. ***********************************************************************/ /* Class for supplier/customer payment/credit allocations edition and related helpers. */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class allocation { var $trans_no; var $type; var $person_id = ''; var $person_name = ''; var $person_type; // PT_SUPPLIER/PT_CUSTOMER var $person_curr; var $date_; var $amount = 0; /*Total amount of the transaction in FX */ var $currency; var $allocs; /*array of transactions allocated to */ function allocation($type, $trans_no, $person_id = null, $person_type_id=null) { $this->allocs = array(); $this->trans_no = $trans_no; $this->type = $type; if ($person_id) $this->set_person($person_id, $person_type_id); $this->read($type, $trans_no, $person_id, $person_type_id); // read payment or credit } function set_person($person_id, $person_type) { $this->person_id = $person_id; $this->person_type = $person_type; $this->person_curr = $person_type == PT_SUPPLIER ? get_supplier_currency($person_id) : get_customer_currency($person_id); return $this->person_curr; } function add_item($type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref) { if (floatcmp($amount, 0)) { $this->allocs[count($this->allocs)] = new allocation_item($type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref); return true; } else { return false; } } function update_item($index, $type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref) { if (floatcmp($amount, 0)) { $this->allocs[$index] = new allocation_item($type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref); return true; } else { return false; } } function add_or_update_item($type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->allocs); $i++) { $item = $this->allocs[$i]; if (($item->type == $type) && ($item->type_no == $type_no)) { return $this->update_item($i, $type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref); } } return $this->add_item($type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref); } // // Read payment or credit current/available allocations to cart. // // FIXME - read all transactions below twice seems to be suboptimal // function read($type = null, $trans_no = 0, $person_id=null, $person_type_id=null) { if ($type !== null) { // otherwise re-read $type = $this->type; $trans_no = $this->trans_no; if (isset($person_type_id)) { $this->person_type = $person_type_id; $this->person_id = $person_id; } else { // guess person_type_id if (in_array($type, array(ST_BANKPAYMENT, ST_BANKDEPOSIT))) { $bank_trans = db_fetch(get_bank_trans($type, $trans_no)); $this->person_type = $bank_trans['person_type_id']; } else $this->person_type = in_array($type, array(ST_SUPPCREDIT, ST_SUPPAYMENT)) ? PT_SUPPLIER : PT_CUSTOMER; } if ($trans_no) { $trans = $this->person_type == PT_SUPPLIER ? get_supp_trans($trans_no, $type, $person_id) : get_customer_trans($trans_no, $type, $person_id); $this->person_id = $trans[$this->person_type == PT_SUPPLIER ? 'supplier_id':'debtor_no']; $this->person_name = $trans[$this->person_type == PT_SUPPLIER ? "supplier_name":"DebtorName"]; $this->date_ = sql2date($trans["tran_date"]); $this->person_curr = $trans['curr_code']; $this->currency = isset($trans['bank_curr_code']) ? $trans['bank_curr_code'] : $trans['curr_code']; $this->bank_amount = isset($trans["bank_amount"]) ? $trans["bank_amount"] : $trans["Total"]; // not set for journal entry $this->amount = $trans["Total"]; } } /* Now populate the array of possible (and previous actual) allocations for this customer/supplier. First get the transactions that have outstanding balances ie Total-alloc >0 */ $this->allocs = array(); if ($this->person_id) { if ($this->person_type==PT_SUPPLIER) $trans_items = get_allocatable_to_supp_transactions($this->person_id); else $trans_items = get_allocatable_to_cust_transactions($this->person_id); while ($myrow = db_fetch($trans_items)) { $this->add_item($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"], sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]), sql2date($myrow["due_date"]), $myrow["Total"], // trans total $myrow["alloc"], // trans total allocated 0, $myrow["reference"]); // this allocation } } if ($this->trans_no == 0) return; // this is new payment /* Now get trans that might have previously been allocated to by this trans NB existing entries where still some of the trans outstanding entered from above logic will be overwritten with the prev alloc detail below */ if ($this->person_type==PT_SUPPLIER) $trans_items = get_allocatable_to_supp_transactions($this->person_id, $this->trans_no, $this->type); else $trans_items = get_allocatable_to_cust_transactions($this->person_id, $this->trans_no, $this->type); while ($myrow = db_fetch($trans_items)) { $this->add_or_update_item ($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"], sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]), sql2date($myrow["due_date"]), $myrow["Total"], $myrow["alloc"] - $myrow["amt"], $myrow["amt"], $myrow["reference"]); } } // // Update allocations in database. // function write() { global $no_exchange_variations; begin_transaction(); if ($this->person_type == PT_SUPPLIER) clear_supp_alloctions($this->type, $this->trans_no, $this->person_id, $this->date_); else clear_cust_alloctions($this->type, $this->trans_no, $this->person_id, $this->date_); // now add the new allocations $total_allocated = 0; $dec = user_price_dec(); foreach ($this->allocs as $alloc_item) { if ($alloc_item->current_allocated > 0) { $amount = round($alloc_item->current_allocated, $dec); if ($this->person_type == PT_SUPPLIER) { add_supp_allocation($amount, $this->type, $this->trans_no, $alloc_item->type, $alloc_item->type_no, $this->person_id, $this->date_); update_supp_trans_allocation($alloc_item->type, $alloc_item->type_no, $this->person_id); } else { add_cust_allocation($amount, $this->type, $this->trans_no, $alloc_item->type, $alloc_item->type_no, $this->person_id, $this->date_); update_debtor_trans_allocation($alloc_item->type, $alloc_item->type_no, $this->person_id); } // Exchange Variations Joe Hunt 2008-09-20 //////////////////// if ($alloc_item->type != ST_SALESORDER && !