. ***********************************************************************/ define('DB_DUPLICATE_ERROR', 1062); define('SQL_MODE', 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'); // prevents SQL injection with silent field content truncation function set_global_connection($company=-1) { global $db, $path_to_root, $db_connections, $SysPrefs; include ($path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); if ($company == -1) $company = user_company(); cancel_transaction(); // cancel all aborted transactions if any $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->cur_con = $company; $connection = $db_connections[$company]; $server = $connection["host"]; if (!empty($connection["port"])) $server .= ":".$connection["port"]; $db = mysql_connect($server, $connection["dbuser"], $connection["dbpassword"]); mysql_select_db($connection["dbname"], $db); ///// From MySql release 5.6.6 the sql_mode is no longer empty as it was prior to ///// this release. Just for safety we make it empty for all 5.6 release and higher. ///// This non empty sql_mode values can interphere with FA, so all is set empty during ///// our sessions. ///// We are, however, investigating the existing code to be compatible in the future. db_query("SET sql_mode = '".SQL_MODE."'"); ///// $SysPrefs->refresh(); return $db; } //DB wrapper functions to change only once for whole application function db_query($sql, $err_msg=null) { global $db, $SysPrefs, $sql_queries, $Ajax, $db_connections, $db_last_inserted_id; // set current db prefix $comp = isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->cur_con) ? $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->cur_con : 0; $cur_prefix = $db_connections[$comp]['tbpref']; $sql = str_replace(TB_PREF, $cur_prefix, $sql); if ($SysPrefs->show_sql) { $Ajax->activate('footer_debug'); $sql_queries .= "
"; } db_profile(); // mysql profiling $retry = MAX_DEADLOCK_RETRY; do { $result = mysql_query($db, $sql); if (mysql_errno($db) == 1213) { // deadlock detected sleep(1); $retry--; } else $retry = 0; } while ($retry); if($SysPrefs->db_trail == 1) $db_last_inserted_id = mysql_insert_id($db); // cache to avoid trail overwrite db_profile($sql); if ($err_msg != null || $SysPrefs->go_debug) { $exit = $err_msg != null; if (function_exists('xdebug_call_file')) $err_msg = '
At file '.xdebug_call_file().':'.xdebug_call_line().':
'.$err_msg; check_db_error($err_msg, $sql, $exit); } return $result; } function db_fetch_row($result) { return mysql_fetch_row($result); } function db_fetch_assoc($result) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } function db_fetch($result) { return mysql_fetch_array($result); } function db_seek(&$result,$record) { return mysql_data_seek($result, $record); } function db_free_result($result) { if ($result) mysql_free_result($result); } function db_num_rows($result) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } function db_num_fields($result) { return mysql_num_fields($result); } function db_escape($value = "", $nullify = false) { $value = @html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['language']->encoding); $value = html_specials_encode($value); //reset default if second parameter is skipped $nullify = ($nullify === null) ? (false) : ($nullify); //check for null/unset/empty strings if ((!isset($value)) || (is_null($value)) || ($value === "")) { $value = ($nullify) ? ("NULL") : ("''"); } else { if (is_string($value)) { //value is a string and should be quoted; determine best method based on available extensions if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) { $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } else { $value = "'" . mysql_escape_string($value) . "'"; } } else if (!is_numeric($value)) { //value is not a string nor numeric display_error("ERROR: incorrect data type send to sql query"); echo '

'; exit(); } } return $value; } function db_error_no() { global $db; return mysql_errno($db); } function db_error_msg($conn) { return mysql_error($conn); } function db_insert_id() { global $db_last_inserted_id, $SysPrefs, $db; return $SysPrefs->db_trail == 1 ? $db_last_inserted_id : mysql_insert_id($db); } function db_num_affected_rows() { global $db; return mysql_affected_rows($db); } function db_field_name($result, $n) { return mysql_field_name($result, $n); } function db_set_collation($db, $fa_collation) { return mysql_query("ALTER DATABASE COLLATE ".get_mysql_collation($fa_collation), $db); } /* Create database for FA company. If database already exists, just set collation to be sure nothing weird will happen later. */ function db_create_db($connection) { $server = $connection["host"]; if (!empty($connection["port"])) $server .= ":".$connection["port"]; $db = mysql_connect($server, $connection["dbuser"], $connection["dbpassword"]); if (!mysql_select_db($connection["dbname"], $db)) { $sql = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $connection["dbname"] . "`" . " DEFAULT COLLATE '" . get_mysql_collation($connection["collation"]) . "'"; if (!mysql_query($sql) || !mysql_select_db($connection["dbname"], $db)) return 0; } else if (!db_set_collation($connection["collation"], $db)) return 0; return $db; } function db_drop_db($connection) { if ($connection["tbpref"] == "") { $sql = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " . $connection["dbname"] . ""; return mysql_query($sql); } else { $res = db_query("show table status"); $all_tables = array(); while($row = db_fetch($res)) $all_tables[] = $row; // get table structures foreach ($all_tables as $table) { if (strpos($table['Name'], $connection["tbpref"]) === 0) db_query("DROP TABLE `".$table['Name'] . "`"); } //deleting the tables, how?? return true; } } function db_close($dbase = null) { global $db; if (!$dbase) $dbase = $db; return mysql_close($dbase); } function db_extension_exists() { return function_exists('mysql_connect'); } function db_escape_function($string) { return (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string') ? mysql_real_escape_string($string) : mysql_escape_string($string)); } /* Set mysql client encoding. Default is is encoding used by default language. */ function db_set_encoding($ui_encoding=null) { global $dflt_lang, $installed_languages; if (!isset($ui_encoding)) { $lang = array_search_value($dflt_lang, $installed_languages, 'code'); $ui_encoding = strtoupper($lang['encoding']); } if ($mysql_enc = get_mysql_encoding_name($ui_encoding)) mysql_set_charset($mysql_enc); } function db_get_charset($db) { return mysql_client_encoding(); } function db_set_charset($db, $charset) { return mysql_set_charset($charset, $db); }