/** * @version $Id$ * @package FrontAccounting * @copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 FrontAccounting * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * FrontAccounting is Free Software */ 1. Changelog ------------ This is a changelog for FrontAccounting All releases. Legend: # -> Bug Fix + -> Addition ! -> Change - -> Removed ! -> Note $ -> Affected files 31-Jan-2008 Janusz Dobrowolski # Minor bugfix in db_import() $ /admin/db/maintenance_db.inc 30-Jan-2008 Janusz Dobrowolski # Minor display fix in tax_types.php $ /taxes/tax_types.php ! Format cleanup on some files. $ /gl/includes/gl_db.inc /gl/includes/gl_ui.inc /applications/application.php frontaccounting.php index.php -------------------- 1.16 Stable Released ---------------------- 28-Jan-2008 Joe Hunt + Added a possibility to replace the normal listboxes for items, customer and/or suppliers with a search box. The listboxes can only hold about 1000 items. New variables in config.php, $no_item_list, $no_customer_list and $no_supplier_list. Default is the normal behavior for all listboxes. $ /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc /sales/includes/ui/sales_orders_ui.inc /purchases/includes/ui/po_ui.inc /themes/default/images/locate.png (New file) config.php + Added ALTER TABLE possibility in db_import. For future releases. $ /admin/db/maintenence_db.inc # Removed warnings 'Call-time pass-by-reference' in /includes/db/connect_db.inc and /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc # Fixed File not found when loading local stylesheet.css (for other languages) in /includes/page/header.inc $ /includes/db/connect_db.inc /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc /includes/page/header.inc /access/login.php 16-Jan-2008 Joe Hunt # When login screen is displayed after session timeout page content is broken. It is because of NOT using absolute paths in href attribute theme elements. $ /access/login.php 30-Dec-2007 Joe Hunt # Minor adjustments in function db_export on line 325 $ /admin/db/maintenance_db.inc 29-Dec-2007 Joe Hunt + Added a variable, $print_invoice_no, in config.php for printing the invoice number instead of invoice reference. $ config.php # Fixed a bug when exporting database. Exported NULL field values from NO to empty field (from mysql version 5.0.32). Also fixed a unneccessary str_replace when importing sql scripts. ! Changed the PDF presentation to deleting the Javascript cache before presentation. $ /admin/db/maintenance_db.inc /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc 13-Dec-2007 Joe Hunt # Still bugs in trial balances and account inquiry on screen when selecting non balance accounts. Fixed. $ /gl/inquiry/gl_trial_balance.php /gl/inquiry/gl_account_inquiry.php 13-Dec-2007 Joe Hunt # Fixed a bug when voiding a transaction (Journal Entry). An eventually underlying bank transfer was not voided. $ /admin/db/voiding_db.inc 06-Dec-2007 Joe Hunt # Fixed a bug when adding lines during Payments to suppliers, the supplier was set back to the first. $ /gl/gl_payment.php /gl/includes/ui/gl_payment_ui.inc ! Changed $loc_notification to be set to 0 instead of 1. $ config.php -------------------- 1.15 Stable Released ---------------------- 05-Dec-2007 Joe Hunt + Added email notification to stock location when available stock is below reorder level $ config.php /sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc # Fixed bugs in Open balances when account is not a balance account $ /gl/inquiry/gl_trial_balance.php /gl/inquiry/gl_account_inquiry.php /reporting/rep704.php /reporting/rep708.php -------------------- 1.14 Stable Released ---------------------- 01-Oct-2007 Joe Hunt ! Major change in the installation of modules to also accept an SQL-file for upload. $ config.php /admin/inst_module.php /admin/db/maintenance_db.inc 30-Sep-2007 Joe Hunt # The following files were still vulnerable. Fixed $ /access/login.php /includes/lang/language.php -------------------- 1.13 Stable Released ---------------------- 14-Sep-2007 Joe Hunt + Added optional link for electronic payment on invoices (PayPal). ! Better support for install/update languages. ! Minor adjustments # Fixed a vulnerable item in config.php $ config.php 14-Sep-2007 Joe Hunt # We forgot to upload the PO file when installing new language. Used when GETTEXT is not installed on Server. # config.php has been vulnerable. Fixed. $ /admin/inst_lang.php $ config.php 10-Sep-2007 Joe Hunt ! Changed Bank Address field from text to textarea (multirows) $ /gl/manage/bank_accounts.php 06-Sep-2007 Joe Hunt + Added optional link for electronic payment on invoices (PayPal) $ /reporting/reports_main.php /reporting/rep107.php /reporting/includes/report_classes.inc /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc /reporting/includes/doc_text.inc /reporting/includes/doc_text2.inc 23-Aug-2007 Joe Hunt # Unnecessary parameter ($db) in check_for_recursive_bom $ /manufacturing/manage/bom_edit.php 21-Aug-2007 Joe Hunt # Bug in /includes/lang/gettext.php (249) affecting changing language! $ /includes/lang/gettext.php 08-Aug-2007 Joe Hunt # Minor adjustments $ config.php /access/login.php /admin/create_coy.php /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc 04-Aug-2007 Joe Hunt + Added a default fiscal year in the en_US-new.sql and start references. $ /sql/en_US-new.sql ! Changed some specific text strings in en_US.po (E.g. TAX instead of VAT) $ /lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/en_US.mo 03-Aug-2007 Joe Hunt # A bug in Direct Invoicing (wrong Invoice Date) has been fixed. $ /sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc 23-Jul-2007 Joe Hunt # Changed