                 $addr = $this->formData['address'];
175                         } else {
176                                 if (isset($this->formData['br_address']) && 
177                                                 trim($this->formData['br_address']) != '') {
178                                         $name = $this->formData['br_name'];
179                                         $addr = $this->formData['br_address'];
180                                 } else {
181                                         $name = $this->formData['DebtorName'];
182                                         $addr = $this->formData['address'];
183                                 }
184                         }
185                         $this->Text($ccol, $name, $icol);
186                         $this->NewLine();
187                         $this->TextWrapLines($ccol, $icol - $ccol, $addr);
188                 }
189                 if (isset($this->formData['deliver_to']))
190                 {
191                         $this->row = $temp;
192                         if ($doctype == ST_PURCHORDER)
193                                 $this->Text($mcol, $this->company['coy_name']);
194                         elseif ($doctype != ST_SUPPAYMENT && isset($sales_order['deliver_to']))
195                         {
196                                 $this->Text($mcol, $sales_order['deliver_to']);
197                                 $this->NewLine();
198                         }       
199                         // if you need the company name in purchase order then write it as first line in location addresss.     
200                         if ($doctype != ST_SUPPAYMENT && isset($sales_order['delivery_address']))
201                                 $this->TextWrapLines($mcol, $this->rightMargin - $mcol, $sales_order['delivery_address']);
202                 }
203                 $this->row = $iline2 - $this->lineHeight - 1;
204                 $col = $this->leftMargin;
205                 $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $doc_Customers_Ref, 'C');
206                 $col += $width;
207                 $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $doc_Our_Ref, 'C');
208                 $col += $width;
209                 $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $doc_Your_VAT_no, 'C');
210                 $col += $width;
211                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE)
212                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $doc_Delivery_no, 'C');
213                 else
214                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $doc_Our_Order_No, 'C');
215                 $col += $width;
216                 $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $doc_Due_Date, 'C');
217                 $this->row = $iline3 - $this->lineHeight - 1;
218                 $col = $this->leftMargin;
219                 if ($doctype == ST_PURCHORDER || $doctype == ST_SUPPAYMENT)
220                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData['supp_account_no'], 'C');
221                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)
222                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData['wo_ref'], 'C');
223                 elseif (isset($this->formData["customer_ref"]))
224                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData["customer_ref"], 'C');
225                 elseif (isset($this->formData["debtor_ref"]))
226                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData["debtor_ref"], 'C');
227                 $col += $width; 
228                 if (isset($this->formData['salesman']))
229                 {
230                         $id = $this->formData['salesman'];
231                         //$sql = "SELECT salesman_name  FROM ".TB_PREF."salesman WHERE salesman_code='$id'";
232                         //$result = db_query($sql,"could not get sales person");
233                         //$row = db_fetch($result);
234                         //$this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $row['salesman_name'], 'C');
235                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, get_salesman_name($id), 'C');
236                 }               
237                 elseif ($doctype == ST_SUPPAYMENT || $doctype == ST_CUSTPAYMENT)
238                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $systypes_array[$this->formData["type"]], 'C');
239                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)
240                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $wo_types_array[$this->formData["type"]], 'C');
241                 $col += $width; 
242                 if ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)
243                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData["StockItemName"], 'C');
244                 elseif ($doctype != ST_PURCHORDER && isset($this->formData['tax_id']))
245                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData['tax_id'], 'C');
246                 $col += $width; 
247                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE)
248                 {
249                         $deliveries = get_sales_parent_numbers(ST_SALESINVOICE, $this->formData['trans_no']);
250                         if ($print_invoice_no == 0)
251                         {
252                                 foreach($deliveries as $n => $delivery) {
253                                         $deliveries[$n] = get_reference(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $delivery);
254                                 }
255                         }
256                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, implode(',', $deliveries), 'C');
257                 }
258                 elseif ($doctype == ST_CUSTDELIVERY)
259                 {
260                         $ref = $this->formData['order_'];
261                         if ($print_invoice_no == 0)
262                         {
263                                 $ref = get_reference(ST_SALESORDER, $this->formData['order_']);
264                                 if (!$ref)
265                                         $ref = $this->formData['order_'];
266                         }               
267                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $ref, 'C');
268                 }
269                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)
270                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData["location_name"], 'C');
271                 elseif (isset($this->formData['order_']) && $this->formData['order_'] != 0)
272                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData['order_'], 'C');
273                 $col += $width; 
274                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESORDER || $doctype == ST_SALESQUOTE)
275                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, sql2date($this->formData['delivery_date']), 'C');
276                 elseif ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)       
277                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $this->formData["units_issued"], 'C');
278                 elseif ($doctype != ST_PURCHORDER && $doctype != ST_CUSTCREDIT && $doctype != ST_CUSTPAYMENT &&
279                         $doctype != ST_SUPPAYMENT && isset($this->formData['due_date']))
280                         $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, sql2date($this->formData['due_date']), 'C');
281                 if ((!isset($packing_slip) || $packing_slip == 0) && ($doctype != ST_STATEMENT)) //!
