Changed so company domicile is printed on invoices and statements if filled out
[fa-stable.git] / js / inserts.js
1 /**********************************************************************
2     Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
3         Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL, 
4         as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 
5         of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
6     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
7     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9     See the License here <>.
10 ***********************************************************************/
11 var _focus;
12 var _hotkeys = {
13         'alt': false,   // whether is the Alt key pressed
14         'focus': -1             // currently selected indeks of document.links
15 };
17 function debug(msg) {
18     box = document.getElementById('msgbox')
19         box.innerHTML= box.innerHTML+'<br>'+msg
20 }
22 function progbar() {
23         box = document.getElementById('msgbox');
24     box.innerHTML= "<center><table width='98%' border='1' cellpadding=3 "
25         +"bordercolor='#007700' style='border-collapse: collapse'>"
26         +"<tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#ccffcc' >"
27                 +"<img src='"+user.theme+"images/progressbar.gif' alt='"
28                 +user.loadtxt+"' /></td></tr></table></center><br>";
29 = 'block';
30 }
32 function save_focus(e) {
33   _focus =||;
34   var h = document.getElementById('hints');
35   if (h) {
36 = e.title && e.title.length ? 'inline' : 'none';
37         h.innerHTML = e.title ? e.title : '';
38   }
39 }
41 function _expand(tabobj) {
43   var ul = tabobj.parentNode.parentNode;
44   var alltabs=ul.getElementsByTagName("input");
45   var frm = tabobj.form;
47   if (ul.getAttribute("rel")){
48         for (var i=0; i<alltabs.length; i++){
49           alltabs[i].className = "ajaxbutton"  //deselect all tabs
50         }
51         tabobj.className = "current";
52         JsHttpRequest.request(tabobj)
53   }
54 }
56 //interface for selecting a tab (plus expand corresponding content)
57 function expandtab(tabcontentid, tabnumber) {
58   var tabs = document.getElementById(tabcontentid);
59  _expand(tabs.getElementsByTagName("input")[tabnumber]);
60 }
62 function _set_combo_input(e) {
63                 e.setAttribute('_last', e.value);
64                 e.onblur=function() { 
65                   var but_name =,'button';
66                   var button = document.getElementsByName(but_name)[0];
67                   var select = document.getElementsByName(this.getAttribute('rel'))[0];
68                   save_focus(select);
69 // submit request if there is submit_on_change option set and 
70 // search field has changed.
71                   if (button && (this.value != this.getAttribute('_last'))) {
72                         JsHttpRequest.request(button);
73                   } else if(this.className=='combo2') {
74                        = 'none';
75                        = 'inline';
76                                 setFocus(;
77                   }
78                   return false;
79                 };
80                 e.onkeyup = function(ev) {
81                         var select = document.getElementsByName(this.getAttribute('rel'))[0];
82                         if(select && select.selectedIndex>=0) {
83                           var len = select.length;
84                           var byid = this.className=='combo';
85                           var ac = this.value.toUpperCase();
86                           select.options[select.selectedIndex].selected = false;
87                           for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
88                                 var txt = byid ? select.options[i].value : select.options[i].text;
89                                 if (txt.toUpperCase().indexOf(ac) >= 0) {
90                                   select.options[i].selected = true;
91                                   break;
92                                 }
93                           }
94                         }
95                 };
96         e.onkeydown = function(ev) { 
97                         ev = ev||window.event;
98                         key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
99                         if(key == 13) {
100                           this.blur();
101                           return false;
102                         }
103                 }
104 }
106 function _update_box(s) {
107         var byid = s.className=='combo';
108         var rel = s.getAttribute('rel');
109         var box = document.getElementsByName(rel)[0];
110                 if(box && s.selectedIndex>=0) {
111                           var opt = s.options[s.selectedIndex];
112                                 if(box) {
113                                   box.value = byid ? opt.value : opt.text;
114                                   box.setAttribute('_last', box.value);
115                                 }
116                 }
117 }
119 function _set_combo_select(e) {
120                 // When combo position is changed via js (eg from searchbox)
121                 // no onchange event is generated. To ensure proper change 
122                 // signaling we must track selectedIndex in onblur handler.
