. ***********************************************************************/ // // Template for simple table editors // class simple_crud { var $name; var $Mode; var $selected_id; var $_none = ''; // selector value when no item is selected var $pre_handlers; // control buttons and related methods called before view display var $views; var $data = array(); var $fields; var $tool_buttons; var $options; var $dec; // // function simple_crud($name, $fields = null) { $this->name = $name; $this->pre_handlers = array( 'Edit' => '_edit', 'Delete' => '_delete', 'NEW' => '_edit', 'ADD' => '_add', 'UPDATE' => '_update', 'RESET' => '_cancel', 'CLONE' => '_cloning' ); $this->views = array( '' => 'list_view', // default view 'Edit' => 'editor_view', 'Delete' => 'list_view', 'NEW' => 'editor_view', 'ADD' => 'editor_view', 'UPDATE' => 'editor_view', 'RESET' => 'list_view', 'CLONE' => 'editor_view' ); $this->tool_buttons['Edit'] = array(_('Edit'), _('Edit document line'), ICON_EDIT, ''); $this->tool_buttons['Delete'] = array(_('Delete'), _('Remove line from document'), ICON_DELETE, ''); $this->tool_buttons['UPDATE'] = array(_('Update'), _('Confirm changes'), ICON_UPDATE, ''); $this->tool_buttons['RESET'] = array(_('Cancel'), _('Cancel changes'), ICON_CANCEL, ''); $this->fields = $fields; $this->selected_id = $this->_none; } /* Input/output formatters - convert values between php/user domains. */ function _format_input($value, $fmt) { switch($fmt) { case 'stock': $this->dec = get_qty_dec($value); return $value; case 'price': case 'qty': case 'number': return user_numeric($value); case 'percent': return user_numeric($value)/100; case 'text': case 'date': default: return $value; } } function _format_output($value, $fmt) { switch($fmt) { case 'price': return price_format($value); case 'qty': return number_format2($value, $this->dec); case 'number': return number_format2($value); case 'percent': return percent_format($value*100); case 'stock': $this->dec = get_qty_dec($value); // retrieve dec for use in later qty fields case 'text': case 'date': default: return $value; } } function _check_mode() { global $Ajax; // list controls lookup foreach (array_keys($this->pre_handlers) as $m) { if (isset($_POST[$this->name.$m])) { unset($_POST['_focus']); // focus on first form entry $Ajax->activate($this->name.'_div'); $val = @key($_POST[$this->name.$m]); $this->selected_id = $val!==null ? @quoted_printable_decode($val) : $this->_none; return $m; } } $mod = get_post($this->name.'Mode', ''); if ($mod) { $val = @key($mod); $this->selected_id = $val!==null ? @quoted_printable_decode($val) : $this->_none; return $mod[$val]; } return ''; } // // Set record for edition // function _edit($mode) { if ($this->Mode != $mode) { if ($this->selected_id != $this->_none) { $this->data = $this->db_read(); } $this->set_posts($this->data); } $this->Mode = $mode; } // // Update record after edition // function _update($mode) { $this->get_posts(); if ($this->update_check()) { if ($this->db_update()) { $this->selected_id = $this->_none; $this->Mode = ''; return; } } $this->Mode = $mode; } // // Add new record // function _add($mode) { $this->get_posts(); if ($this->insert_check()) { $this->db_insert(); $this->_cancel(); return; } $this->Mode = $mode; } // // Delete selected record // function _delete() { if ($this->delete_check()) $this->db_delete(); $this->_cancel(); } // // Return to listing view // function _cancel() { $this->selected_id = $this->_none; $this->db_cancel(); $this->Mode = ''; } // // Clone record for new edition // function _cloning() { $this->Mode = ''; $this->_edit('Edit'); $this->selected_id = $this->_none; } /* Generate form controls */ function _bottom_controls() { $clone = $this->selected_id != $this->_none; $title=false; $async='both'; $base=$this->name; $cancel = $async; if ($async === 'both') { $async = 'default'; $cancel = 'cancel'; } elseif ($async === 'default') $cancel = true; elseif ($async === 'cancel') $async = true; echo "
"; if ($this->Mode == '' || $this->Mode == 'RESET') submit("{$base}NEW", _("Add new"), true, $title, $async); else { if ($this->Mode == 'NEW' || $this->selected_id==$this->_none) submit("{$base}ADD", _("Add"), true, $title, $async); else { submit("{$base}UPDATE[{$this->selected_id}]", _("Update"), true, _('Submit changes'), $async); if ($clone) submit("{$base}CLONE[{$this->selected_id}]", _("Clone"), true, _('Edit new record with current data'), $async); } submit("{$base}RESET", _("Cancel"), true, _('Cancel edition'), $cancel); } echo "
"; } //=========================================================================== // Public functions // function tool_button($name, $selected_id=null, $params='') { $b = $this->tool_buttons[$name]; return "" .button( "{$this->name}$name" .($selected_id === null || $selected_id === $this->_none ? '': "[$selected_id]"), $b[0], $b[1], $b[2], $b[3]).""; } function set_posts() { foreach($this->fields as $name => $fmt) { if (is_int($name)) { $name = $fmt; $fmt = array(); } $post = isset($fmt['post']) ? $fmt['post'] : $name; $fld = isset($fmt['fld']) ? $fmt['fld'] : $name; $value = $this->selected_id == $this->_none ? @$fmt['dflt'] : (is_array($this->data) ? $this->data[$fld]: $this->data->$fld); $_POST[$post] = $this->_format_output($value, @$fmt['fmt']); } } //-------------------------- // // Get editor POST variables. // function get_posts() { foreach ($this->fields as $name => $fmt) { if (is_int($name)) { $name = $fmt; $fmt = array(); } $post = isset($fmt['post']) ? $fmt['post'] : $name; $fld = isset($fmt['fld']) ? $fmt['fld'] : $name; $value = $this->_format_input(@$_POST[$post], @$fmt['fmt']); if (is_array($this->data)) $this->data[$fld] = $value; else $this->data->$fld = $value; } } // Main function - display current CRUD editor content // function show() { if (!isset($_POST[$this->name.'Mode'])) $this->set_posts(); $Mode = $this->_check_mode(true); div_start($this->name.'_div'); if (array_key_exists($Mode, $this->pre_handlers)) { $fun = $this->pre_handlers[$Mode]; $this->$fun($Mode); } if (isset($this->views[$this->Mode])) $this->{$this->views[$this->Mode]}(); else $this->{$this->views['']}(); // default view $this->_bottom_controls(); // this is needed only when we use temporary crud object together with ajax screen updates hidden($this->name.'Mode'.'['.$this->selected_id.']', $this->Mode); div_end(); } //=========================================================================== // Database functions placeholders // // Read record from db for edition // function db_read() { display_notification(__FUNCTION__. ' is not defined...'); return array(); } // // Update record in db after edition // function db_update() { $this->db_insert(); } // // Delete record // function db_delete() { display_notification(__FUNCTION__. ' is not defined...'); } // // Insert record // function db_insert() { display_notification(__FUNCTION__. ' is not defined...'); } // // Cancel edition // Optional things like focus set. // function db_cancel() { } function delete_check() { display_notification(__FUNCTION__. ' is not defined...'); return true; } function insert_check() { return true; } function update_check() { return $this->insert_check(); } // // Show database content in pager/table // function list_view() { display_notification(__FUNCTION__. ' is not defined...'); } // // Show record editor screen content // function editor_view() { display_notification(__FUNCTION__. ' is not defined...'); } };