. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_PRINTPROFILE'; $path_to_root = ".."; include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/admin/db/printers_db.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); page(_($help_context = "Printing Profiles")); $selected_id = get_post('profile_id',''); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns array of defined reports // function get_reports() { global $path_to_root, $comp_path, $go_debug; if ($go_debug || !isset($_SESSION['reports'])) { // to save time, store in session. $paths = array ( $path_to_root.'/reporting/', $comp_path .'/'. user_company() . '/reporting/'); $reports = array( '' => _('Default printing destination')); foreach($paths as $dirno => $path) { $repdir = opendir($path); while(false !== ($fname = readdir($repdir))) { // reports have filenames in form rep(repid).php // where repid must contain at least one digit (reports_main.php is not ;) if (is_file($path.$fname) // && preg_match('/.*[^0-9]([0-9]+)[.]php/', $fname, $match)) && preg_match('/rep(.*[0-9]+.*)[.]php/', $fname, $match)) { $repno = $match[1]; $title = ''; $line = file_get_contents($path.$fname); if (preg_match('/.*(FrontReport\()\s*_\([\'"]([^\'"]*)/', $line, $match)) { $title = trim($match[2]); } else // for any 3rd party printouts without FrontReport() class use if (preg_match('/.*(\$Title).*[\'"](.*)[\'"].+/', $line, $match)) { $title = trim($match[2]); } $reports[$repno] = $title; } } closedir(); } ksort($reports); $_SESSION['reports'] = $reports; } return $_SESSION['reports']; } function clear_form() { global $selected_id, $Ajax; $selected_id = ''; $_POST['name'] = ''; $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } function check_delete($name) { // check if selected profile is used by any user if ($name=='') return 0; // cannot delete system default profile return key_in_foreign_table($name, 'users', 'print_profile'); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( get_post('submit')) { $error = 0; if ($_POST['profile_id'] == '' && empty($_POST['name'])) { $error = 1; display_error( _("Printing profile name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('name'); } if (!$error) { $prof = array('' => get_post('Prn')); // store default value/profile name foreach (get_reports() as $rep => $descr) { $val = get_post('Prn'.$rep); $prof[$rep] = $val; } if ($_POST['profile_id']=='') $_POST['profile_id'] = get_post('name'); update_printer_profile($_POST['profile_id'], $prof); if ($selected_id == '') { display_notification_centered(_('New printing profile has been created')); clear_form(); } else { display_notification_centered(_('Printing profile has been updated')); } } } if(get_post('delete')) { if (!check_delete(get_post('name'))) { delete_printer_profile($selected_id); display_notification(_('Selected printing profile has been deleted')); clear_form(); } } if(get_post('_profile_id_update')) { $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } start_form(); start_table(); print_profiles_list_row(_('Select printing profile'). ':', 'profile_id', null, _('New printing profile'), true); end_table(); echo '
'; start_table(); if (get_post('profile_id') == '') text_row(_("Printing Profile Name").':', 'name', null, 30, 30); else label_cells(_("Printing Profile Name").':', get_post('profile_id')); end_table(1); $result = get_print_profile(get_post('profile_id')); $prints = array(); while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $prints[$myrow['report']] = $myrow['printer']; } start_table($table_style); $th = array(_("Report Id"), _("Description"), _("Printer")); table_header($th); $k = 0; $unkn = 0; foreach(get_reports() as $rep => $descr) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($rep=='' ? '-' : $rep, 'align=center'); label_cell($descr == '' ? '???1)' : _($descr)); $_POST['Prn'.$rep] = isset($prints[$rep]) ? $prints[$rep] : ''; echo ''; echo printers_list('Prn'.$rep, null, $rep == '' ? _('Browser support') : _('Default')); echo ''; if ($descr == '') $unkn = 1; end_row(); } end_table(); if ($unkn) display_note('1) - '._("no title was found in this report definition file."), 0, 1, ''); else echo '
'; div_start('controls'); if (get_post('profile_id') == '') { submit_center('submit', _("Add New Profile"), true, '', 'default'); } else { submit_center_first('submit', _("Update Profile"), _('Update printer profile'), 'default'); submit_center_last('delete', _("Delete Profile"), _('Delete printer profile (only if not used by any user)'), true); } div_end(); end_form(); end_page(); ?>