. ***********************************************************************/ /* Update main or gl company setup. */ function update_company_prefs($params) { begin_transaction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."sys_prefs SET value = "; foreach($params as $name => $value) { if (!db_query($sql. db_escape($value). " WHERE name=".db_escape($name), "The company prefferences could not be updated ")) return false; // update cached value $_SESSION['SysPrefs']->prefs[$name] = $value; } commit_transaction(); return true; } /* Get company preferences. Returns cached values from global variable SysPrefs or retrieved from database if SysPrefs values are not set. $prefs can be preference name, array of names, or null for all preferences. */ function get_company_pref($prefs = null) { global $SysPrefs, $db_version; if (!isset($SysPrefs->prefs)) // just after first login or reset $SysPrefs->refresh(); $all = $SysPrefs->prefs; if ($prefs && is_string($prefs)) return @$all[$prefs]; if (!is_array($all)) $all = array(); return $all; } function get_company_prefs() { return get_company_pref(null); } function set_company_pref($pref, $category, $type, $length, $value) { begin_transaction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); $sql = "REPLACE `".TB_PREF."sys_prefs` SET `name`=".db_escape($pref).", `category`=".db_escape($category) .", `type`=".db_escape($type).", `length`=".db_escape($length).", `value`=".db_escape($value); $result = db_query($sql, "cannot set company pref"); commit_transaction(); return $result; } function get_base_sales_type() { return get_company_pref('base_sales'); } function get_company_extensions($id = -1) { global $path_to_root; $file = $path_to_root.($id == -1 ? '' : '/company/'.(int)$id).'/installed_extensions.php'; $installed_extensions = array(); if (is_file($file)) { include($file); } return $installed_extensions; } function add_payment_terms($daysOrFoll, $terms, $dayNumber) { begin_transaction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); if ($daysOrFoll) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."payment_terms (terms, days_before_due, day_in_following_month) VALUES (" . db_escape($terms) . ", " . db_escape($dayNumber) . ", 0)"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."payment_terms (terms, days_before_due, day_in_following_month) VALUES (" . db_escape($terms) . ", 0, " . db_escape($dayNumber) . ")"; } db_query($sql,"The payment term could not be added"); commit_transaction(); } function update_payment_terms($selected_id, $daysOrFoll, $terms, $dayNumber) { begin_transaction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); if ($daysOrFoll) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."payment_terms SET terms=" . db_escape($terms) . ", day_in_following_month=0, days_before_due=" . db_escape($dayNumber) . " WHERE terms_indicator = " .db_escape($selected_id); } else { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."payment_terms SET terms=" . db_escape($terms) . ", day_in_following_month=" . db_escape($dayNumber) . ", days_before_due=0 WHERE terms_indicator = " .db_escape($selected_id); } db_query($sql,"The payment term could not be updated"); commit_transaction(); } function delete_payment_terms($selected_id) { begin_transaction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); $sql="DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms WHERE terms_indicator=".db_escape($selected_id); db_query($sql,"could not delete a payment terms"); commit_transaction(); } function get_payment_terms($selected_id) { $sql = "SELECT *, (t.days_before_due=0) AND (t.day_in_following_month=0) as cash_sale FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms t WHERE terms_indicator=".db_escape($selected_id); $result = db_query($sql,"could not get payment term"); return db_fetch($result); } function get_payment_terms_all($show_inactive) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms"; if (!$show_inactive) $sql .= " WHERE !inactive"; return db_query($sql,"could not get payment terms"); } /* Return number of records in tables, where some foreign key $id is used. $id - searched key value $tables - array of table names (without prefix); when table name is used as a key, then value is name of foreign key field. For numeric keys $stdkey field name is used. $stdkey - standard name of foreign key. */ function key_in_foreign_table($id, $tables, $stdkey) { if (!is_array($tables)) $tables = array($tables); $sqls = array(); foreach ($tables as $tbl => $key) { if (is_numeric($tbl)) { $tbl = $key; $key = $stdkey; } $sqls[] = "(SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM `".TB_PREF."$tbl` WHERE `$key`=".db_escape($id).")\n"; } $sql = "SELECT sum(cnt) FROM (". implode(' UNION ', $sqls).") as counts"; $result = db_query($sql, "check relations for ".implode(',',$tables)." failed"); $count = db_fetch($result); return $count[0]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Resets $theme references in users records to 'default'. // function clean_user_themes($theme) { global $db_connections, $db; begin_transaction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); $comp = user_company(); $connections = $db_connections; // do not use db_connections directly here, or script will hang due to db_connections usage inside the loop foreach ($connections as $n => $conn) { $db = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->set_db_connection($n); $sql = "UPDATE {$conn['tbpref']}users SET theme='default' WHERE theme='$theme'"; if (!db_query($sql, 'Cannot update user theme settings')) return false; } $db = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->set_db_connection($comp); $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->prefs->theme = 'default'; commit_transaction(); return true; }