123                 e.setAttribute('_last', e.selectedIndex);
124                 e.onblur = function() {
125                         if(this.className=='combo')
126                             _update_box(this);
127                         if (this.selectedIndex != this.getAttribute('_last'))
128                                 this.onchange();
129                 }
130                 e.onchange = function() {
131                         var s = this;
132                         this.setAttribute('_last', this.selectedIndex);                 
133                         if(s.className=='combo')
134                             _update_box(s);
135                         if(s.selectedIndex>=0) {
136                                  var sname = '_''_update';
137                                  var update = document.getElementsByName(sname)[0];
138                                  if(update) {
139                                             JsHttpRequest.request(update);
140                                 } 
141                         }
142                         return true;
143                 }
144                 e.onkeydown = function(event) {
145                     event = event||window.event;
146                     key = event.keyCode||event.which;
147                     var box = document.getElementsByName(this.getAttribute('rel'))[0];
148                     if (box && key == 32 && this.className == 'combo2') {
149                    = 'none';
150                    = 'inline';
151                                 box.value='';
152                                 setFocus(;
153                             return false;
154                          }
155                         if (this.getAttribute('aspect') == 'editable' && key==115) {
156                                 // F4: call related database editor - not available in non-js fallback mode
157                                 JsHttpRequest.request('_''_editor', this.form);
158                                 return false; // prevent default binding
159                                 // TODO: stopPropagation when needed
160                         }
161                 }
162 }               
164 /*
165  Behaviour definitions
166 */
167 var inserts = {
168         'form': function(e) {
169                 e.onkeydown = function(ev) { 
170                         ev = ev||window.event;
171                         key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
172                         if((ev.ctrlKey && key == 13) || key == 27) {
173                                 ev.cancelBubble = true;
174                         if(ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation();
175                                 // activate submit/escape form
176                                 for (var i=0; i<this.elements.length; i++){
177                                         var asp = this.elements[i].getAttribute('aspect');
178                                         if ((asp=='default' && key==13)||(asp=='cancel' && key==27))
179                                                 JsHttpRequest.request(this.elements[i]);
180                                 }
182                                 ev.returnValue = false;
183                                 return false;
184                         } 
185                         return true;
186                 }
187         },
188         'input': function(e) {
189                 if(e.onfocus==undefined) {
190                         e.onfocus = function() {
191                             save_focus(this);
192                                 if (this.className == 'combo') 
193                               ;
194                         };
195                 }
196                 if (e.className == 'combo' || e.className == 'combo2') {
197                                 _set_combo_input(e);
198                 } 
199                 else
200                 if(e.type == 'text' ) {
201                                 e.onkeydown = function(ev) { 
202                                         ev = ev||window.event;
203                                         key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
204                                         if(key == 13) {
205                                                 if(e.className == 'searchbox') e.onblur();
206                                                 return false;
207                                         } 
208                                         return true;
209                                 }
210                         }
211         },
212         'input.combo2,input[aspect="fallback"]': 
213         function(e) {
214             // this hides search button for js enabled browsers
215    = 'none';
216         },
217         'div.js_only': 
218         function(e) {
219             // this shows divs for js enabled browsers only
220    = 'block';
221         },
222 //      '.ajaxsubmit,.editbutton,.navibutton': // much slower on IE7
223         'button.ajaxsubmit,input.ajaxsubmit,input.editbutton,button.navibutton': 
224         function(e) {
225             e.onclick = function() {
226                         if (this.getAttribute('aspect') == 'process')
227                                 progbar();
228                     save_focus(this);
229                         JsHttpRequest.request(this);
230                         return false;
231             }
232         },
233     '.amount': function(e) {
234                 if(e.onblur==undefined) {
235                   e.onblur = function() {
236                         var dec = this.getAttribute("dec");
237                         price_format(, get_amount(, dec);
238                   };
239                 }
240         },
241         '.searchbox': // emulated onchange event handling for text inputs
242                 function(e) {
243                         e.setAttribute('_last_val', e.value);
244                         e.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); //must be off when calling onblur
245                         e.onblur = function() {
246                                 var val = this.getAttribute('_last_val');
247                                 if (val != this.value) {
248                                         this.setAttribute('_last_val', this.value);
249                                         JsHttpRequest.request('_''_changed', this.form);
250                                 }
251                         }
252 /*              e.onkeydown = function(ev) { 
253                                 ev = ev||window.event;
254                                 key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
255                                 if (key == 13 && (this.value != this.getAttribute('_last_val'))) {
256                                         this.blur();
