. ***********************************************************************/ if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root'])) die(_("Restricted access")); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/page/header.inc"); $js = ""; add_js_file('login.js'); // Display demo user name and password within login form if allow_demo_mode option is true if ($SysPrefs->allow_demo_mode == true) { $demo_text = _("Login as user: demouser and password: password"); } else { $demo_text = _("Please login here"); if (@$SysPrefs->allow_password_reset) { $demo_text .= " "._("or")." "._("request new password").""; } } if (check_faillog()) { $blocked = true; $js .= ""; $demo_text = ''._('Too many failed login attempts.
Please wait a while or try later.').'
'; } elseif ($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->login_attempt > 1) { $demo_text = ''._("Invalid password or username. Please, try again.").''; } flush_dir(user_js_cache()); if (!isset($def_coy)) $def_coy = 0; $def_theme = "default"; $login_timeout = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->last_act; $title = $login_timeout ? _('Authorization timeout') : $SysPrefs->app_title." ".$version." - "._("Login"); $encoding = isset($_SESSION['language']->encoding) ? $_SESSION['language']->encoding : "iso-8859-1"; $rtl = isset($_SESSION['language']->dir) ? $_SESSION['language']->dir : "ltr"; $onload = !$login_timeout ? "onload='defaultCompany()'" : ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "$title\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; send_scripts(); if (!$login_timeout) { echo $js; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; div_start('_page_body'); br();br(); start_form(false, false, $_SESSION['timeout']['uri'], "loginform"); start_table(false, "class='login'"); start_row(); echo ""; if (!$login_timeout) { // FA logo echo "FrontAccounting"; } else { echo ""._('Authorization timeout').""; } echo "\n"; end_row(); if (!$login_timeout) table_section_title(_("Version")." $version Build ".$SysPrefs->build_version." - "._("Login")); $value = $login_timeout ? $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->loginname : ($SysPrefs->allow_demo_mode ? "demouser":""); $allow = SECURE_ONLY !== true ? true : (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === "localhost"; if ($allow) { text_row(_("User name"), "user_name_entry_field", $value, 20, 30); $password = $SysPrefs->allow_demo_mode ? "password":""; password_row(_("Password:"), 'password', $password); if ($login_timeout) { hidden('company_login_name', user_company()); } else { $coy = user_company(); if (!isset($coy)) $coy = $def_coy; if (isset($db_connections)) { if (!@$SysPrefs->text_company_selection) { echo ""._("Company")."\n"; echo ""; } else { text_row(_("Company"), "company_login_nickname", "", 20, 50); } } } } else { $demo_text = ''._("HTTP access is not allowed on this site. This is unsecure. If you really want to access this unsecure site then set the SECURE_ONLY to false in /includes/session.inc file.").''; } start_row(); label_cell($demo_text, "colspan=2 align='center' id='log_msg'"); end_row(); end_table(1); echo "\n"; if ($allow) { echo "
\n"; } foreach($_SESSION['timeout']['post'] as $p => $val) { // add all request variables to be resend together with login data if (!in_array($p, array('ui_mode', 'user_name_entry_field', 'password', 'SubmitUser', 'company_login_name'))) if (!is_array($val)) echo ""; else foreach($val as $i => $v) echo ""; } end_form(1); $Ajax->addScript(true, "if (document.forms.length) document.forms[0].password.focus();"); echo ""; div_end(); echo "\n"; echo ""; if (isset($_SESSION['wa_current_user'])) $date = Today() . " | " . Now(); else $date = date("m/d/Y") . " | " . date("h.i am"); echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n";