. ***********************************************************************/ // // Controler part of database table pager with column sort. // To display actual html object call display_db_pager($name) inside // any form. // // View definition you will find in the following file: include_once($path_to_root."/includes/ui/db_pager_view.inc"); class db_pager { var $sql; var $name; var $columns; // column definitions (head, type, order) var $marker; // marker check function var $marker_txt; var $marker_class; var $notice_class; var $width; // table width (default '95%') var $header_fun; // additional row between title and body var $header_class; var $footer_fun; var $footer_class; var $data = array(); var $curr_page, $max_page, $last_page, $prev_page, $next_page, $first_page; var $page_len, $rec_count; var $select, $where, $from, $group, $order; var $extra_where; var $ready = false; // this var is false after change in sql before first // and before first query. var $inactive_ctrl = false; var $main_tbl; // table and key field name for inactive ctrl and edit/delete links var $key; // key field name // db_pager constructor // accepts $sql like 'SELECT ...[FROM ...][WHERE ...][GROUP ...][ORDER ...]' // $name is base name for pager controls function db_pager($sql, $name, $table = null, $page_len=0) { $this->width = "95%"; if ($page_len == 0) $page_len = user_query_size(); $this->name = $name; $this->page_len = $page_len; $this->set_sql($sql); } // // Parse base sql select query. // function set_sql($sql) { if ($sql != $this->sql) { $this->sql = $sql; $this->ready = false; $parts = preg_split('/\sORDER\s*BY\s/si', $sql, 2); if(count($parts) == 2) { $sql = $parts[0]; $this->order = $parts[1]; } $parts = preg_split('/\sGROUP\s*BY\s/si', $sql, 2); if(count($parts) == 2) { $sql = $parts[0]; $this->group = $parts[1]; } $parts = preg_split('/\sWHERE\s/si', $sql, 2); if(count($parts) == 2) { $sql = $parts[0]; $this->where = $parts[1]; } $parts = preg_split('/\sFROM\s/si', $sql, 2); if(count($parts) == 2) { $sql = $parts[0]; $this->from = $parts[1]; } $this->select = $sql; } } // // Set additional constraint on record set // function set_where($where = null) { if ($where) { if (!is_array($where)) $where = array($where); if (count($where) == count($this->extra_where) && !count(array_diff($this->extra_where, $where))) return; } $this->extra_where = $where; $this->ready = false; } // // Set query result page // function change_page($page=null) { $this->set_page($page); $this->query(); return true; } // // Change sort column direction // in order asc->desc->none->asc // function sort_table($col) { $ord = $this->columns[$col]['ord']; $ord = ($ord == '') ? 'asc' : (($ord == 'asc') ? 'desc' : ''); $this->columns[$col]['ord'] = $ord; $this->set_page(1); $this->query(); return true; } // // Query database // function query() { global $Ajax; $Ajax->activate("_{$this->name}_span"); $this->data = array(); if (!$this->_init()) return false; if ($this->rec_count == 0) return true; $sql = $this->_sql_gen(false); $result = db_query($sql, 'Error browsing database: '.$sql ); if ($result) { // setting field names for subsequent queries $c = 0; // add result field names to column defs for // col value retrieve and sort purposes $cnt = min(db_num_fields($result), count($this->columns)); for ($c = $i = 0; $c < $cnt; $c++) { if (!(isset($this->columns[$c]['insert']) && $this->columns[$c]['insert'])) { // if (!@($this->columns[$c]['type']=='skip')) $this->columns[$c]['name']= db_field_name($result, $i); if (!@($this->columns[$c]['type']=='insert')) $i++; } } while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $this->data[] = $row; } } else return false; return true; } // // Calculates page numbers for html controls. // function set_page($to) { switch($to) { case 'next': $page = $this->curr_page+1; break; case 'prev': $page = $this->curr_page-1; break; case 'last': $page = $this->last_page; break; default: if (is_numeric($to)) { $page = $to; break; } case 'first': $page = 1; break; } if ($page < 1) $page = 1; $max = $this->max_page; if ($page > $max) $page = $max; $this->curr_page = $page; $this->next_page = ($page < $max) ? $page+1 : null; $this->prev_page = ($page > 1) ? ($page-1) : null; $this->last_page = ($page < $max) ? $max : null; $this->first_page = ($page != 1) ? 1: null; } // // Set column definitions // $flds: array( fldname1, fldname2=>type,...) function set_columns($flds) { $this->columns = array(); if (!is_array($flds)) { $flds = array($flds); } foreach ($flds as $colnum=>$coldef) { if (is_string($colnum)) { // 'colname'=>params $h = $colnum; $c = $coldef; } else { // n=>params if (is_array($coldef)) { $h = ''; $c = $coldef; } else { $h = $coldef; $c = 'text'; } } if (is_string($c)) // params is simple column type $c = array('type'=>$c); if (!isset($c['type'])) $c['type'] = 'text'; switch($c['type']) { case 'inactive': $this->inactive_ctrl = true; case 'insert': default: $c['head'] = $h; break; case 'skip': // skip the column (no header) unset($c['head']); break; } $this->columns[] = $c; } } // // Generate db query from base sql // $count==false - for current page data retrieval // $count==true - for total records count // function _sql_gen($count=false) { $select = $this->select; $from = $this->from; $where = $this->where; $group = $this->group; $order = $this->order; if(count($this->extra_where)) { $where .= ($where=='' ? '' : ' AND ') .implode(' AND ', $this->extra_where); } if ($where) $where = " WHERE ($where)"; if ($count) { $group = $group == '' ? "*" : "DISTINCT $group"; return "SELECT COUNT($group) FROM $from $where"; } $sql = "$select FROM $from $where"; if ($group) $sql.