0) { switch($freq) { case 1: $date = add_days($date_, $i*7); break; case 2: $date = add_days($date_, $i*14); break; case 3: $date = add_months($date_, $i*1); break; case 4: $date = add_months($date_, $i*3); break; } $am0 = $am; } if (isset($_POST['go'])) { $id = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL); $ref = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL); add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $id, $date, get_post('acc_act'), 0, 0, $ref, $am0 * -1); add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $id, $date, get_post('res_act'), get_post('dimension_id'), get_post('dimension2_id'), $ref, $am0); add_comments(ST_JOURNAL, $id, $date, $memo); $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $id, $ref); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($date); label_cell($_POST['acc_act'] . " " . get_gl_account_name($_POST['acc_act'])); if ($dim > 0) label_cell(""); if ($dim > 1) label_cell(""); display_debit_or_credit_cells($am0 * -1); label_cell($memo); alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($date); label_cell($_POST['res_act'] . " " . get_gl_account_name($_POST['res_act'])); if ($dim > 0) label_cell(get_dimension_string($_POST['dimension_id'], true)); if ($dim > 1) label_cell(get_dimension_string($_POST['dimension2_id'], true)); display_debit_or_credit_cells($am0); label_cell($memo); } } if (isset($_POST['go'])) { commit_transaction(); display_notification_centered(_("Revenue / Cost Accruals have been processed.")); $_POST['date_'] = $_POST['amount'] = $_POST['periods'] = ""; } else { end_table(1); display_notification_centered(_("Showing GL Transactions.")); } } } } function frequency_list_row($label, $name, $selected=null) { echo "\n"; label_cell($label, "class='label'"); echo "\n"; $freq = array( '1'=> _("Weekly"), '2'=> _("Bi-weekly"), '3' => _("Monthly"), '4' => _("Quarterly"), ); echo array_selector($name, $selected, $freq); echo "\n"; echo "= 1) dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension"), 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); if ($dim > 1) dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension")." 2", 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); $url = "gl/view/accrual_trans.php?act=".get_post('acc_act')."&date=".get_post('date_'); amount_row(_("Amount"), 'amount', null, null, viewer_link(_("Search Amount"), $url, "", "", ICON_VIEW)); frequency_list_row(_("Frequency"), 'freq', null); text_row(_("Periods"), 'periods', null, 3, 3); textarea_row(_("Memo"), 'memo_', null, 35, 3); end_table(1); submit_center_first('show', _("Show GL Rows"));//,true,false,'process',ICON_SUBMIT); submit_center_last('go', _("Process Accruals"));//,true,false,'process',ICON_SUBMIT); submit_js_confirm('go', _("Are you sure you want to post accruals?")); end_form(); end_page(); ?>