. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root. "/includes/archive.inc"); define('PKG_CACHE_PATH', $path_to_root.'/modules/_cache'); define('PUBKEY_PATH', $path_to_root); define('REPO_URL', 'http://'.$repo_auth['login'].':'.$repo_auth['pass'].'@'.$repo_auth['host'].'/'.$repo_auth['branch']); // // FrontAccounting package class // class package extends gzip_file { function package($filename, $basedir=null) { global $path_to_root; if (!$basedir) { $basedir = PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/'.substr(basename($filename), 0, -4); if (file_exists($basedir)) { // flush_dir($basedir, true); } else mkdir($basedir); } $this->archive($filename); $this->set_options(array('basedir'=> $basedir)); $this->options['type'] = "pkg"; } // // Used by archive class. Use create_archive() instead. // function create_pkg() { return $this->create_gzip(); } // // Install package and clean temp directory. // function install() { global $path_to_root; $success = true; $this->set_options(array('overwrite' => 1)); $this->extract_files(); // extract package in cache directory $cachepath = $this->options['basedir']; $ctrl = get_control_file("$cachepath/_init/config"); $targetdir = $path_to_root.'/'.$ctrl['InstallPath']; if (!is_dir($targetdir)) mkdir($targetdir); $dpackage = new package("$cachepath/_data", $targetdir); $dpackage->set_options(array('overwrite' => 1)); $flist = $dpackage->extract_files(true); if (count($dpackage->error)) { $this->error = array_merge($this->error, $dpackage->error); return false; } copy_files($flist, $targetdir, "$cachepath/_back"); $dpackage->extract_files(); //install package in target directory $success &= $this->support('install'); $success &= count($dpackage->error) == 0; $this->error = array_merge($this->error, $dpackage->error); return $success; } // // Removing package related sources // function uninstall() { global $path_to_root; $success = true; $cachepath = $this->options['basedir']; $ctrl = get_control_file("$cachepath/_init/config"); $targetdir = $path_to_root.'/'.$ctrl['InstallPath']; $dpackage = new package("$cachepath/_data", $targetdir); $flist = $dpackage->extract_files(true); $success &= copy_files($flist, "$cachepath/_back", $targetdir, true); $success &= $this->support('uninstall'); return $success; } // // Purge all package related configuration and data. // function purge() { return true; } // // Call special function defined in package install class // function support($name, $params = null) { $cachepath = $this->options['basedir']; if (file_exists("$cachepath/_init/init.php")) { include("$cachepath/_init/init.php"); if (method_exists($installer, $name)) { set_include_path("$cachepath/_init".PATH_SEPARATOR.get_include_path()); $ret = $installer->$name($params); return $ret; } } return true; } } // // Changes field value read from control file (single, or multiline) into // arrays of subfields if needed. // function ufmt_property($key, $value) { // indexes used in output arrays $sub_fields = array( 'MenuTabs' => array('url', 'access', 'tab_id', 'title', 'section'), 'MenuEntries' => array('url', 'access', 'tab_id', 'title'), ); if (!isset($sub_fields[$key])) return $value==='' ? null : $value; $prop = array(); if (!is_array($value)) $value = array($value); foreach($value as $line) { $indexes = $sub_fields[$key]; $ret = array(); preg_match_all('/(["])(?:\\\\?+.)*?\1|[^"\s][\S]*/', $line, $match); foreach($match[0] as $n => $subf) { if ($match[1][$n]) $val = strtr(substr($subf, 1, -1), array('\\"'=>'"')); else $val = $subf; if (count($indexes)) $ret[array_shift($indexes)] = $val; else $ret[] = $val; } if (count($ret)) $prop[] = $ret; } return $prop; } //============================================================================= // // Retrieve control file and return as associative array // $index is name of field used as key in result array, or null for numeric keys // function get_control_file($file, $index = false) { $list = gzopen($file, 'rb'); if (!$list) return null; $repo = $pkg = array(); $key = false; $value = ''; $line = ''; do { $line = rtrim($line); if ($line && ctype_space($line[0])) { // continuation of multiline property if (strlen(ltrim($line))) { if ($value !