. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/references_db.inc"); class references { function save($type, $id, $reference) { add_reference($type, $id, $reference); references::save_last($reference, $type); } function get($type, $id) { return get_reference($type, $id); } function delete($type, $id) { delete_reference($type, $id); } function exists($type, $reference) { return (find_reference($type, $reference) != null); } function save_last($reference, $type) { $next = references::increment($reference); save_next_reference($type, $next); } function get_next($type) { return get_next_reference($type); } //------------------------------------ function is_valid($reference) { return strlen(trim($reference)) > 0; } function increment($reference) { // New method done by Pete. So f.i. WA036 will increment to WA037 and so on. // If $reference is trailed by digits, and digits only, // extract them and add 1, then put the alpha prefix back on // NB. preg_match returns 1 if the regex matches completely // also $result[0] holds entire string, 1 the first captured, 2 the 2nd etc. if (preg_match('/^(.*?)(\d+)$/', $reference, $result) == 1) { $dig_count = strlen($result[2]); // How many digits? eg. 0003 = 4 $fmt = '%0' . $dig_count . 'd'; // Make a format string - leading zeroes $nextval = $result[1] . sprintf($fmt, intval($result[2] + 1)); // Add one on, and put prefix back on return $nextval; } else return $reference; } //------------------------------------ } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_new_reference($ref, $type) { $db_info = get_systype_db_info($type); $db_name = $db_info[0]; $db_type = $db_info[1]; $db_ref = $db_info[3]; if ($db_ref != null) { $sql = "SELECT $db_ref FROM $db_name WHERE $db_ref='$ref'"; if ($db_type != null) $sql .= " AND $db_type=$type"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not test for unique reference"); return (db_num_rows($result) == 0); } // it's a type that doesn't use references - shouldn't be calling here, but say yes anyways return true; } ?>