. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_VOIDTRANSACTION'; $path_to_root = ".."; include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/voiding_db.inc"); $js = ""; if ($use_date_picker) $js .= get_js_date_picker(); if ($use_popup_windows) $js .= get_js_open_window(800, 500); page(_("Void a Transaction"), false, false, "", $js); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function exist_transaction($type, $type_no) { $void_entry = get_voided_entry($type, $type_no); if ($void_entry != null) return false; switch ($type) { case 0 : // it's a journal entry if (!exists_gl_trans($type, $type_no)) return false; break; case 1 : // it's a payment case 2 : // it's a deposit case 4 : // it's a transfer if (!exists_bank_trans($type, $type_no)) return false; break; case 10 : // it's a customer invoice case 11 : // it's a customer credit note case 12 : // it's a customer payment case 13 : // it's a customer dispatch if (!exists_customer_trans($type, $type_no)) return false; break; case ST_LOCTRANSFER : // it's a stock transfer if (get_stock_transfer_items($type_no) == null) return false; break; case ST_INVADJUST : // it's a stock adjustment if (get_stock_adjustment_items($type_no) == null) return false; break; case 18 : // it's a PO case 25 : // it's a GRN return false; case 20 : // it's a suppler invoice case 21 : // it's a supplier credit note case 22 : // it's a supplier payment if (!exists_supp_trans($type, $type_no)) return false; break; case ST_WORKORDER : // it's a work order if (!get_work_order($type_no, true)) return false; break; case 28 : // it's a work order issue if (!exists_work_order_issue($type_no)) return false; break; case 29 : // it's a work order production if (!exists_work_order_produce($type_no)) return false; break; case 30: // it's a sales order case 32: // it's a sales quotation return false; case ST_COSTUPDATE : // it's a stock cost update return false; break; } return true; } function voiding_controls() { global $table_style2; start_form(); start_table($table_style2); systypes_list_row(_("Transaction Type:"), "filterType", null, true); text_row(_("Transaction #:"), 'trans_no', null, 12, 12); date_row(_("Voiding Date:"), 'date_'); textarea_row(_("Memo:"), 'memo_', null, 30, 4); end_table(1); if (!isset($_POST['ProcessVoiding'])) submit_center('ProcessVoiding', _("Void Transaction"), true, '', 'default'); else { if (!exist_transaction($_POST['filterType'],$_POST['trans_no'])) { display_error(_("The entered transaction does not exist or cannot be voided.")); unset($_POST['trans_no']); unset($_POST['memo_']); unset($_POST['date_']); submit_center('ProcessVoiding', _("Void Transaction"), true, '', 'default'); } else { display_warning(_("Are you sure you want to void this transaction ? This action cannot be undone."), 0, 1); if ($_POST['filterType'] == 0) // GL transaction are not included in get_trans_view_str $view_str = get_gl_view_str($_POST['filterType'],$_POST['trans_no'], _("View Transaction")); else $view_str = get_trans_view_str($_POST['filterType'],$_POST['trans_no'], _("View Transaction")); display_note($view_str); br(); submit_center_first('ConfirmVoiding', _("Proceed"), '', true); submit_center_last('CancelVoiding', _("Cancel"), '', 'cancel'); } } end_form(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_valid_entries() { if (is_closed_trans($_POST['filterType'],$_POST['trans_no'])) { display_error(_("The selected transaction was closed for edition and cannot be voided.")); set_focus('trans_no'); return; } if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } if (!is_numeric($_POST['trans_no']) OR $_POST['trans_no'] <= 0) { display_error(_("The transaction number is expected to be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('trans_no'); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_void_transaction() { if (check_valid_entries()==true) { $void_entry = get_voided_entry($_POST['filterType'], $_POST['trans_no']); if ($void_entry != null) { display_error(_("The selected transaction has already been voided."), true); unset($_POST['trans_no']); unset($_POST['memo_']); unset($_POST['date_']); set_focus('trans_no'); return; } $ret = void_transaction($_POST['filterType'], $_POST['trans_no'], $_POST['date_'], $_POST['memo_']); if ($ret) { display_notification_centered(_("Selected transaction has been voided.")); unset($_POST['trans_no']); unset($_POST['memo_']); unset($_POST['date_']); } else { display_error(_("The entered transaction does not exist or cannot be voided.")); set_focus('trans_no'); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($_POST['date_'])) { $_POST['date_'] = Today(); if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) $_POST['date_'] = end_fiscalyear(); } if (isset($_POST['ProcessVoiding'])) { if (!check_valid_entries()) unset($_POST['ProcessVoiding']); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } if (isset($_POST['ConfirmVoiding'])) { handle_void_transaction(); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } if (isset($_POST['CancelVoiding'])) { $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- voiding_controls(); end_page(); ?>