" . _("Incorrect Password") . "

"; echo "" . _("The user and password combination is not valid for the system.") . "

"; echo _("If you are not an authorized user, please contact your system administrator to obtain an account to enable you to use the system."); echo "
" . _("Back") . ""; echo ""; kill_login(); die(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_page_security($page_security) { if (!$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->check_user_access()) { echo "

"; echo "" . _("Security settings have not been defined for your user account."); echo "
" . _("Please contact your system administrator.") . "
"; kill_login(); exit; } if (!$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($page_security)) { page(_("Access denied")); echo "

"; echo _("The security settings on your account do not permit you to access this function"); echo ""; echo "

" . _("Back") . ""; echo "

"; //echo '' end_page(); //kill_login(); exit; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]) || (isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]) && !$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->logged_in())) { $_SESSION["wa_current_user"] = new current_user(); // Show login screen if (!isset($_POST["user_name_entry_field"]) or $_POST["user_name_entry_field"] == "") { include($path_to_root . "/access/login.php"); exit; } } if (isset($_POST["user_name_entry_field"])) { $succeed = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->login($_POST["company_login_name"], $_POST["user_name_entry_field"], md5($_POST["password"])); if (!$succeed) { // Incorrect password login_fail(); } } global $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path; $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/'; // standard external js scripts included in all files $js_static = array('behaviour.js'); // additional js source included in header $js_lib = array(); add_js_user_num(); // add user native numeric input functions // Run with debugging messages for the system administrator(s) but not anyone else /*if (in_array(15, $security_groups[$_SESSION["AccessLevel"]])) { $debug = 1; } else { $debug = 0; }*/ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_page_security($page_security); ?>