. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/prefs/sysprefs.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/inventory_db.inc"); class items_cart { var $trans_type; var $line_items; var $gl_items; var $order_id; var $from_loc; var $to_loc; var $tran_date; var $doc_date; var $event_date; var $transfer_type; var $increase; var $memo_; var $branch_id; var $reference; var $original_amount; var $currency; var $rate; var $source_ref; var $vat_category; var $tax_info; // tax info for the GL transaction var $fixed_asset; function __construct($type, $trans_no=0) { $this->trans_type = $type; $this->order_id = $trans_no; $this->clear_items(); if (in_array($type, array(ST_LOCTRANSFER, ST_INVADJUST, ST_COSTUPDATE, ST_MANUISSUE, ST_MANURECEIVE, ST_JOURNAL))) $this->currency = get_company_pref('curr_default'); $this->rate = 1; } // --------------- line item functions function add_to_cart($line_no, $stock_id, $qty, $standard_cost, $description=null) { if (isset($stock_id) && $stock_id != "" && isset($qty)) { $this->line_items[$line_no] = new line_item($stock_id, $qty, $standard_cost, $description); return true; } else { // shouldn't come here under normal circumstances display_error("unexpected - adding an invalid item or null quantity", "", true); } return false; } function find_cart_item($stock_id) { foreach($this->line_items as $line_no=>$line) { if ($line->stock_id == $stock_id) return $this->line_items[$line_no]; } return null; } function update_cart_item($line_no, $qty, $standard_cost) { $this->line_items[$line_no]->quantity = $qty; $this->line_items[$line_no]->standard_cost = $standard_cost; } function remove_from_cart($line_no) { array_splice($this->line_items, $line_no, 1); } function count_items() { return count($this->line_items); } function check_qoh($location, $date_, $reverse=false) { global $SysPrefs; $low_stock = array(); if (!$SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock()) { foreach ($this->line_items as $line_no => $line_item) if (has_stock_holding($line_item->mb_flag) || is_fixed_asset($line_item->mb_flag)) { $quantity = $line_item->quantity; if ($reverse) $quantity = -$line_item->quantity; if ($quantity >= 0) continue; if (check_negative_stock($line_item->stock_id, $quantity, $location, $date_)) $low_stock[] = $line_item->stock_id; } } return $low_stock; } // ----------- GL item functions function add_gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo='', $act_descr=null, $person_id=null, $date=null) { if (isset($code_id) && $code_id != "" && isset($amount) && isset($dimension_id) && isset($dimension2_id)) { $this->gl_items[] = new gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo, $act_descr, $person_id, $date); return true; } else { // shouldn't come here under normal circumstances display_error("unexpected - invalid parameters in add_gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount,...)", "", true); } return false; } function update_gl_item($index, $code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo='', $act_descr=null, $person_id=null) { $this->gl_items[$index]->code_id = $code_id; $this->gl_items[$index]->person_id = $person_id; $gl_type = is_subledger_account($code_id); if ($person_id != null && $gl_type) { $this->gl_items[$index]->person_type_id = $gl_type > 0 ? PT_CUSTOMER : PT_SUPPLIER; $data = get_subaccount_data($code_id, $person_id); $this->gl_items[$index]->person_name = $data['name']; $this->gl_items[$index]->branch_id = $data['id']; } else { $this->gl_items[$index]->person_type_id = $this->gl_items[$index]->person_name = ''; } $this->gl_items[$index]->dimension_id = $dimension_id; $this->gl_items[$index]->dimension2_id = $dimension2_id; $this->gl_items[$index]->amount = $amount; $this->gl_items[$index]->reference = $memo; if ($act_descr == null) $this->gl_items[$index]->description = get_gl_account_name($code_id); else $this->gl_items[$index]->description = $act_descr; } function remove_gl_item($index) { array_splice($this->gl_items, $index, 1); } function count_gl_items() { return count($this->gl_items); } function gl_items_total() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->gl_items as $gl_item) $total += $gl_item->amount; return $total; } function gl_items_total_debit() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->gl_items as $gl_item) { if ($gl_item->amount > 0) $total += $gl_item->amount; } return $total; } function gl_items_total_credit() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->gl_items as $gl_item) { if ($gl_item->amount < 0) $total += $gl_item->amount; } return $total; } // ------------ common functions function clear_items() { unset($this->line_items); $this->line_items = array(); unset($this->gl_items); $this->gl_items = array(); } // // Check if cart contains virtual subaccount (AP/AR) postings // function has_sub_accounts() { foreach ($this->gl_items as $gl_item) { if (is_subledger_account($gl_item->code_id)) return true; } return false; } // // Check if