. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_CREATECOMPANY'; $path_to_root=".."; include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/company_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/maintenance_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); page(_($help_context = "Create/Update Company")); $comp_subdirs = array('images', 'pdf_files', 'backup','js_cache', 'reporting', 'attachments'); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['selected_id'])) { $selected_id = $_GET['selected_id']; } elseif (isset($_POST['selected_id'])) { $selected_id = $_POST['selected_id']; } else $selected_id = -1; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_data() { global $db_connections, $tb_pref_counter, $selected_id; if ($_POST['name'] == "" || $_POST['host'] == "" || $_POST['dbuser'] == "" || $_POST['dbname'] == "") return false; foreach($db_connections as $id=>$con) { if($id != $selected_id && $_POST['host'] == $con['host'] && $_POST['dbname'] == $con['dbname']) { if ($_POST['tbpref'] == $con['tbpref']) { display_error(_("This database settings are already used by another company.")); return false; } if (($_POST['tbpref'] == 0) ^ ($con['tbpref'] == '')) { display_error(_("You cannot have table set without prefix together with prefixed sets in the same database.")); return false; } } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function remove_connection($id) { global $db_connections; $err = db_drop_db($db_connections[$id]); unset($db_connections[$id]); $conn = array_values($db_connections); $db_connections = $conn; //$$db_connections = array_values($db_connections); return $err; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_submit() { global $db_connections, $def_coy, $tb_pref_counter, $db, $comp_subdirs, $path_to_root; $new = false; $error = false; if (!check_data()) return false; $id = $_GET['id']; $db_connections[$id]['name'] = $_POST['name']; $db_connections[$id]['host'] = $_POST['host']; $db_connections[$id]['dbuser'] = $_POST['dbuser']; $db_connections[$id]['dbpassword'] = $_POST['dbpassword']; $db_connections[$id]['dbname'] = $_POST['dbname']; if (isset($_GET['ul']) && $_GET['ul'] == 1) { if (is_numeric($_POST['tbpref'])) { $db_connections[$id]['tbpref'] = $_POST['tbpref'] == 1 ? $tb_pref_counter."_" : ''; $new = true; } else if ($_POST['tbpref'] != "") $db_connections[$id]['tbpref'] = $_POST['tbpref']; else $db_connections[$id]['tbpref'] = ""; } if ((bool)$_POST['def'] == true) $def_coy = $id; if (isset($_GET['ul']) && $_GET['ul'] == 1) { $conn = $db_connections[$id]; if (($db = db_create_db($conn)) == 0) { display_error(_("Error creating Database: ") . $conn['dbname'] . _(", Please create it manually")); $error = true; } else { $filename = $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']; if (is_uploaded_file ($filename)) { if (!db_import($filename, $conn, $id)) { display_error(_('Cannot create new company due to bugs in sql file.')); $error = true; } else if (isset($_POST['admpassword']) && $_POST['admpassword'] != "") update_admin_password($conn, md5($_POST['admpassword'])); } else { display_error(_("Error uploading Database Script, please upload it manually")); $error = true; } } set_global_connection(); if ($error) { remove_connection($id); return false; } } else { if ($_GET['c'] = 'u') { $conn = $db_connections[$id]; if (($db = db_create_db($conn)) == 0) { display_error(_("Error connecting to Database: ") . $conn['dbname'] . _(", Please correct it")); $error = true; } else { db_query("UPDATE ".$conn['tbpref']."users set password = '".md5($_POST['admpassword']). "' WHERE user_id = 'admin'"); } } } $error = write_config_db($new); if ($error == -1) display_error(_("Cannot open the configuration file - ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); else if ($error == -2) display_error(_("Cannot write to the configuration file - ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); else if ($error == -3) display_error(_("The configuration file ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php" . _(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation.")); if ($error != 0) { return false; } if ($new) { create_comp_dirs(company_path($id), $comp_subdirs); } $exts = get_company_extensions(); write_extensions($exts, $id); display_notification($new ? _('New company has been created.') : _('Company has been updated.')); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_delete() { global $def_coy, $db_connections, $comp_subdirs, $path_to_root; $id = $_GET['id']; // First make sure all company directories from the one under removal are writable. // Without this after operation we end up with changed per-company owners! for($i = $id; $i < count($db_connections); $i++) { $comp_path = company_path($i); if (!is_dir($comp_path.'/'.$i) || !is_writable($comp_path.'/'.