257                                         return false;
258                                 }
259                         }
260 */              },
261         'select': function(e) {
262                 if(e.onfocus==undefined) {
263                         e.onfocus = function() {
264                             save_focus(this);
265                         };
266                   var c = e.className;
267                   if (c == 'combo' || c == 'combo2')
268                         _set_combo_select(e);
269                 }
270         },
271         'textarea,a': function(e) {
272                 if(e.onfocus==undefined) {
273                         e.onfocus = function() {
274                             save_focus(this);
275                         };
276                         e.onmouseover = function(e) {
277                         if ( setFocus(, 1);
278                                 return false;
279                         }
280                 }
281         },
282         'a.printlink':  function(l) {
283                 l.onclick = function() {
284                     save_focus(this);
285                         JsHttpRequest.request(this);
286                         return false;
287                 }
288         },
289         'a': function(e) { // traverse menu
290                 e.onkeydown = function(ev) { 
291                         ev = ev||window.event;
292                         key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
293                         if(key==37 || key==38 || key==39 || key==40) {
294                                         move_focus(key, e, document.links);
295                                         return false;
296                         }
297                 }
298         },
299         'ul.ajaxtabs':  function(ul) {
300             var ulist=ul.getElementsByTagName("li");
301             for (var x=0; x<ulist.length; x++){ //loop through each LI e
302                 var ulistlink=ulist[x].getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
303                 if(ulistlink.onclick==undefined) {
304 // ?  var modifiedurl=ulistlink.getAttribute("href").replace(/^http:\/\/[^\/]+\//i, "http://"+window.location.hostname+"/")
305                     var url = ulistlink.form.action
306                     ulistlink.onclick=function(){
307                         _expand(this);
308                         return false;
309                     }
310                 }
311             }
312         },
313 /*      'tr.editrow': function(e) {
314                         e.onkeydown = function(ev) { 
315                         ev = ev||window.event;
316                         key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
317                         if(key == 13) {
318                           // Find & click additem/update button
320                         } else  if(key == 27) {
321                           return false;
322                         }
323                 }
325         },
326 */      '#msgbox': function(e) {
327         // this is to avoid changing div height after ajax update in IE7
328  = e.innerHTML.length ? 'block' : 'none';
329         }
330 /* TODO
331         'a.date_picker':  function(e) {
332             // this un-hides data picker for js enabled browsers
333             e.href = date_picker(this.getAttribute('rel'));
334    = '';
335             e.tabindex = -1; // skip in tabbing order
336         }
337 */
338 };
339 function stopEv(ev) {
340                         ev.returnValue = false;
341                         ev.cancelBubble = true;
342                         if(ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault();
343                         return false;
344 }
345 /*
346         Modified accesskey system. While Alt key is pressed letter keys moves 
347         focus to next marked link. Alt key release activates focused link.
348 */
349 function setHotKeys() {
350         document.onkeydown = function(ev) {
351                 ev = ev||window.event;
352                 key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
353                 if (key == 18 && !ev.ctrlKey) { // start selection, skip Win AltGr
354                         _hotkeys.alt = true;
355                         _hotkeys.focus = -1;
356                         return stopEv(ev);
357                 } else
358                 if (key == 27) { // cancel selection
359                         _hotkeys.alt = false;
360                         _hotkeys.focus = -1;
361                         return stopEv(ev);
362                 } 
363                 else if (_hotkeys.alt && ((key>47 && key<58) || (key>64 && key<91))) {
364                         var n = _hotkeys.focus;
365                         var l = document.links;
366                         var cnt = l.length;
367                         key = String.fromCharCode(key);
368                         for (var i=0; i<cnt; i++) { 
369                                 n = (n+1)%cnt;
370                                 // check also if the link is visible
371                                 if (l[n].accessKey==key && l[n].scrollWidth) {
372                                         _hotkeys.focus = n;
373             // The timeout is needed to prevent unpredictable behaviour on IE.
374                                         var tmp = function() {document.links[_hotkeys.focus].focus();};
375                                         setTimeout(tmp, 0);
376                                         break;
377                                 }
378                         }
379                         return stopEv(ev);
380                 }
381                 return true;
382         };
383         document.onkeyup = function(ev) {
384                 if (_hotkeys.alt==true) {
385                         ev = ev||window.event;
386                         key = ev.keyCode||ev.which;
388                         if (key == 18) {
389                                 _hotkeys.alt = false;
390                                 if (_hotkeys.focus>=0) {
391                                         var link = document.links[_hotkeys.focus];
392                                         if ('_blank') {
393 //                                    ,'','toolbar=no,scrollbar=no,resizable=yes,menubar=no,width=900,height=500');
394                                                 openWindow(link.href,'_blank');
395                                         } else
396                                                 window.location = link.href;
397                                 }
398                         } 
399                         return stopEv(ev);
400                 }
401                 return true;
402         }
403 }
405 Behaviour.register(inserts);
407 Behaviour.addLoadEvent(setFocus);
408 Behaviour.addLoadEvent(setHotKeys);