== '' && !is_array($value)) $value = array($value); $value[] = ltrim($line); continue; } } if ($key) { // save previous property if any $pkg[$key] = ufmt_property($key, $value); } if (!strlen($line)) { // end of section if (count($pkg)) { if ($index !== true) { if ($index === false) break; if (!isset($pkg[$index])) { display_error(_("No key field '$index' in file '$file'")); return null; } $repo[$pkg[$index]] = $pkg; } else $repo[] = $pkg; } $pkg = array(); $key = null; $value = ''; continue; } elseif (preg_match('/([^:]*):\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) { $key = $m[1]; $value = $m[2]; if (!strlen($key)) { display_error("Empty key in line $line"); return null; } } else { display_error("File parse error in line $line"); return null; } } while ((($line = fgets($list))!==false) || $key); fclose($list); return $index === false ? $pkg : $repo; } // // Save configuration data to control file. // function save_control_file($fname, $list, $zip=false) { $file = $zip ? gzopen($fname, 'wb') : fopen($fname, 'wb'); foreach($list as $section) { foreach($section as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { // multiline value if (is_array(reset($value))) { // lines have subfields foreach($value as $i => $line) { // Subfields containing white spaces or double quotes are doublequoted // with " escaped with backslash. foreach($line as $n => $subfield) if (preg_match('/[\s"]/', $subfield)) { $value[$i][$n] = '"'.strtr($subfield, array('"'=>'\\"')).'"'; } // Subfields are separated by white space. $value[$i] = implode(' ', $value[$i]); } } // array elements on subsequent lines starting with white space $value = implode("\n ", $value); } $zip ? gzwrite($file, "$key: $value\n") : fwrite($file, "$key: $value\n"); } $zip ? gzwrite($file, "\n"): fwrite($file, "\n"); } $zip ? gzclose($file) : fclose($file); } // // Retrieve text field in localized version or default one // when the localized is not avaialable. // function pkg_prop($pkg, $property, $lang=false) { if ($lang && isset($pkg[$property.'-'.user_language()])) $prop = @$pkg[$pname]; else $prop = @$pkg[$property]; return is_array($prop) ? implode("\n ",$prop): $prop; } // // Retrieve list of packages from repository and return as table ($pkgname==null), // or find $pkgname package in repository and optionaly download // // $type is type/s of package // $filter is optional field selection array in form field=>newkey // or (0=>field1, 1=>field2...) // $outkey - field used as a key in package list. If null 'Package' field is used. // function get_pkg_or_list($type = null, $pkgname = null, $filter=array(), $outkey=null, $download=true) { global $path_to_root, $repo_auth; // first download local copy of repo release file // and check remote signature with local copy of public key // $loclist = PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/Release.gz'; if ($type!=null && !is_array($type)) { $type = array($type); } $refresh = true; do{ if (!file_exists($loclist)) { copy(REPO_URL.'/Release.gz', $loclist); $refresh = false; } $sig = file_get_contents(REPO_URL.'/Release.sig', 'rb'); $data = file_get_contents($loclist); $cert = file_get_contents(PUBKEY_PATH.'/FA.pem'); if (!openssl_verify($data, $sig, $cert)) { if ($refresh) @unlink($loclist); else { display_error(_('Release file in repository is invalid, or public key is outdated.')); return null; } } else $refresh = false; } while($refresh); $Release = get_control_file($loclist, 'Filename'); // download and check all indexes containing given package types // then complete package list or seek for pkg $Packages = array(); foreach($Release as $fname => $parms) { if ($type && !count(array_intersect(explode(' ', $parms['Type']), $type))) { unset($Release[$fname]); continue; // no packages of selected type in this index } if ($Release[$fname]['Version'] != $repo_auth['branch']) { display_warning(_('Repository version does not match application version.')); // ? } $remoteindex = REPO_URL.'/'.$fname; $locindex = PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/'.