run(); page_footer($no_menu, $is_index); } function flush_dir($path) { $dir = opendir($path); while(false !== ($fname = readdir($dir))) { if($fname=='.' || $fname=='..') continue; if(is_dir($path.'/'.$fname)) { flush_dir($path.'/'.$fname); @rmdir($path.'/'.$fname); } else @unlink($path.'/'.$fname); } } function cache_js_file($fpath, $text) { global $go_debug; if(!$go_debug) $text = js_compress($text); $file = fopen($fpath, 'w'); if (!$file) return false; if (!fwrite($file, $text)) return false; return fclose($file); } function add_js_file($filename) { global $js_static; $search = array_search($filename, $js_static); if ($search === false || $search === null) // php>4.2.0 returns null $js_static[] = $filename; } function add_js_ufile($filename) { global $js_userlib; $search = array_search($filename, $js_userlib); if ($search === false || $search === null) // php>4.2.0 returns null $js_userlib[] = $filename; } function add_js_source($text) { global $js_lib; $search = array_search($text, $js_lib); if ($search === false || $search === null) // php>4.2.0 returns null $js_lib[] = $text; } /** * Compresses the Javascript code for more efficient delivery. * copyright (c) 2005 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson * * Added removing comments from output. * Warning: Fails on RegExp with quotes - use new RegExp() in this case. */ function js_compress($sJS) { //remove windows cariage returns $sJS = str_replace("\r","",$sJS); //array to store replaced literal strings $literal_strings = array(); //explode the string into lines $lines = explode("\n",$sJS); //loop through all the lines, building a new string at the same time as removing literal strings $clean = ""; $inComment = false; $literal = ""; $inQuote = false; $escaped = false; $quoteChar = ""; for($i=0;$i