Wrong type for AP Surf Set in demo data.
[fa-stable.git] / reporting / includes / htmlcolors.php
1 <?php
2 //============================================================+
3 // File name   : htmlcolors.php
4 // Begin       : 2002-04-09
5 // Last Update : 2008-04-01
6 // Version     : 1.0.000
7 // License     : GNU LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
8 //      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 //  Copyright (C) 2002-2008  Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com S.r.l.
10 //      
11 //      This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 //      it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
13 //      the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
14 //      (at your option) any later version.
15 //      
16 //      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 //      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 //      GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 //      
21 //      You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22 //      along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 //      
24 //      See LICENSE.TXT file for more information.
25 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 //
27 // Description : Array of WEB safe colors
28 //
29 // Author: Nicola Asuni
30 //
31 // (c) Copyright:
32 //               Nicola Asuni
33 //               Tecnick.com S.r.l.
34 //               Via della Pace, 11
35 //               09044 Quartucciu (CA)
36 //               ITALY
37 //               www.tecnick.com
38 //               info@tecnick.com
39 //============================================================+
41 /**
42  * Array of WEB safe colors.
43  * @author Nicola Asuni
44  * @copyright 2004-2008 Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com S.r.l (www.tecnick.com) Via Della Pace, 11 - 09044 - Quartucciu (CA) - ITALY - www.tecnick.com - info@tecnick.com
45  * @package com.tecnick.tcpdf
46  * @link http://www.tcpdf.org
47  * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL
48  * @since 2.9.000 (2008-03-26)
49 */
51 /**
52  * Array of WEB safe colors
53  */
54 $webcolor = array (
55 "aliceblue" => "f0f8ff",
56 "antiquewhite" => "faebd7",
57 "aqua" => "00ffff",
58 "aquamarine" => "7fffd4",
59 "azure" => "f0ffff",
60 "beige" => "f5f5dc",
61 "bisque" => "ffe4c4",
62 "black" => "000000",
63 "blanchedalmond" => "ffebcd",
64 "blue" => "0000ff",
65 "blueviolet" => "8a2be2",
66 "brown" => "a52a2a",
67 "burlywood" => "deb887",
68 "cadetblue" => "5f9ea0",
69 "chartreuse" => "7fff00",
70 "chocolate" => "d2691e",
71 "coral" => "ff7f50",
72 "cornflowerblue" => "6495ed",
73 "cornsilk" => "fff8dc",
74 "crimson" => "dc143c",
75 "cyan" => "00ffff",
76 "darkblue" => "00008b",
77 "darkcyan" => "008b8b",
78 "darkgoldenrod" => "b8860b",
79 "darkgray" => "a9a9a9",
80 "darkgrey" => "a9a9a9",
81 "darkgreen" => "006400",
82 "darkkhaki" => "bdb76b",
83 "darkmagenta" => "8b008b",
84 "darkolivegreen" => "556b2f",
85 "darkorange" => "ff8c00",
86 "darkorchid" => "9932cc",
87 "darkred" => "8b0000",
88 "darksalmon" => "e9967a",
89 "darkseagreen" => "8fbc8f",
90 "darkslateblue" => "483d8b",
91 "darkslategray" => "2f4f4f",
92 "darkslategrey" => "2f4f4f",
93 "darkturquoise" => "00ced1",
94 "darkviolet" => "9400d3",