$fname; $refresh = true; do{ if (!file_exists($locindex)) { copy($remoteindex, $locindex); $refresh = false; } if ($parms['SHA1sum'] != sha1_file($locindex)) { // check subdir index consistency if ($refresh) @unlink($locindex); else { display_error(sprintf( _("Security alert: broken index file in repository '%s'. Please inform repository administrator about this issue."), $fname)); return null; } } else $refresh = false; } while($refresh); // scan subdir list and select packages of given type $pkglist = get_control_file($locindex, 'Package'); foreach($pkglist as $name => $pkg) { $pkgfullname = REPO_URL.'/'.$parms['Path']."/".$pkg['Filename'].'.pkg'; if ($type==null || in_array($pkg['Type'], $type)) { if (empty($filter)) $p = $pkg; else { foreach($filter as $field => $key) { if (is_numeric($field)) $p[$field] = @$pkg[$field]; else $p[$key] = @$pkg[$field]; } } if ($pkgname == null) { $Packages[$outkey ? $outkey : $name] = $p; } elseif ($pkgname == $pkg['Package']) { //download package to temp directory if ($download) { $locname = "$path_to_root/tmp/".$pkg['Filename'].'.pkg'; copy($pkgfullname, $locname); // checking sha1 hash is expensive proces, so chekc the package // consistency just before downloading if ($pkg['SHA1sum'] != sha1_file($locname)) { display_error(sprintf( _("Security alert: broken package '%s' in repository. Please inform repository administrator about this issue."), $pkgfullname)); return null; } } return $p; } } } } return $Packages; } function get_package($pkgname, $type = null) { return get_pkg_or_list($type, $pkgname); } /* Returns full name of installed package, or null if package is not installed. */ function installed_package($package) { $cache = opendir(PKG_CACHE_PATH); while ($file = @readdir($cache)) { if (!is_dir(PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/'.$file)) continue; if (strpos($file, $package.'-') === 0) return $file; } @closedir($cache); return null; } /* Remove package from system */ function uninstall_package($name) { $name = installed_package($name); if (!$name) return true; // not installed $pkg = new package($name.'.pkg'); $pkg->uninstall(); if($name) { flush_dir(PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/'.$name, true); rmdir(PKG_CACHE_PATH.'/'.$name); } return count($pkg->error)==0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return merged list of available and installed languages in inform of local // configuration array supplemented with installed versions information. // function get_languages_list() { global $installed_languages; $pkgs = get_pkg_or_list('language', null, array( 'Package' => 'package', 'Version' => 'available', 'Name' => 'name', 'Language' => 'code', 'Encoding' => 'encoding', 'RTLDir' => 'rtl', 'Description' => 'Descr', 'InstallPath' => 'path' )); // add/update languages already installed // foreach($installed_languages as $id => $l) { $list = array_search_keys($l['code'], $pkgs, 'code'); // get all packages with this code foreach ($list as $name) { if ($l['encoding'] == $pkgs[$name]['encoding']) { // if the same encoding $pkgs[$name]['version'] = @$l['version']; // set installed version $pkgs[$name]['local_id'] = $id; // index in installed_languages continue 2; } } $l['local_id'] = $id; if (!isset($l['package']) || $l['package'] == '' || !isset($pkgs[$l['package']])) $pkgs[] = $l; else $pkgs[$l['package']] = array_merge($pkgs[$l['package']], $l); } ksort($pkgs); return $pkgs; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return merged list of available and installed extensions as a local // configuration array supplemented with installed versions information. // function get_extensions_list() { $pkgs = get_pkg_or_list('extension', null, array( 'Package' => 'package', 'Version' => 'available', 'Name' => 'name', 'Description' => 'Descr', 'Type' => 'type', 'DefaultStatus'=> 'active', 'MenuTabs' => 'tabs', 'MenuEntries' => 'entries', 'AccessExtensions' => 'acc_file', 'InstallPath' => 'path' )); // add/update extensions already installed // $local = get_company_extensions(); foreach($local as $extno => $ext) { if ($ext['type'] != 'extension') continue; $ext['local_id'] = $extno; if (!isset($pkgs[$ext['package']]) || $ext['package'] == '') $pkgs[] = $ext; else $pkgs[$ext['package']] = array_merge($pkgs[$ext['package']], $ext); } ksort($pkgs); return $pkgs; } // // Return merged list of available and installed extensions