. ***********************************************************************/ include_once 'class.data_set.inc'; /** * Reference lines. * **/ class reflines_db extends data_set { function __construct() { $this->set_validator('prefix:ui:_check_prefix', _("This prefix conflicts with another one already defined. Prefix have to be unambigous.")); $this->set_validator('prefix:ui:_check_template', _("Invalid template format.")); $this->set_validator('trans_type:ui:required', _("Transaction type cannot be empty.")); $this->set_validator('pattern:ui:required', _("Next reference cannot be empty.")); parent::__construct('reflines', array('trans_type', 'prefix', 'description', 'default', 'pattern', 'id', 'inactive'), 'id'); } /* Prefix cannot be ambigous. */ function _check_prefix($data, $dummy_opt, $key) { $cond = "`id`<>".db_escape($key)." AND `trans_type`=".db_escape($data['trans_type']); if ($data['prefix'] === '') $cond .= " AND `prefix`='".$data['prefix']."'"; else $cond .= "AND ((LOCATE('".$data['prefix']."', CONCAT(`prefix`,`pattern`))=1 OR (`prefix`<>'' AND LOCATE(`prefix`, '".$data['prefix'].$data['pattern']."')=1)))"; return db_num_rows($this->get_all($cond)) == 0; } function _check_template($data, $dummy_opt, $key) { global $refline_options, $refline_placeholders; if (strpbrk($data['prefix'], '{}') !== false) return $this->error(_("You cannot use placeholders in refline prefix.")); if (substr_count($data['pattern'], '{') != substr_count($data['pattern'], '}')) return $this->error(_("Curly brackets does not balance.")); if (preg_match_all('/\{([^\}]*)\}/', $data['pattern'], $match)) // placeholders defind in template { $numph = 0; foreach($match[1] as $ph) { if (is_numeric($ph)) $numph++; elseif (!isset($refline_placeholders[$ph]) || !@in_array($refline_placeholders[$ph], $refline_options[$data['trans_type']])) { $allowed = array(); foreach($refline_placeholders as $id => $dt) if (in_array($dt, $refline_options[$data['trans_type']])) $allowed[] = $id; return $this->error(sprintf(_("Invalid placeholder '%s'. Placeholders allowed for this transaction type are: %s."), $ph, implode(',', $allowed))); } } if ($numph !== 1) return $this->error(_("Missing numeric placeholder. If you want to use template based references, you have to define numeric placeholder too.")); } return true; } function is_used($prefix, $trans_type) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT r.* FROM ".TB_PREF."refs r LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided as v ON r.id=v.id AND r.type=v.type WHERE r.type=".db_escape($trans_type)." AND ISNULL(v.id) ) ref LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."reflines line ON ref.type=line.trans_type AND substr(ref.reference,1, LENGTH(line.prefix))= line.prefix AND line.prefix<>'' WHERE ".($prefix == '' ? "ISNULL(prefix)" : "prefix=".db_escape($prefix)); $res = db_query($sql, "cannot check reference line"); return db_num_rows($res); } function delete_check($ref_id) { $rec = $this->get($ref_id); if ($rec['default']) return $this->error(_("Reference line which is default for any transaction type cannot be deleted.")); if ($this->is_used($rec['prefix'], $rec['trans_type'])) return $this->error(_("Reference line cannot be deleted because it is already in use.")); return true; } function _set_as_default($id, $type) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."reflines SET `default`=(`id`=".db_escape($id).") WHERE `trans_type`=".db_escape($type); return db_query($sql, "cannot update default refline"); } function insert($data) { if (!parent::insert($data)) return false; if (@$data['default']) return $this->_set_as_default(db_insert_id(), $data['trans_type']); return true; } function update($key, $data) { if (!parent::update($key, $data)) return false; if (@$data['default']) return $this->_set_as_default($key , $data['trans_type']); return true; } function get_default($type) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."reflines WHERE trans_type=".db_escape($type)." AND `default`"; $result = db_query($sql, "cannot retreive default refline for trnasaction type $type"); return db_fetch($result); } function count($type, $all=false) { $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."reflines WHERE trans_type=".db_escape($type); if (!$all) $sql .= " AND !inactive"; $result = db_query($sql, "cannot retreive refline count for transaction type $type"); $rec = db_fetch($result); return $rec ? $rec[0] : 0; } /* Recognize refline by reference prefix */ function find_refline_id($reference, $type, $fallback=true) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."reflines WHERE trans_type=".db_escape($type) ." AND CHAR_LENGTH(`prefix`) AND LEFT(".db_escape($reference).", CHAR_LENGTH(`prefix`)) = `prefix`"; if ($fallback) // if not found return refline with empty prefix $sql .= " UNION SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."reflines WHERE trans_type=".db_escape($type)." AND `prefix`=''"; $ret = db_query($sql, "cannot check reference line id"); $line = db_fetch($ret); if (!$fallback && (db_num_rows($fallback) != 1)) // more than one record means ambigous reference line return null; return $line ? $line['id'] : null; } function save_next($type, $reference, $line=null) { begin_transaction(__CLASS__.':'.__METHOD__, func_get_args()); $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."reflines SET pattern=SUBSTRING(" . db_escape(trim($reference)) .", LENGTH(`prefix`)+1)" . " WHERE trans_type = ".db_escape($type)." AND "; if (isset($line)) $sql .= "`id`=".db_escape($line); else $sql .= "`default`"; $result = db_query($sql, "The next transaction ref for $type could not be updated"); commit_transaction(); return $result; } }