95 "deeppink" => "ff1493",
96 "deepskyblue" => "00bfff",
97 "dimgray" => "696969",
98 "dimgrey" => "696969",
99 "dodgerblue" => "1e90ff",
100 "firebrick" => "b22222",
101 "floralwhite" => "fffaf0",
102 "forestgreen" => "228b22",
103 "fuchsia" => "ff00ff",
104 "gainsboro" => "dcdcdc",
105 "ghostwhite" => "f8f8ff",
106 "gold" => "ffd700",
107 "goldenrod" => "daa520",
108 "gray" => "808080",
109 "grey" => "808080",
110 "green" => "008000",
111 "greenyellow" => "adff2f",
112 "honeydew" => "f0fff0",
113 "hotpink" => "ff69b4",
114 "indianred " => "cd5c5c",
115 "indigo " => "4b0082",
116 "ivory" => "fffff0",
117 "khaki" => "f0e68c",
118 "lavender" => "e6e6fa",
119 "lavenderblush" => "fff0f5",
120 "lawngreen" => "7cfc00",
121 "lemonchiffon" => "fffacd",
122 "lightblue" => "add8e6",
123 "lightcoral" => "f08080",
124 "lightcyan" => "e0ffff",
125 "lightgoldenrodyellow" => "fafad2",
126 "lightgray" => "d3d3d3",
127 "lightgrey" => "d3d3d3",
128 "lightgreen" => "90ee90",
129 "lightpink" => "ffb6c1",
130 "lightsalmon" => "ffa07a",
131 "lightseagreen" => "20b2aa",
132 "lightskyblue" => "87cefa",
133 "lightslategray" => "778899",
134 "lightslategrey" => "778899",
135 "lightsteelblue" => "b0c4de",
136 "lightyellow" => "ffffe0",
137 "lime" => "00ff00",
138 "limegreen" => "32cd32",
139 "linen" => "faf0e6",
140 "magenta" => "ff00ff",
141 "maroon" => "800000",
142 "mediumaquamarine" => "66cdaa",
143 "mediumblue" => "0000cd",
144 "mediumorchid" => "ba55d3",
145 "mediumpurple" => "9370d8",
146 "mediumseagreen" => "3cb371",
147 "mediumslateblue" => "7b68ee",
148 "mediumspringgreen" => "00fa9a",
149 "mediumturquoise" => "48d1cc",
150 "mediumvioletred" => "c71585",
151 "midnightblue" => "191970",
152 "mintcream" => "f5fffa",
153 "mistyrose" => "ffe4e1",
154 "moccasin" => "ffe4b5",
155 "navajowhite" => "ffdead",
156 "navy" => "000080",
157 "oldlace" => "fdf5e6",
158 "olive" => "808000",
159 "olivedrab" => "6b8e23",
160 "orange" => "ffa500",
161 "orangered" => "ff4500",
162 "orchid" => "da70d6",
163 "palegoldenrod" => "eee8aa",
164 "palegreen" => "98fb98",
165 "paleturquoise" => "afeeee",
166 "palevioletred" => "d87093",
167 "papayawhip" => "ffefd5",
168 "peachpuff" => "ffdab9",
169 "peru" => "cd853f",
170 "pink" => "ffc0cb",
171 "plum" => "dda0dd",
172 "powderblue" => "b0e0e6",
173 "purple" => "800080",
174 "red" => "ff0000",
175 "rosybrown" => "bc8f8f",
176 "royalblue" => "4169e1",
177 "saddlebrown" => "8b4513",
178 "salmon" => "fa8072",
179 "sandybrown" => "f4a460",
180 "seagreen" => "2e8b57",
181 "seashell" => "fff5ee",
182 "sienna" => "a0522d",
183 "silver" => "c0c0c0",
184 "skyblue" => "87ceeb",
185 "slateblue" => "6a5acd",
186 "slategray" => "708090",
187 "slategrey" => "708090",
188 "snow" => "fffafa",
189 "springgreen" => "00ff7f",
190 "steelblue" => "4682b4",
191 "tan" => "d2b48c",
192 "teal" => "008080",
193 "thistle" => "d8bfd8",
194 "tomato" => "ff6347",
195 "turquoise" => "40e0d0",
196 "violet" => "ee82ee",
197 "wheat" => "f5deb3",
198 "white" => "ffffff",
199 "whitesmoke" => "f5f5f5",
200 "yellow" => "ffff00",
201 "yellowgreen" => "9acd32"
202 );
204 //============================================================+
205 // END OF FILE                                                 
206 //============================================================+