282                 {
283                         $this->row -= (2 * $this->lineHeight);
284                         if ($doctype == ST_WORKORDER)
285                                 $str = sql2date($this->formData["required_by"]);
286                         else
287                         {
288                                 $id = $this->formData['payment_terms'];
289                                 $sql = "SELECT terms FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms WHERE terms_indicator='$id'";
290                                 $result = db_query($sql,"could not get paymentterms");
291                                 $row = db_fetch($result);
292                                 $str = $row["terms"];
293                         }       
294                         $this->Font('italic');
295                         $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right-$ccol, $doc_Payment_Terms . ":  " . $str);
296                         $this->Font();
297                 }
298                 $this->row = $iline5 - $this->lineHeight - 1;
299                 $this->Font('bold');
300                 $count = count($this->headers);
301                 $this->cols[$count] = $right - 3;
302                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
303                         $this->TextCol($i, $i + 1, $this->headers[$i], -2);
304                 $this->Font();
305                 $this->Font('italic');
306                 $this->row = $iline7 - $this->lineHeight - 6;
307                 if ($doctype != ST_WORKORDER)
308                         $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $doc_Please_Quote . " - " . $this->formData['curr_code'], 'C');
309                 $this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
311                 if (isset($this->formData['bank_name']))
312                 {
313                         $txt = $doc_Bank . ": ".$this->formData['bank_name']. ", " . $doc_Bank_Account . ": " . $this->formData['bank_account_number'];
314                         $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $txt, 'C');
315                         $this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
316                 }       
317                 if ($doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE && $this->formData['disable_branch'] > 0) // payment links
318                 {
319                         if ($this->formData['disable_branch'] == 1)
320                         {
321                                 $amt = number_format($this->formData["ov_freight"] + $this->formData["ov_gst"] +        $this->formData["ov_amount"], user_price_dec());
322                                 $txt = $doc_Payment_Link . " PayPal: ";
323                                 $name = urlencode($this->title . " " . $this->formData['reference']);
324                                 $url = "https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=" . $this->company['email'] . "&item_name=" .
325                                         $name . "&amount=" . $amt . "&currency_code=" . $this->formData['curr_code'];
326                                 $this->fontSize -= 2;
327                                 $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $txt, 'C');
328                                 $this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
329                                 $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255);
330                                 $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $url, 'C');
331                                 $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
332                                 $this->addLink($url, $ccol, $this->row, $this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin, $this->row + $this->lineHeight);
333                                 $this->fontSize += 2;
334                                 $this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
335                         }
336                 }
337                 if ($doc_Extra != "")
338                 {
339                         $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $doc_Extra, 'C');
340                         $this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
341                 }
342                 if ($this->params['comments'] != '')
343                 {
344                         $this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $this->params['comments'], 'C');
345                         $this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
346                 }
347                 if (($doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE || $doctype == ST_STATEMENT) && $this->company['legal_text'] != "") 
348                 {
349                         $this->TextWrapLines($ccol, $right - $ccol, $this->company['legal_text'], 'C');
350                 }
351                 $this->Font();
352                 $temp = $iline6 - $this->lineHeight - 2;
353 ?>