"; start_form(false, true); if (!isset($_POST['curr_abrev'])) $_POST['curr_abrev'] = get_global_curr_code(); echo _("Select a currency :") . " "; currencies_list('curr_abrev', $_POST['curr_abrev'], true); // if currency sel has changed, clear the form if ($_POST['curr_abrev'] != get_global_curr_code()) { clear_data(); $selected_id = ""; } set_global_curr_code($_POST['curr_abrev']); if (is_company_currency($_POST['curr_abrev'])) { display_note(_("The selected currency is the company currency."), 2); display_note(_("The company currency is the base currency so exchange rates cannot be set for it."), 1); } else { display_rates($_POST['curr_abrev']); hyperlink_no_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter a New Exchange Rate")); br(1); display_rate_edit(); } end_form(); end_page(); ?>