News in FrontAccounting 2.2 Beta -------------------------------- Common ------ - Quick Entries uses Tax Types instead of Item Tax Types - Support for default buttons with Ctrl-Enter/Escape hotkeys - Arrow navigations in menus - Option to use last document date on subsequent new documents. - Full support for inactive records - Time Zone on Reports - Audit Trail for all operations with Report - Bank Charge field in Customer/Supplier Payment. - New default fields in Company table for Bank Charge, Retained Earnings and Profit/Loss Year. - Direct Allocations of Invoices in Customer/Supplier Payments - New Access Levels/Security Roles. - Item Tax Types moved to Setup module - Default Start-up Tab set by user. Sales ----- - Customer/Supplier Balance Reports now with Open Balance from selected date - Added Sales Quotations, Inqury and Report Purchasing ---------- - Better support for conversion factor in Purchasing Prices. - Purchasing price can have up to 6 decimals allowing fractions of hundredths in prices. Items and Inventory ------------------- - Item Categories contains default parameters for new items. - Non Sale Items from Categories. - GRN Valuation Report - Automatic price-calculation of Items from Std. Cost (if no prices set on items) - Rounding of prices to nearest XX Cent after calculations. Manufacturing ------------- - Printing/Emailing of Work Orders Dimensions ---------- - Re-opening of Closed dimensions Banking and General Ledger -------------------------- - Closing a fiscal year also closes the balances and brings forward retained earnings - Deling a fiscal year removes all transactions and convert into relevant Open Balances. - Journal Enquiry - Edition/view of Journal Entries. - Group Sorting by Id in Account Selectors Bugs fixed in this release -------------------------- All bugs up to release 2.1.5 are fixed in this release too.