. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root."/includes/packages.inc"); // // Utility class contains basic database upgrade routines. // class fa_patch { var $previous; // previous database version var $version; // version after upgrade var $description; // short patch description var $sql; // basic sql file var $cur_company; var $backup; // pre-upgrade backup filename var $errors = array(); var $max_upgrade_time = 300; function fa_patch() { global $path_to_root; include $path_to_root."/config_db.php"; $this->companies = $db_connections; return $this->companies; } /* Collect/log messages generated during upgrade process. */ function log_error($msg, $type='Error') { if ($type == 'Error') $this->errors[] = $msg; error_log(sprintf('[%s] %s', $type, $msg)); return false; } /* Check and disable incompatible extensions. */ function update_extensions() { global $version; $mods = get_company_extensions(); $exts = get_company_extensions($this->cur_company); $fixed = false; foreach($mods as $key => $ins) { foreach($exts as $ext) if ($ext['name'] == $ins['name'] && (!check_src_ext_version($ins['version']))) { $mods[$key]['active'] = false; $this->log_error(sprintf(_("Uncompatible extension '%s' disabled for company %d."), $ins['name'], $this->cur_company), 'Notice'); $fixed = true; continue 2; } } if ($fixed) write_extensions($mods, $this->cur_company); } /* Pre-install maintenance: login to company, open upgrade log, make a backup */ function pre_install($company) { global $SysPrefs; $this->cur_company = $company; $this->errors = array(); $this->backup = null; $this->save_log = ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__).'/../../tmp/upgrade.'.$this->cur_company.'.log'); $this->log_error(sprintf(_("Upgrade started for company %s."), $this->cur_company), 'Info'); if (!set_global_connection($this->cur_company)) return $this->log_error(_("Cannot connect to company database.")); $cur_ver = get_company_pref('version_id', true); if ($cur_ver != $this->previous) return $this->log_error(sprintf(_("Cannot upgrade company %s: database version is incompatible ('%s' instead of '%s')."), $this->cur_company, $cur_ver, $this->previous)); $this->update_extensions(); // disable uncompatible extensions if (!$this->prepare()) // fetch params, perform additional checks (if any) return false; if (!$this->sql) return true; // skip security backup if database content is not changed $this->backup = db_backup($this->companies[$this->cur_company], 'no', 'Security backup before upgrade', $SysPrefs->backup_dir($this->cur_company)); if (!$this->backup) return $this->log_error(_("Security backup failed.")); $this->log_error(sprintf(_("Security backup in file %s done."), $this->backup), 'Info'); return true; } /* Basic install procedure using sql file. */ function sql_install($company, $force=false) { global $path_to_root; if ($this->sql != '') // perform basic upgrade operations defined in sql file { $result = true; if ($result === true) $result = db_import($path_to_root. '/sql/'.$this->sql, $this->companies[$company], $force, true, false, true); if ($result !== true) { if (is_array($result)) { foreach($result as $err) $this->log_error($err[1] . ':'. $err[0]); } else { $this->log_error($result); unset($this->backup); // prevent restore (database was not touched due to other errors) } return false; } } return true; } /* Post install procedures: update database version, or restore databse from backup file in case of errors */ function post_install($result=true) { global $db_version; if ($result !== true) { if ($this->backup) { if (!set_global_connection($this->cur_company)) // reset connection to clear encoding return $this->log_error(_("Cannot connect to company database for database restore.")); set_time_limit($this->max_upgrade_time); $result = db_import($this->backup, $this->companies[$this->cur_company], true, false); if ($result) $this->log_error(_("Upgrade failed. Original database content restored successfully."), 'Info'); else $thi->log_error(sprintf(_("Database restore operation failed. Original database content is in %s file."), $this->backup)); $this->post_fail($this->cur_company); } } else { update_company_prefs(array('version_id' => $this->version)); } $this->log_error(sprintf(_("Upgrade for company %s finished."), $this->cur_company), 'Info'); set_global_connection(); ini_set('error_log', $this->save_log); if (db_fixed()) db_set_encoding(); return $result; } /* Main routine for single company upgrade. */ function upgrade_company($comp, $force=false) { $result = $this->pre_install($comp) && $this->sql_install($comp, $force) && $this->install($comp, $force); $this->post_install($result); return count($this->errors) == 0; } /* Additional version specific php/sql upgrade procedures. This procedure is performed after basic sql upgrade script is run. */ function install($company, $force=false) { return true; } /* Optional cleanup procedure. This procedure is run in case of upgrade failure, before the backup is restored. */ function post_fail($company) { } /* Present upgrade parameters to administrator This function presents upgrade choices, after selection company to be upgraded. */ function show_params($comp) { } /* Fetch & check upgrade parameters, check additional upgrade pre-conditions. This function is run after successfull switching to target database connection. */ function prepare() { return true; } } /* Return databases status info. */ function get_site_status($connections) { global $SysPrefs; $info = array(); foreach($connections as $i => $conn) { $info[$i]['status'] = set_global_connection($i) !== false; $info[$i]['name'] = $conn['name']; $info[$i]['table_set'] = $conn['host'].'/'.$conn['dbname'].':'.$conn['tbpref'].'*'; if ($info[$i]['status']) { $info[$i]['version'] = get_company_pref('version_id'); } } set_global_connection(); $SysPrefs->refresh(); return $info; } /* Creates table of installer objects sorted by applicable db scheme version. */ function get_installers() { global $path_to_root; $patchdir = $path_to_root."/sql/"; $upgrades = array(); $datadir = @opendir($patchdir); if ($datadir) { while(false !== ($fname = readdir($datadir))) { // check all php files but index.php if (!is_dir($patchdir . $fname) && ($fname != 'index.php') && stristr($fname, '.php') != false && $fname[0] != '.') { unset($install); include_once($patchdir . $fname); if (isset($install)) // add installer if found $upgrades[$install->previous] = $install; } } ksort($upgrades); // sort by file name } return $upgrades; }