= " GROUP BY $group"; $ord = array(); foreach ($this->columns as $col) { if (isset($col['ord'])) { if ( $col['ord'] != '' && isset($col['name'])) { $ord[] = $col['name'] .' '. $col['ord']; } } } if (count($ord)) { $ord = array_map(function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string') ? 'mysql_real_escape_string': 'mysql_escape_string', $ord); $sql .= " ORDER BY " . implode(',', $ord); } else { if($order) $sql .= " ORDER BY $order"; // original base query order } $page_len = $this->page_len; $offset = ($this->curr_page - 1) * $page_len; $sql .= " LIMIT $offset, $page_len"; return $sql; } // // Initialization after changing record set // function _init() { global $go_debug; if ($this->ready == false ) { $sql = $this->_sql_gen(true); $result = db_query($sql, 'Error reading record set'); if ($result == false) return false; $row = db_fetch_row($result); $this->rec_count = $row[0]; $this->max_page = $this->page_len ? ceil($this->rec_count/$this->page_len) : 0; if ($go_debug) { // FIX - need column name parsing, but for now: // check if field names are set explicite in col def // for all initially ordered columns foreach ($this->columns as $col) { if (isset($col['ord']) && $col['ord'] != '' && !isset($col['name'])) { display_warning("Result field names must be set for all intially ordered db_pager columns."); } } } $this->set_page(1); $this->ready = true; } return true; } // // Set current page in response to user control. // function select_records() { global $Ajax; $page = find_submit($this->name.'_page_', false); $sort = find_submit($this->name.'_sort_', true); if ($page) { $this->change_page($page); if ($page == 'next' && !$this->next_page || $page == 'last' && !$this->last_page) set_focus($this->name.'_page_prev'); if ($page == 'prev' && !$this->prev_page || $page == 'first' && !$this->first_page) set_focus($this->name.'_page_next'); } elseif ($sort != -1) { $this->sort_table($sort); } else $this->query(); } // // Set check function to mark some rows. // function set_marker($func, $notice='', $markercl='overduebg', $msgclass='overduefg' ) { $this->marker = $func; $this->marker_txt = $notice; $this->marker_class = $markercl; $this->notice_class = $msgclass; } // // Set handler to display additional row between titles and pager body. // Return array of column contents. // function set_header($func, $headercl='inquirybg') { $this->header_fun = $func; $this->header_class = $headercl; } // // Set handler to display additional row between pager body and navibar. // Return array of column contents. // function set_footer($func, $footercl='inquirybg') { $this->footer_fun = $func; $this->footer_class = $footercl; } // // Setter for table editors with inactive cell control. // function set_inactive_ctrl($table, $key) { $this->inactive_ctrl = array('table'=>$table, 'key'=>$key); } // // Helper for display inactive control cells // function inactive_control_cell(&$row) { if ($this->inactive_ctrl) { // return inactive_control_cell($row[$this->inactive_ctrl['key']], // $row['inactive'], $this->inactive_ctrl['table'], // $this->inactive_ctrl['key']); global $Ajax; $key = $this->key ? $this->key : $this->columns[0]['name']; // TODO - support for complex keys $id = $row[$key]; $table = $this->main_tbl; $name = "Inactive". $id; $value = $row['inactive'] ? 1:0; if (check_value('show_inactive')) { if (isset($_POST['LInact'][$id]) && (get_post('_Inactive'.$id.'_update') || get_post('Update')) && (check_value('Inactive'.$id) != $value)) { update_record_status($id, !$value, $table, $key); $value = !$value; } echo ''. checkbox(null, $name, $value, true, '') . hidden("LInact[$id]", $value, false) . ''; } } else return ''; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates new db_pager $_SESSION object on first page call. // Retrieves from $_SESSION var on subsequent $_POST calls // // $name - base name for pager controls and $_SESSION object name // $sql - base sql for data inquiry. Order of fields implies // pager columns order. // $coldef - array of column definitions. Example definitions // Column with title 'User name' and default text format: // 'User name' // Skipped field from sql query. Data for the field is not displayed: // 'dummy' => 'skip' // Column without title, data retrieved form row data with function func(): // array('fun'=>'func') // Inserted column with title 'Some', formated with function rowfun(). // formated as date: // 'Some' => array('type'=>'date, 'insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'rowfun') // Column with name 'Another', formatted as date, // sortable with ascending start order (available orders: asc,desc, ''). // 'Another' => array('type'=>'date', 'ord'=>'asc') // // All available column format types you will find in db_pager_view.inc file. // If query result has more fields than count($coldef), rest of data is ignored // during display, but can be used in format handlers for 'spec' and 'insert' // type columns. function &new_db_pager($name, $sql, $coldef, $table = null, $key = null, $page_len = 0) { if (isset($_SESSION[$name]) && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' || $_SESSION[$name]->sql != $sql)) { unset($_SESSION[$name]); // kill pager if sql has changed } if (!isset($_SESSION[$name])) { $_SESSION[$name] = new db_pager($sql, $name, $table, $page_len); $_SESSION[$name]->main_tbl = $table; $_SESSION[$name]->key = $key; $_SESSION[$name]->set_sql($sql); $_SESSION[$name]->set_columns($coldef); } return $_SESSION[$name]; } // // Force pager initialization. // function refresh_pager($name) { if (isset($_SESSION[$name])) $_SESSION[$name]->ready = false; } ?>