$i)) { display_error(_('Broken company subdirectories system. You have to remove this company manually.')); return; } } // make sure config file is writable if (!is_writeable($path_to_root . "/config_db.php")) { display_error(_("The configuration file ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php" . _(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation.")); return; } // rename directory to temporary name to ensure all // other subdirectories will have right owners even after // unsuccessfull removal. $cdir = company_path($id); $tmpname = company_path('/old_'.$id); if (!@rename($cdir, $tmpname)) { display_error(_('Cannot rename subdirectory to temporary name.')); return; } // 'shift' company directories names for ($i = $id+1; $i < count($db_connections); $i++) { if (!rename(company_path($i), company_path($i-1))) { display_error(_("Cannot rename company subdirectory")); return; } } $err = remove_connection($id); if ($err == 0) display_error(_("Error removing Database: ") . $dbase . _(", please remove it manually")); if ($def_coy == $id) $def_coy = 0; $error = write_config_db(); if ($error == -1) display_error(_("Cannot open the configuration file - ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); else if ($error == -2) display_error(_("Cannot write to the configuration file - ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); else if ($error == -3) display_error(_("The configuration file ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php" . _(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation.")); if ($error != 0) { @rename($tmpname, $cdir); return; } // finally remove renamed company directory @flush_dir($tmpname, true); if (!@rmdir($tmpname)) { display_error(_("Cannot remove temporary renamed company data directory ") . $tmpname); return; } display_notification(_("Selected company as been deleted")); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_companies() { global $def_coy, $db_connections; $coyno = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->company; echo " "; start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Company"), _("Database Host"), _("Database User"), _("Database Name"), _("Table Pref"), _("Default"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k=0; $conn = $db_connections; $n = count($conn); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($i == $def_coy) $what = _("Yes"); else $what = _("No"); if ($i == $coyno) start_row("class='stockmankobg'"); else alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($conn[$i]['name']); label_cell($conn[$i]['host']); label_cell($conn[$i]['dbuser']); label_cell($conn[$i]['dbname']); label_cell($conn[$i]['tbpref']); label_cell($what); $edit = _("Edit"); $delete = _("Delete"); if (user_graphic_links()) { $edit = set_icon(ICON_EDIT, $edit); $delete = set_icon(ICON_DELETE, $delete); } label_cell("$edit"); label_cell( $i == $coyno ? '' : "$delete"); end_row(); } end_table(); display_note(_("The marked company is the current company which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_company_edit($selected_id) { global $def_coy, $db_connections, $tb_pref_counter; if ($selected_id != -1) $n = $selected_id; else $n = count($db_connections); start_form(true); echo " "; start_table(TABLESTYLE2); if ($selected_id != -1) { $conn = $db_connections[$selected_id]; $_POST['name'] = $conn['name']; $_POST['host'] = $conn['host']; $_POST['dbuser'] = $conn['dbuser']; $_POST['dbpassword'] = $conn['dbpassword']; $_POST['dbname'] = $conn['dbname']; $_POST['tbpref'] = $conn['tbpref']; if ($selected_id == $def_coy) $_POST['def'] = true; else $_POST['def'] = false; $_POST['dbcreate'] = false; hidden('selected_id', $selected_id); hidden('tbpref', $_POST['tbpref']); hidden('dbpassword', $_POST['dbpassword']); } else $_POST['tbpref'] = $tb_pref_counter."_"; text_row_ex(_("Company"), 'name', 30); text_row_ex(_("Host"), 'host', 30); text_row_ex(_("Database User"), 'dbuser', 30); if ($selected_id == -1) text_row_ex(_("Database Password"), 'dbpassword', 30); text_row_ex(_("Database Name"), 'dbname', 30); if ($selected_id == -1) yesno_list_row(_("Table Pref"), 'tbpref', 1, $_POST['tbpref'], _("None"), false); else label_row(_("Table Pref"), $_POST['tbpref']); yesno_list_row(_("Default"), 'def', null, "", "", false); file_row(_("Database Script"), "uploadfile"); text_row_ex(_("New script Admin Password"), 'admpassword', 20); end_table(); display_note(_("Choose from Database scripts in SQL folder. No Database is created without a script."), 0, 1); echo "
"; end_form(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['c']) && $_GET['c'] == 'df') { handle_delete(); $selected_id = -1; } if (isset($_GET['c']) && $_GET['c'] == 'u') if (handle_submit()) $selected_id = -1; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- display_companies(); hyperlink_no_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Create a new company")); display_company_edit($selected_id); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end_page(); ?>