30 && !check_value('DaysOrFoll')) { $inpug_error = 1; display_error( _("When the check box to indicate a day in the following month is the due date, the due date cannot be a day after the 30th. A number between 1 and 30 is expected.")); set_focus('DayNumber'); } elseif ($_POST['DayNumber'] > 500 && check_value('DaysOrFoll')) { $inpug_error = 1; display_error( _("When the check box is not checked to indicate that the term expects a number of days after which accounts are due, the number entered should be less than 500 days.")); set_focus('DayNumber'); } if ($_POST['DayNumber'] == '') $_POST['DayNumber'] = 0; if ($inpug_error != 1) { if (isset($selected_id)) { if (check_value('DaysOrFoll')) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."payment_terms SET terms='" . $_POST['terms'] . "', day_in_following_month=0, days_before_due=" . $_POST['DayNumber'] . " WHERE terms_indicator = '" . $selected_id . "'"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."payment_terms SET terms='" . $_POST['terms'] . "', day_in_following_month=" . $_POST['DayNumber'] . ", days_before_due=0 WHERE terms_indicator = '" . $selected_id . "'"; } } else { if (check_value('DaysOrFoll')) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."payment_terms (terms, days_before_due, day_in_following_month) VALUES ('" . $_POST['terms'] . "', " . $_POST['DayNumber'] . ", 0)"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."payment_terms (terms, days_before_due, day_in_following_month) VALUES ('" . $_POST['terms'] . "', 0, " . $_POST['DayNumber'] . ")"; } } //run the sql from either of the above possibilites db_query($sql,"The payment term could not be added or updated"); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { // PREVENT DELETES IF DEPENDENT RECORDS IN debtors_master $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE payment_terms = '$selected_id'"; $result = db_query($sql,"check failed"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this payment term, because customer accounts have been created referring to this term.")); } else { $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."suppliers WHERE payment_terms = '$selected_id'"; $result = db_query($sql,"check failed"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this payment term, because supplier accounts have been created referring to this term")); } else { //only delete if used in neither customer or supplier accounts $sql="DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms WHERE terms_indicator='$selected_id'"; db_query($sql,"could not delete a payment terms"); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } } //end if payment terms used in customer or supplier accounts } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms"; $result = db_query($sql,"could not get payment terms"); start_table($table_style); $th = array(_("Description"), _("Following Month On"), _("Due After (Days)"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow["day_in_following_month"] == 0) { $full_text = _("N/A"); } else { $full_text = $myrow["day_in_following_month"]; } if ($myrow["days_before_due"] == 0) { $after_text = _("N/A"); } else { $after_text = $myrow["days_before_due"] . " " . _("days"); } alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["terms"]); label_cell($full_text); label_cell($after_text); edit_link_cell("selected_id=".$myrow["terms_indicator"]); delete_link_cell("selected_id=".$myrow["terms_indicator"]."&delete=1"); end_row(); } //END WHILE LIST LOOP end_table(); hyperlink_no_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("New Payment Term")); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_form(); start_table($table_style2); $day_in_following_month = $days_before_due = 0; if (isset($selected_id)) { //editing an existing payment terms $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms WHERE terms_indicator='$selected_id'"; $result = db_query($sql,"could not get payment term"); $myrow = db_fetch($result); $_POST['terms'] = $myrow["terms"]; $days_before_due = $myrow["days_before_due"]; $day_in_following_month = $myrow["day_in_following_month"]; hidden('selected_id', $selected_id); } text_row(_("Terms Description:"), 'terms', null, 40, 40); check_row(_("Due After A Given No. Of Days:"), 'DaysOrFoll', $day_in_following_month == 0); if (!isset($_POST['DayNumber'])) { if ($days_before_due != 0) $_POST['DayNumber'] = $days_before_due; else $_POST['DayNumber'] = $day_in_following_month; } text_row_ex(_("Days (Or Day In Following Month):"), 'DayNumber', 3); end_table(1); submit_add_or_update_center(!isset($selected_id)); end_form(); end_page(); ?>