// //require_once "PEAR.php"; define('GETTEXT_NATIVE', 1); define('GETTEXT_PHP', 2); function get_text_init($managerType = GETTEXT_NATIVE) { if (!isset($_SESSION['get_text'])) { if ($managerType == GETTEXT_NATIVE) { if (function_exists('gettext')) { $_SESSION['get_text'] = new gettext_native_support(); return; } } // fail back to php support $_SESSION['get_text'] = new gettext_php_support(); } } function raise_error($str) { error_log($str); return 1; } function is_error($err) { return $err > 0; } /** * Interface to gettext native support. * * @author Laurent Bedubourg * @access private */ class gettext_native_support { var $_interpolation_vars = array(); var $domain_path; /** * Set gettext language code. * @throws GetText_Error */ function set_language($lang_code, $encoding) { putenv("LANG=$lang_code"); putenv("LC_ALL=$lang_code"); putenv("LANGUAGE=$lang_code"); //$set = setlocale(LC_ALL, "$lang_code"); //$set = setlocale(LC_ALL, "$encoding"); // cover a couple of country/encoding variants $up = strtoupper($encoding); $low = strtolower($encoding); $lshort = strtr($up, '-',''); $ushort = strtr($low, '-',''); if ($lang_code == 'C') $set = setlocale(LC_ALL,'C'); else $set = setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang_code.".".$encoding, $lang_code.".".$up, $lang_code.".".$low, $lang_code.".".$ushort, $lang_code.".".$lshort); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); // important for numeric presentation etc. if ($set === false) { $str = sprintf('language code "%s", encoding "%s" not supported by your system', $lang_code, $encoding); //$err = new GetText_Error($str); //return PEAR::raise_error($err); return raise_error("1 " . $str); } //return 0; } /** * Check system support for given language nedded for gettext. */ function check_support($lang_code, $encoding) { $old = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, '0'); // LC_MESSAGES does not exist on Win $up = strtoupper($encoding); $low = strtolower($encoding); $lshort = strtr($up, '-',''); $ushort = strtr($low, '-',''); $test = setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang_code.".".$encoding, $lang_code.".".$up, $lang_code.".".$low, $lang_code.".".$ushort, $lang_code.".".$lshort) !== false; setlocale(LC_ALL, $old); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); return $test; } /** * Add a translation domain. */ function add_domain($domain, $path=false, $version='') { if ($path === false) $path = $this->domain_path; if ($path === false) $path = "./locale"; if ($domain == "") $domain = "?"; if ($version) { // To avoid need for apache server restart after change of *.mo file // we have to include file version as part of filename. // This is alternative naming convention: $domain = $version.'/'.$domain; $domain .= '-'.$version; } bindtextdomain($domain, $path); //bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $encoding); textdomain($domain); } /** * Retrieve translation for specified key. * * @access private */ function _get_translation($key) { return gettext($key); } /** * Reset interpolation variables. */ function reset() { $this->_interpolation_vars = array(); } /** * Set an interpolation variable. */ function set_var($key, $value) { $this->_interpolation_vars[$key] = $value; } /** * Set an associative array of interpolation variables. */ function set_vars($hash) { $this->_interpolation_vars = array_merge($this->_interpolation_vars, $hash); } /** * Retrieve translation for specified key. * * @param string $key -- gettext msgid * @throws GetText_Error */ function gettext($key) { $value = $this->_get_translation($key); if ($value === false) { $str = sprintf('Unable to locate gettext key "%s"', $key); //$err = new GetText_Error($str); //return PEAR::raise_error($err); return raise_error("2 " . $str); } while (preg_match('/\$\{(.*?)\}/sm', $value, $m)) { list($src, $var) = $m; // retrieve variable to interpolate in context, throw an exception // if not found. $var2 = $this->_get_var($var); if ($var2 === false) { $str = sprintf('Interpolation error, var "%s" not set', $var); //$err = new GetText_Error($str); //return PEAR::raise_error($err); return raise_error("3 " . $str); } $value = str_replace($src, $var2, $value); } return $value; } /** * Retrieve an interpolation variable value. * * @return mixed * @access private */ function _get_var($name) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->_interpolation_vars)) { return false; } return $this->_interpolation_vars[$name]; } } /** * Implementation of get_text support for PHP. * * This implementation is abble to cache .po files into php files returning the * domain translation hashtable. * * @access private * @author Laurent Bedubourg */ class gettext_php_support extends gettext_native_support { var $_path = 'locale/'; var $_lang_code = false; var $_domains = array(); var $_end = -1; var $_jobs = array(); /** * Set the translation domain. * * @param string $lang_code -- language code * @throws GetText_Error */ function set_language($lang_code, $encoding) { // if language already set, try to reload domains if ($this->_lang_code !