cart contains postings to tax accounts // function has_taxes() { foreach ($this->gl_items as $gl_item) { if (is_tax_account($gl_item->code_id)) return true; } return false; } /* Collect tax info from the GL transaction lines and return as array of values: 'tax_date' - tax date 'tax_group' - related counterparty tax group 'tax_category' - tax category (not set for now) 'net_amount' - tax amounts array indexed by tax type id 'tax_in', 'tax_out' - tax amounts array indexed by tax type id 'tax_reg' - tax register used */ function collect_tax_info() { $tax_info = array(); $subledger_sum = $net_sum = 0; $tax_info['tax_date'] = $this->tran_date; $vat_percent = get_company_pref('partial_vat_percent'); $factor = $vat_percent && ($this->vat_category == VC_PARTIAL) ? $vat_percent/100: 1; foreach($this->gl_items as $gl) { if ($person_type = is_subledger_account($gl->code_id)) { $tax_info['person_type'] = $person_type < 0 ? PT_SUPPLIER : PT_CUSTOMER; $tax_info['person_id'] = $gl->person_id; if ($tax_info['person_type'] == PT_CUSTOMER) { $branch = get_default_branch($gl->person_id); $tax_info['tax_group'] = $branch['tax_group_id']; } else { $supplier = get_supplier($gl->person_id); $tax_info['tax_group'] = $supplier['tax_group_id']; } $subledger_sum += $gl->amount; } elseif ($tax_id = is_tax_account($gl->code_id)) { $tax_type = get_tax_type($tax_id); if ($gl->code_id == $tax_type['purchasing_gl_code']) { if (!isset($tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id])) $tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id] = 0; $tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id] += $gl->amount; $tax_info['tax_reg'] = TR_INPUT; } else { if (!isset($tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id])) $tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id] = 0; $tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id] -= $gl->amount; if (!isset($tax_info['tax_reg'])) // TR_INPUT has priority (EU are posted on both accounts) $tax_info['tax_reg'] = TR_OUTPUT; } if ($tax_type['rate']) { // assume transaction adjustment for negative tax in/out $sign = (@$tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id] < 0 || @$tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id] < 0) ? -1 : 1; // we can have both input and output tax postings in some cases like intra-EU trade. // so just calculate net_amount from the higher in/out tax $tax_info['net_amount'][$tax_id] = $sign*round2(max(abs(@$tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id]), abs(@$tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id]))/$tax_type['rate']*100, user_price_dec())/$factor; } } else $net_sum += $gl->amount; } // if no tax amount posted guess register type from person_type used (e.g. export invoice) if (!isset($tax_info['tax_reg']) && isset($tax_info['person_type'])) $tax_info['tax_reg'] = $tax_info['person_type']==PT_CUSTOMER ? TR_OUTPUT : TR_INPUT; if (count_array(@$tax_info['net_amount'])) // guess exempt sales/purchase if any tax has been found { $ex_net = abs($net_sum) - @array_sum($tax_info['net_amount']); if ($ex_net != 0) $tax_info['net_amount_ex'] = $ex_net; } return $tax_info; } function set_currency($curr, $rate=0) { $this->currency = $curr; $this->rate = $rate; } /* Reduce number of necessary gl posting lines. */ function reduce_gl() { /* reduce additional postings */ $codes = array(); foreach($this->gl_items as $n => $gl) { $prev = @$codes[$gl->code_id][$gl->person_id][$gl->dimension_id][$gl->dimension2_id][$gl->reference]; if (isset($prev)) { // add amount to previous line for the same gl_code dims and memo $this->gl_items[$prev]->amount += $gl->amount; if ($this->gl_items[$prev]->amount == 0) // discard if overall amount==0 { unset($this->gl_items[$prev], $codes[$gl->code_id][$gl->person_id][$gl->dimension_id][$gl->dimension2_id][$gl->reference]); } unset($this->gl_items[$n]); } else $codes[$gl->code_id][$gl->person_id][$gl->dimension_id][$gl->dimension2_id][$gl->reference] = $n; } } /* Write transaction GL postings, creating tax records and updating AP/AR/bank ledger if needed. */ function write_gl($check_balance = true) { $delta = $this->gl_items_total(); if ($check_balance && floatcmp($delta, 0) !=0) { $this->add_gl_item(get_company_pref($delta>0 ? 