as a local // configuration array supplemented with installed versions information. // function get_themes_list() { $pkgs = get_pkg_or_list('theme', null, array( 'Package' => 'package', 'Version' => 'available', 'Name' => 'name', 'Description' => 'Descr' )); // add/update extensions already installed // $local = get_company_extensions(); foreach($local as $extno => $ext) { if (isset($pkgs[@$ext['package']])) { $ext['local_id'] = $extno; $pkgs[$ext['package']] = array_merge($pkgs[$ext['package']], $ext); } } // TODO: Add other themes from themes directory ksort($pkgs); return $pkgs; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return merged list of available and installed COAs as a local // configuration array supplemented with installed versions information. // function get_charts_list() { $pkgs = get_pkg_or_list('chart', null, array( 'Package' => 'package', 'Version' => 'available', 'Name' => 'name', 'Description' => 'Descr', 'Type' => 'type', 'InstallPath' => 'path', 'SqlScript' => 'sql' )); // add/update default charts // $local = get_company_extensions(); foreach($local as $extno => $ext) { if ($ext['type'] != 'chart') continue; $ext['local_id'] = $extno; if (!isset($pkgs[$ext['package']]) || $ext['package'] == '') $pkgs[] = $ext; else $pkgs[$ext['package']] = array_merge($pkgs[$ext['package']], $ext); } ksort($pkgs); return $pkgs; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Install/update package from repository // function install_language($pkg_name) { global $path_to_root, $installed_languages, $Ajax; $pkg = get_pkg_or_list('language', $pkg_name); if ($pkg) { $i = array_search_key($pkg['Language'], $installed_languages, 'code'); if ($i === null) $i = count($installed_languages); else { // remove another already installed package for this language $old_pkg = @$installed_languages[$i]['package']; if ($old_pkg && ($pkg['Package'] != $old_pkg)) uninstall_package($old_pkg); } $package = new package("$path_to_root/tmp/".$pkg['Filename'].'.pkg'); if ($package->install()) { $lang = array( 'name' => $pkg['Name'], 'package' => $pkg['Package'], 'code' => $pkg['Language'], 'encoding' => $pkg['Encoding'], 'version' => $pkg['Version'], 'path' => $pkg['InstallPath'] ); if ($pkg['RTLDir']=='yes') $lang['rtl'] = true; $installed_languages[$i] = $lang; write_lang($installed_languages); unlink("$path_to_root/tmp/".$pkg['Filename'].'.pkg'); $Ajax->activate('lang_tbl'); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Install/update extension or theme package from repository // function install_extension($pkg_name) { global $path_to_root, $next_extension_id, $Ajax; $pkg = get_pkg_or_list(array('extension', 'theme', 'chart'), $pkg_name); if ($pkg) { $package = new package("$path_to_root/tmp/".$pkg['Filename'].'.pkg'); $local_exts = get_company_extensions(); if ($package->install()) { $ext_id = array_search_key($pkg['Package'], $local_exts, 'package'); if ($ext_id === null) $ext_id = $next_extension_id++; $ext = array( 'name' => $pkg['Name'], 'package' => $pkg['Package'], 'version' => $pkg['Version'], 'type' => $pkg['Type'], 'active' => true, 'path' => $pkg['InstallPath'], ); if (isset($pkg['MenuTabs'])) $ext['tabs'] = $pkg['MenuTabs']; if (isset($pkg['MenuEntries'])) $ext['entries'] = $pkg['MenuEntries']; if (isset($pkg['AccessExtensions'])) $ext['acc_file'] = $pkg['AccessExtensions']; if (isset($pkg['SqlScript'])) $ext['sql'] = $pkg['SqlScript']; $local_exts[$ext_id] = $ext; $ret = update_extensions($local_exts); unlink("$path_to_root/tmp/".$pkg['Filename'].'.pkg'); $Ajax->activate('ext_tbl'); return $ret; } else { display_error(implode('
', $package->error)); return false; } } return true; } /* Returns true if newer package version is available */ function check_pkg_upgrade($current, $available) { preg_match_all('/[\d]+/', $available, $aver); if (!count($aver[0])) return false; preg_match_all('/[\d]+/', $current, $cver); if (!count($cver[0])) return true; foreach($aver[0] as $n => $ver) if ($ver>@$cver[0][$n]) return true; return false; } // // Returns package info from index file // function get_package_info($pkg, $type=null, $filter=array(), $outkey=null, $download=true) { return get_pkg_or_list($type, $pkg, $filter, null, false); } ?>