. ***********************************************************************/ $messages = array(); // container for system messages $before_box = ''; // temporary container for output html data before error box function get_backtrace($html = false, $skip=0) { $str = ''; if ($html) $str .= ''; $trace = debug_backtrace(); foreach($trace as $trn => $tr) { if ($trn <= $skip) continue; if ($html) $str .= ''; } if ($html) $str .= '
'; $str .= $tr['file'].':'.$tr['line'].': '; if ($html) $str .= ''; if (isset($tr['type'])) { if($tr['type'] == '::') { $str .= $tr['class'].'::'; } else if($tr['type'] == '->') { $str .= '('.$tr['class'].' Object)'.'->'; } } $str .= $tr['function'].'('; if(is_array($tr['args'])) { $args = array(); foreach($tr['args'] as $n=>$a) { if (is_object($tr['args'][$n])) $args[$n] = "(".get_class($tr['args'][$n])." Object)"; elseif (is_array($tr['args'][$n])) $args[$n] = "(Array[".count($tr['args'][$n])."])"; else $args[$n] = "'".$tr['args'][$n]."'"; } $str .= implode(',',$args); } $str .= ')
'; return $str; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error handler - collects all php/user messages for // display in message box. function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $file, $line) { global $messages, $go_debug, $SysPrefs; // skip well known warnings we don't care about. // Please use restrainedly to not risk loss of important messages $excluded_warnings = array( 'html_entity_decode', 'htmlspecialchars', // nevermind encodings, special chars are processed anyway 'should be compatible with that' // ignore cpdf/frontreport wrapper warnings ); foreach($excluded_warnings as $ref) { if (strpos($errstr, $ref) !== false) { return true; } } if ($go_debug>1) { $bt = get_backtrace(true, 1); } // error_reporting==0 when messages are set off with @ if ($errno & error_reporting()) { // suppress duplicated errors if (!in_array(array($errno, $errstr, $file, $line, @$bt), $messages)) $messages[] = array($errno, $errstr, $file, $line, @$bt); } else if($errno&~E_NOTICE) { // log all not displayed messages $user = @$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->loginname; $context = isset($SysPrefs) && !$SysPrefs->db_ok ? '[before upgrade]' : ''; error_log(user_company() . ":$user:". basename($file) .":$line:$context $errstr"); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Formats system messages before insert them into message
// FIX center is unused now function fmt_errors($center=false) { global $messages, $path_to_root, $go_debug; $msg_class = array( E_USER_ERROR => 'err_msg', E_USER_WARNING =>'warn_msg', E_USER_NOTICE => 'note_msg'); $type = E_USER_NOTICE; $content = ''; // $class = 'no_msg'; if (count($messages)) { foreach($messages as $cnt=>$msg) { if ($go_debug && $msg[0]>E_USER_NOTICE) $msg[0] = E_ERROR; if ($msg[0]>$type) continue; if ($msg[0]<$type) { if ($msg[0] == E_USER_WARNING) { $type = E_USER_WARNING; // user warnings $content = ''; // clean notices when we have errors } else { $type = E_USER_ERROR; // php or user errors if($type == E_USER_WARNING) $content = ''; // clean other messages } } $str = $msg[1]; if (!in_array($msg[0], array(E_USER_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING)) && $msg[2] != null) $str .= ' '._('in file').': '.$msg[2].' '._('at line ').$msg[3]; if ($go_debug>1 && $type!=E_USER_NOTICE && $type!=E_USER_WARNING) $str .= '
'.$msg[4]; $content .= ($cnt ? '
' : '').$str; } $class = $msg_class[$type]; $content = "
"; } else if ($path_to_root=='.') return ''; return $content; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error box
element. // function error_box() { global $before_box; echo "
"; // Necessary restart instead of get_contents/clean calls due to a bug in php 4.3.2 $before_box = ob_get_clean(); // save html content before error box ob_start('output_html'); echo "
"; } /* Helper to avoid sparse log notices. */ function end_flush() { global $Ajax; if (isset($Ajax)) $Ajax->run(); // on some (but not all) php versions zlib extension adds 1 additional level of buffering, // so flush the last buffer outside the loop to be on safe side while(ob_get_level() > 1) ob_end_flush(); @ob_end_flush(); // if any transaction was aborted unexpectedly rollback changes cancel_transaction(); } function display_db_error($msg, $sql_statement=null, $exit=true) { global $db, $debug, $go_debug, $db_connections; $warning = $msg==null; $db_error = db_error_no(); // $str = "" . _("DATABASE ERROR :") . " $msg
"; if($warning) $str = "" . _("Debug mode database warning:") . "
"; else $str = "" . _("DATABASE ERROR :") . " $msg
"; if ($db_error != 0) { $str .= "error code : " . $db_error . "
"; $str .= "error message : " . db_error_msg($db) . "
"; } if ($debug == 1) { $cur_prefix = $db_connections[$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->cur_con]['tbpref']; $str .= "sql that failed was : ".str_replace(TB_PREF, $cur_prefix, $sql_statement)."
"; // if ($go_debug > 1) display_backtrace(); } $str .= "

"; if ($go_debug) error_log($str); else { if($msg) trigger_error($str, E_USER_ERROR); else // $msg can be null here only in debug mode, otherwise the error is ignored trigger_error($str, E_USER_WARNING); } if ($exit) exit; } function frindly_db_error($db_error) { global $db_duplicate_error_code; if ($db_error == $db_duplicate_error_code) { display_error(_("The entered information is a duplicate. Please go back and enter different values.")); return true; } return false; } function check_db_error($msg, $sql_statement, $exit_if_error=true, $rollback_if_error=true) { global $db, $go_debug; $db_error = db_error_no(); if ($db_error != 0) { if ($go_debug || !frindly_db_error($db_error)) { display_db_error($msg, $sql_statement, false); } if ($rollback_if_error) { $rollback_result = db_query("rollback"); } if ($exit_if_error) { end_page(); exit; } } return $db_error; } ?>