== false and $this->_lang_code != $lang_code) { foreach ($this->_domains as $domain) { $this->_jobs[] = array($domain->name, $domain->path); } $this->_domains = array(); $this->_end = -1; } $this->_lang_code = $lang_code; // this allow us to set the language code after // domain list. while (count($this->_jobs) > 0) { list($domain, $path) = array_shift($this->_jobs); $err = $this->add_domain($domain, $path); // error raised, break jobs /*if (PEAR::is_error($err)) { return $err; }*/ if (is_error($err)) { return $err; } } } /** * Check system support for given language (dummy). */ function check_support($lang_code, $encoding) { return true; } /** * Add a translation domain. * * @param string $domain -- Domain name * @param string $path optional -- Repository path * @throws GetText_Error */ function add_domain($domain, $path = false, $version ='') { if ($path === false) $path = $this->domain_path; if ($path === false) $path = "./locale"; if ($version) { $domain .= '-'.$version; } if (array_key_exists($domain, $this->_domains)) { return; } if (!$this->_lang_code) { $this->_jobs[] = array($domain, $path); return; } $err = $this->_load_domain($domain, $path); if ($err != 0) { return $err; } $this->_end++; } /** * Load a translation domain file. * * This method cache the translation hash into a php file unless * GETTEXT_NO_CACHE is defined. * * @param string $domain -- Domain name * @param string $path optional -- Repository * @throws GetText_Error * @access private */ function _load_domain($domain, $path = "./locale") { $src_domain = $path . "/$this->_lang_code/LC_MESSAGES/$domain.po"; $php_domain = $path . "/$this->_lang_code/LC_MESSAGES/$domain.php"; if (!file_exists($src_domain)) { $str = sprintf('Domain file "%s" not found.', $src_domain); //$err = new GetText_Error($str); //return PEAR::raise_error($err); return raise_error("4 " . $str); } $d = new gettext_domain(); $d->name = $domain; $d->path = $path; if (!file_exists($php_domain) || (filemtime($php_domain) < filemtime($src_domain))) { // parse and compile translation table $parser = new gettext_php_support_parser(); $hash = $parser->parse($src_domain); if (!defined('GETTEXT_NO_CACHE')) { $comp = new gettext_php_support_compiler(); $err = $comp->compile($hash, $src_domain); /*if (PEAR::is_error($err)) { return $err; }*/ if (is_error($err)) { return $err; } } $d->_keys = $hash; } else { $d->_keys = include $php_domain; } $this->_domains[] = &$d; } /** * Implementation of gettext message retrieval. */ function _get_translation($key) { for ($i = $this->_end; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($this->_domains[$i]->has_key($key)) { return $this->_domains[$i]->get($key); } } return $key; } } /** * Class representing a domain file for a specified language. * * @access private * @author Laurent Bedubourg */ class gettext_domain { var $name; var $path; var $_keys = array(); function has_key($key) { return array_key_exists($key, $this->_keys); } function get($key) { return $this->_keys[$key]; } } /** * This class is used to parse gettext '.po' files into php associative arrays. * * @access private * @author Laurent Bedubourg */ class gettext_php_support_parser { var $_hash = array(); var $_current_key; var $_current_value; /** * Parse specified .po file. * * @return hashtable * @throws GetText_Error */ function parse($file) { $this->_hash = array(); $this->_current_key = false; $this->_current_value = ""; if (!file_exists($file)) { $str = sprintf('Unable to locate file "%s"', $file); //$err = new GetText_Error($str); //return PEAR::raise_error($err); return raise_error($str); } $i = 0; $lines = file($file); foreach ($lines as $line) { $this->_parse_line($line, ++$i); } $this->_store_key(); return $this->_hash; } /** * Parse one po line. * * @access private */ function _parse_line($line, $nbr) { if (preg_match('/^\s*?#/', $line)) { return; } if (preg_match('/^\s*?msgid \"(.*?)(?!<\\\)\"/', $line, $m)) { $this->_store_key(); $this->_current_key = $m[1]; return; } if (preg_match('/^\s*?msgstr \"(.*?)(?!<\\\)\"/', $line, $m)) { $this->_current_value .= $m[1]; return; } if (preg_match('/^\s*?\"(.*?)(?!<\\\)\"/', $line, $m)) { $this->_current_value .= $m[1]; return; } } /** * Store last key/value pair into building hashtable. * * @access private */ function _store_key() { if ($this->_current_key === false) return; $this->_current_value = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $this->_current_value); $this->_hash[$this->_current_key] = $this->_current_value; $this->_current_key = false; $this->_current_value = ""; } } /** * This class write a php file from a gettext hashtable. * * The produced file return the translation hashtable on include. * * @throws GetText_Error * @access private * @author Laurent Bedubourg */ class gettext_php_support_compiler { /** * Write hash in an includable php file. */ function compile(&$hash, $source_path) { $dest_path = preg_replace('/\.po$/', '.php', $source_path); $fp = @fopen($dest_path, "w"); if (!$fp) { $str = sprintf('Unable to open "%s" in write mode.', $dest_path); //$err = new GetText_Error($str); //return PEAR::raise_error($err); return raise_error($str); } fwrite($fp, ' $value) { $key = str_replace("'", "\\'", $key); $value = str_replace("'", "\\'", $value); fwrite($fp, ' \'' . $key . '\' => \'' . $value . "',\n"); } fwrite($fp, ');' . "\n"); fwrite($fp, '?>'); fclose($fp); } } /* Set current gettext domain path */ function set_ext_domain($path='') { global $path_to_root; $_SESSION['get_text']->add_domain($_SESSION['language']->code, $path_to_root . ($path ? '/' : '') .$path.'/lang', $path ? '' : $_SESSION['language']->version); } ?>