. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_SECROLES'; $path_to_root = ".."; include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); page(_("Access setup")); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/access_levels.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/security_db.inc"); $new_role = get_post('role')=='' || get_post('cancel') || get_post('clone'); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (list_updated('role')) { $Ajax->activate('details'); $Ajax->activate('controls'); } function clear_data() { unset($_POST); } if (get_post('addupdate')) { $input_error = 0; if ($_POST['description'] == '') { $input_error = 1; display_error( _("Role description cannot be empty.")); set_focus('description'); } elseif ($_POST['name'] == '') { $input_error = 1; display_error( _("Role name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('name'); } if ($input_error == 0) { $sections = array(); $areas = array(); foreach($_POST as $p =>$val) { if (substr($p,0,4) == 'Area') $areas[] = substr($p, 4); if (substr($p,0,7) == 'Section') $sections[] = substr($p, 7); } sort($areas); sort($sections); if ($new_role) { add_security_role($_POST['name'], $_POST['description'], $sections, $areas); display_notification(_("New security role has been added.")); } else { update_security_role($_POST['role'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['description'], $sections, $areas); update_record_status($_POST['role'], get_post('inactive'), 'security_roles', 'id'); display_notification(_("Security role has been updated.")); } $new_role = true; clear_data(); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (get_post('delete')) { if (check_role_used(get_post('role'))) { display_error(_("This role is currently assigned to some users and cannot be deleted")); } else { delete_security_role(get_post('role')); display_notification(_("Security role has been sucessfully deleted.")); unset($_POST['role']); } $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } if (get_post('cancel')) { unset($_POST['role']); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } if (!isset($_POST['role']) || get_post('clone') || list_updated('role')) { $id = get_post('role'); $clone = get_post('clone'); // clear_data(); unset($_POST); if ($id) { $row = get_security_role($id); $_POST['description'] = $row['description']; $_POST['name'] = $row['role']; // if ($row['inactive'] // $_POST['inactive'] = 1; $_POST['inactive'] = $row['inactive']; $access = $row['areas']; $sections = $row['sections']; } else { $_POST['description'] = $_POST['name'] = ''; unset($_POST['inactive']); $access = $sections = array(); } foreach($access as $a) $_POST['Area'.$a] = 1; foreach($sections as $s) $_POST['Section'.$s] = 1; if($clone) { set_focus('name'); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } else $_POST['role'] = $id; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_form(); start_table("class='tablestyle_noborder'"); start_row(); security_roles_list_cells(_("Role:"). " ", 'role', null, true, true, check_value('show_inactive')); $new_role = get_post('role')==''; check_cells(_("Show inactive:"), 'show_inactive', null, true); end_row(); end_table(); echo "
"; if (get_post('_show_inactive_update')) { $Ajax->activate('role'); set_focus('role'); } if (find_submit('_Section')) { $Ajax->activate('details'); // set_focus(''); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- div_start('details'); start_table($table_style2); text_row(_("Role name:"), 'name', null, 20, 22); text_row(_("Role description:"), 'description', null, 50, 52); record_status_list_row(_("Current status:"), 'inactive'); end_table(1); start_table("$table_style width=40%"); $k = $j = 0; //row colour counter $m = 0; asort($security_areas); // in the case installed external modules has added some lines foreach($security_areas as $area =>$parms ) { if (($parms[0]&~0xff) != $m) { // features set selection $m = $parms[0] & ~0xff; label_row($security_sections[$m].':', checkbox( null, 'Section'.$m, null, true, _("On/off set of features")), "class='tableheader2'", "class='tableheader'"); } if (check_value('Section'.$m)) { alt_table_row_color($k); check_cells($parms[1], 'Area'.$parms[0], null, false, '', "align='center'"); end_row(); } else { hidden('Area'.$parms[0]); } } end_table(1); div_end(); div_start('controls'); if ($new_role) { submit_center_first('Update', _("Update view"), '', null); submit_center_last('addupdate', _("Insert New Role"), '', 'default'); } else { submit_center_first('addupdate', _("Save Role"), '', 'default'); submit('Update', _("Update view"), true, '', null); submit('clone', _("Clone This Role"), true, '', true); submit('delete', _("Delete This Role"), true, '', true); submit_center_last('cancel', _("Cancel"), _("Cancel Edition"), 'cancel'); } div_end(); end_form(); end_page(); ?>