. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui/items_cart.inc"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_order_header(&$Order) { global $Ajax; $qes = has_quick_entries(QE_JOURNAL); $new = $Order->order_id==0; hidden('ref_original'); start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width='90%'"); table_section(1, $qes ? "20%" : ""); date_row(_("Date:"), 'date_', '', $new); table_section(2, $qes ? "20%" : "50%"); ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'ref', ''); if ($new) { table_section(3, "20%"); start_row(); check_cells(_("Reverse Transaction:"), 'Reverse', null); end_row(); } if ($qes !== false) { table_section(3, "40%"); start_row(); quick_entries_list_cells(_("Quick Entry").":", 'quick', null, QE_JOURNAL, true); $qid = get_quick_entry(get_post('quick')); if (list_updated('quick')) { unset($_POST['totamount']); // enable default $Ajax->activate('totamount'); } if ($qid['bal_type'] == 1) { end_row(); start_row(); $accname = get_gl_account_name($qid['base_desc']); label_cell(($qid['base_amount'] == 0 ? _("Yearly") : _("Monthly")) . " ". _("balance from account")." ". $qid['base_desc']." ".$accname."  ".submit('go', _("Go"), false, false, true), "colspan=2"); } else amount_cells($qid['base_desc'].":", 'totamount', price_format($qid['base_amount']), null, "  ".submit('go', _("Go"), false, false, true)); end_row(); } end_outer_table(1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_gl_items($title, &$order) { global $path_to_root; display_heading($title); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); $sub_type = is_subledger_account(get_post('code_id')); $has_subaccounts = $order->has_sub_accounts(); div_start('items_table'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='95%'"); if ($dim == 2) $th = array(_("Account Code"), _("Account Description"), _("Dimension")." 1", _("Dimension")." 2", _("Debit"), _("Credit"), _("Memo"), ""); else if ($dim == 1) $th = array(_("Account Code"), _("Account Description"), _("Dimension"), _("Debit"), _("Credit"), _("Memo"), ""); else $th = array(_("Account Code"), _("Account Description"), _("Debit"), _("Credit"), _("Memo"), ""); if (count($order->gl_items)) $th[] = ''; if ($sub_type || $has_subaccounts) array_insert($th, 2, _("Counterparty")); table_header($th); $k = 0; $id = find_submit('Edit'); if ($id == -1) $id = get_post('Index', -1); foreach ($order->gl_items as $line => $item) { if ($id != $line) { alt_table_row_color($k); $acc = $item->code_id . ($item->person_id ? sprintf(' %05d', $item->person_id) : ''); label_cells($acc, $item->description); label_cell($item->person_name); if ($dim >= 1) label_cell(get_dimension_string($item->dimension_id, true)); if ($dim > 1) label_cell(get_dimension_string($item->dimension2_id, true)); if ($item->amount > 0) { amount_cell(abs($item->amount)); label_cell(""); } else { label_cell(""); amount_cell(abs($item->amount)); } label_cell($item->reference); edit_button_cell("Edit$line", _("Edit"), _('Edit journal line')); delete_button_cell("Delete$line", _("Delete"), _('Remove line from journal')); end_row(); } else { gl_edit_item_controls($order, $dim, $item->person_id, $line); } } if ($id == -1) gl_edit_item_controls($order, $dim, $sub_type); if ($order->count_gl_items()) { $colspan = ($dim == 2 ? "4" : ($dim == 1 ? "3" : "2")); start_row(); label_cell(_("Total"), "align=right colspan=" . $colspan); amount_cell($order->gl_items_total_debit()); amount_cell(abs($order->gl_items_total_credit())); label_cell('', "colspan=3"); end_row(); } end_table(); div_end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gl_edit_item_controls(&$order, $dim, $sub_accounts, $Index=null) { global $Ajax; start_row(); $id = find_submit('Edit'); if ($id == -1) $continue = $id = get_post('Index', -1); if ($Index != -1 && $Index == $id) { // Modifying an existing row $item = $order->gl_items[$Index]; if (!isset($continue)) { $_POST['code_id'] = $item->code_id; $_POST['dimension_id'] = $item->dimension_id; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $item->dimension2_id; $_POST['person_id'] = $item->person_id; if ($item->amount > 0) { $_POST['AmountDebit'] = price_format($item->amount); $_POST['AmountCredit'] = ""; } else { $_POST['AmountDebit'] = ""; $_POST['AmountCredit'] = price_format(abs($item->amount)); } $_POST['description'] = $item->description; $_POST['LineMemo'] = $item->reference; } hidden('Index', $id); $skip_bank = !$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access('SA_BANKJOURNAL'); echo gl_all_accounts_list('code_id', null, $skip_bank, true, _('[Select account]'), true, false, false); if (is_subledger_account(get_post('code_id'))) { subledger_list_cells(null, 'person_id', get_post('code_id')); } elseif ($order->has_sub_accounts()) label_cell(''); if ($dim >= 1) dimensions_list_cells(null, 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); if ($dim > 1) dimensions_list_cells(null, 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); $Ajax->activate('items_table'); } else { if (!list_updated('code_id')) { // Adding a new row $_POST['AmountDebit'] = ''; //price_format(0); $_POST['AmountCredit'] = ''; //price_format(0); $_POST['dimension_id'] = 0; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = 0; //$_POST['LineMemo'] = ""; // let memo go to next line Joe Hunt 2010-05-30 $_POST['_code_id_edit'] = ""; $_POST['code_id'] = ""; } if(isset($_POST['_code_id_update'])) { $Ajax->activate('code_id'); } $skip_bank = !$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access('SA_BANKJOURNAL'); echo gl_all_accounts_list('code_id', null, $skip_bank, true, _('[Select account]'), true, false, false); if ($sub_accounts) { subledger_list_cells(null, 'person_id', get_post('code_id')); } elseif ($order->has_sub_accounts()) label_cell(''); if ($dim >= 1) dimensions_list_cells(null, 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); if ($dim > 1) dimensions_list_cells(null, 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); } if ($dim < 1) hidden('dimension_id', 0); if ($dim < 2) hidden('dimension2_id', 0); small_amount_cells(null, 'AmountDebit'); small_amount_cells(null, 'AmountCredit'); text_cells_ex(null, 'LineMemo', 35, 255); if ($id != -1) { button_cell('UpdateItem', _("Update"), _('Confirm changes'), ICON_UPDATE); button_cell('CancelItemChanges', _("Cancel"), _('Cancel changes'), ICON_CANCEL); set_focus('amount'); } else submit_cells('AddItem', _("Add Item"), "colspan=2", _('Add new line to journal'), true); end_row(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gl_options_controls() { echo "
"; textarea_row(_("Memo"), 'memo_', null, 50, 3); echo "
"; }