'rounding_db_act' : 'rounding_cr_act'), 0, 0, -$delta, ''); error_log(sprintf( _("Rounding error %s encountered for trans_type:%s,trans_no:%s"), $delta, $this->trans_type, $this->order_id)); } $bank_trans = $supp_trans = $cust_trans = array(); $total_gl = 0; foreach($this->gl_items as $gl) { if (!isset($gl->date)) $gl->date = $this->tran_date; $total_gl += add_gl_trans($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $gl->date, $gl->code_id, $gl->dimension_id, $gl->dimension2_id, $gl->reference, $gl->amount, $this->currency, $gl->person_type_id, $gl->person_id, "", $this->rate); // post to first found bank account using given gl acount code. $is_bank_to = is_bank_account($gl->code_id); if ($is_bank_to && (get_bank_account_currency($is_bank_to) == $this->currency)) // do not register exchange variations in bank trans { if (!isset($bank_trans[$is_bank_to])) $bank_trans[$is_bank_to] = 0; $bank_trans[$is_bank_to] += $gl->amount; } elseif ($gl->person_id) { $home_currency = get_company_currency(); // collect per counterparty amounts (in case more than one posting was done to the account), // do not post exchange variations to AR/AP (journal in not customer/supplier currency) if ($gl->person_type_id==PT_SUPPLIER && (get_supplier_currency($gl->person_id) == $this->currency || $this->currency != $home_currency)) $supp_trans[$gl->person_id] = @$supp_trans[$gl->person_id] + $gl->amount; elseif ($gl->person_type_id==PT_CUSTOMER && (get_customer_currency(null, $gl->branch_id) == $this->currency || $this->currency != $home_currency)) $cust_trans[$gl->branch_id] = @$cust_trans[$gl->branch_id] + $gl->amount; } } // post currency roundings if any if ($check_balance && floatcmp($total_gl, 0)) add_gl_trans($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $this->tran_date, get_company_pref($total_gl>0 ? 'rounding_db_act' : 'rounding_cr_act'), 0, 0, _('Exchange rate roundings'), -$total_gl); // update bank ledger if used foreach($bank_trans as $bank_id => $amount) add_bank_trans($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $bank_id, $this->reference, $this->tran_date, $amount, 0, "", $this->currency, "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction"); // add AP/AR for journal transaction if ($this->trans_type == ST_JOURNAL) { // update AR foreach($cust_trans as $branch_id => $amount) if (floatcmp($amount, 0)) write_cust_journal($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $branch_id, $this->tran_date, $this->reference, $amount, $this->rate); // update AP foreach($supp_trans as $supp_id => $amount) if (floatcmp($amount, 0)) write_supp_journal($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $supp_id, $this->tran_date, $this->reference, -$amount, $this->rate, $this->source_ref); } // generate tax records for journal transaction if ($this->trans_type == ST_JOURNAL && is_array($this->tax_info)) { foreach($this->tax_info['net_amount'] as $tax_id => $net) { if (!$net) continue; // in EU VAT system intra-community goods aquisition is posted to both purchasing and sales tax accounts, // but included only in purchase register. To avoid double registering ELSE is used below! if (isset($this->tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id])) { $tax = $this->tax_info['tax_in'][$tax_id]; $reg = TR_INPUT; } elseif (isset($this->tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id])) { $tax = $this->tax_info['tax_out'][$tax_id]; $reg = TR_OUTPUT; } elseif (isset($this->tax_info['tax_reg'])) // e.g. export { $tax = 0; $reg = $this->tax_info['tax_reg']; } else continue; $tax_nominal = $this->tax_info['rate'][$tax_id]/100*$net; add_trans_tax_details($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $tax_id, $this->tax_info['rate'][$tax_id], 0, $tax_nominal, $net, $this->rate, $this->tran_date, $this->source_ref, $reg); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class line_item { var $stock_id; var $item_description; var $units; var $mb_flag; var $quantity; var $price; var $standard_cost; function __construct($stock_id, $qty, $standard_cost=null, $description=null) { $item_row = get_item($stock_id); if ($item_row == null) display_error("invalid item added to order : $stock_id", ""); $this->mb_flag = $item_row["mb_flag"]; $this->units = $item_row["units"]; if ($description == null) $this->item_description = $item_row["description"]; else $this->item_description = $description; if ($standard_cost == null) $this->standard_cost = $item_row["purchase_cost"]; else $this->standard_cost = $standard_cost; $this->stock_id = $stock_id; $this->quantity = $qty; //$this->price = $price; $this->price = 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class gl_item { var $code_id; var $dimension_id; var $dimension2_id; var $amount; var $reference; var $description; var $person_id; var $person_type_id; var $person_name; var $branch_id; var $date; function __construct($code_id=null, $dimension_id=0, $dimension2_id=0, $amount=0, $memo='', $act_descr=null, $person_id=null, $date=null) { //echo "adding $index, $code_id, $dimension_id, $amount, $reference
"; if ($act_descr == null && $code_id) $this->description = get_gl_account_name($code_id); else $this->description = $act_descr; $this->code_id = $code_id; $this->person_id = $person_id; $gl_type = is_subledger_account($code_id); if ($person_id != null && $gl_type) { $this->person_type_id = $gl_type > 0 ? PT_CUSTOMER : PT_SUPPLIER; $data = get_subaccount_data($code_id, $person_id); $this->person_name = $data['name']; $this->branch_id = $data['id']; } $this->dimension_id = $dimension_id; $this->dimension2_id = $dimension2_id; $this->amount = round2($amount, user_price_dec()); $this->reference = $memo; $this->date = $date; } }