@$no_exchange_variations && $alloc_item->type != ST_PURCHORDER && $alloc_item->type != ST_JOURNAL && $this->type != ST_JOURNAL) exchange_variation($this->type, $this->trans_no, $alloc_item->type, $alloc_item->type_no, $this->date_, $amount, $this->person_type); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $total_allocated += $alloc_item->current_allocated; } } /*end of the loop through the array of allocations made */ if ($this->person_type == PT_SUPPLIER) update_supp_trans_allocation($this->type, $this->trans_no, $this->person_id); else update_debtor_trans_allocation($this->type, $this->trans_no, $this->person_id); commit_transaction(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class allocation_item { var $type; var $type_no; var $date_; var $due_date; var $amount_allocated; var $amount; var $ref; var $current_allocated; function allocation_item ($type, $type_no, $date_, $due_date, $amount, $amount_allocated, $current_allocated, $ref) { $this->type = $type; $this->type_no = $type_no; $this->ref = $ref; $this->date_ = $date_; $this->due_date = $due_date; $this->amount = $amount; $this->amount_allocated = $amount_allocated; $this->current_allocated = $current_allocated; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function show_allocatable($show_totals) { global $systypes_array; $k = $total_allocated = 0; $cart = $_SESSION['alloc']; $supp_ref = in_array($cart->type, array(ST_SUPPCREDIT, ST_SUPPAYMENT, ST_BANKPAYMENT)); if (count($cart->allocs)) { display_heading(sprintf(_("Allocated amounts in %s:"), $cart->person_curr)); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='60%'"); $th = array(_("Transaction Type"), _("#"), $supp_ref ? _("Supplier Ref"): _("Ref"), _("Date"), _("Due Date"), _("Amount"), _("Other Allocations"), _("Left to Allocate"), _("This Allocation"),'',''); table_header($th); foreach ($cart->allocs as $id => $alloc_item) { if (floatcmp(abs($alloc_item->amount), $alloc_item->amount_allocated)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($systypes_array[$alloc_item->type]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($alloc_item->type, $alloc_item->type_no)); label_cell($alloc_item->ref); label_cell($alloc_item->date_, "align=right"); label_cell($alloc_item->due_date, "align=right"); amount_cell(abs($alloc_item->amount)); amount_cell($alloc_item->amount_allocated); $_POST['amount' . $id] = price_format($alloc_item->current_allocated); $un_allocated = round((abs($alloc_item->amount) - $alloc_item->amount_allocated), 6); amount_cell($un_allocated, false,'', 'maxval'.$id); amount_cells(null, "amount" . $id);//, input_num('amount' . $id)); label_cell("" . _("All") . ""); label_cell("" . _("None") . "".hidden("un_allocated" . $id, price_format($un_allocated), false)); end_row(); $total_allocated += input_num('amount' . $id); } } if ($show_totals) { label_row(_("Total Allocated"), price_format($total_allocated), "colspan=8 align=right", "align=right id='total_allocated'", 3); $amount = abs($cart->amount); if (floatcmp($amount, $total_allocated) < 0) { $font1 = ""; $font2 = ""; } else $font1 = $font2 = ""; $left_to_allocate = price_format($amount - $total_allocated); label_row(_("Left to Allocate"), $font1 . $left_to_allocate . $font2, "colspan=8 align=right", "nowrap align=right id='left_to_allocate'", 3); } end_table(1); } hidden('TotalNumberOfAllocs', count($cart->allocs)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_allocations() { global $SysPrefs; $total_allocated = 0; for ($counter = 0; $counter < get_post("TotalNumberOfAllocs"); $counter++) { if (!isset($_POST['amount'.$counter])) continue; if (!check_num('amount' . $counter, 0)) { display_error(_("The entry for one or more amounts is invalid or negative.")); set_focus('amount'.$counter); return false; } /* Now check to see that the AllocAmt is no greater than the amount left to be allocated against the transaction under review; skip check if no allocation is set to avoid deadlock on mistakenly overallocated transactions*/ $allocated = input_num('amount' . $counter); if ($allocated && ($allocated > input_num('un_allocated' . $counter))) { display_error(_("At least one transaction is overallocated.")); set_focus('amount'.$counter); return false; } $_SESSION['alloc']->allocs[$counter]->current_allocated = input_num('amount' . $counter); $total_allocated += input_num('amount' . $counter); } $amount = abs($_SESSION['alloc']->amount); if ($total_allocated - ($amount + input_num('discount')) > $SysPrefs->allocation_settled_allowance()) { display_error(_("These allocations cannot be processed because the amount allocated is more than the total amount left to allocate.")); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns sales or purchase invoice allocations to be reallocated after invoice edition. // function get_inv_allocations($trans_no, $trans_type, $person_id) { $allocs = array(); if ($trans_type == ST_SUPPINVOICE || $trans_type == ST_SUPPCREDIT) $result = get_allocatable_from_supp_transactions($person_id, $trans_no, $trans_type); else $result = get_allocatable_from_cust_transactions($person_id, $trans_no, $trans_type); while($dat = db_fetch($result)) { $allocs[] = array('type'=> $dat['type'], 'trans_no'=> $dat['trans_no'], 'amount'=>$dat['alloc']); } return $allocs; }