. ***********************************************************************/ // // Sets local POST value and adds Value to ajax posting if needed // /*function set_post($name, $value, $ajax_trigger=true) { global $Ajax; $_POST[$name] = $value; if ($ajax_trigger) $Ajax->activate($name); } */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Seek for _POST variable with $prefix. // If var is found returns variable name with prefix stripped, // and null or -1 otherwise. // function find_submit($prefix, $numeric=true) { foreach($_POST as $postkey=>$postval ) { if (strpos($postkey, $prefix) === 0) { $id = substr($postkey, strlen($prefix)); return $numeric ? (int)$id : $id; } } return $numeric ? -1 : null; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Helper function for simple db table editor pages // function simple_page_mode($numeric_id = true) { global $Ajax, $Mode, $selected_id; $default = $numeric_id ? -1 : ''; $selected_id = get_post('selected_id', $default); foreach (array('ADD_ITEM', 'UPDATE_ITEM', 'RESET', 'CLONE') as $m) { if (isset($_POST[$m])) { $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); if ($m == 'RESET' || $m == 'CLONE') $selected_id = $default; unset($_POST['_focus']); $Mode = $m; return; } } foreach (array('Edit', 'Delete') as $m) { foreach ($_POST as $p => $pvar) { if (strpos($p, $m) === 0) { // $selected_id = strtr(substr($p, strlen($m)), array('%2E'=>'.')); unset($_POST['_focus']); // focus on first form entry $selected_id = quoted_printable_decode(substr($p, strlen($m))); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); $Mode = $m; return; } } } $Mode = ''; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Read numeric value from user formatted input // function input_num($postname=null, $dflt=0) { if (!isset($_POST[$postname]) || $_POST[$postname] == "") return $dflt; return user_numeric($_POST[$postname]); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function hidden($name, $value=null, $echo=true) { global $Ajax; if ($value === null) $value = get_post($name); $ret = ""; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value); if ($echo) echo $ret."\n"; else return $ret; } /* Universal submit form button. $atype - type of submit: Normal submit: false - normal button; optional icon null - button visible only in fallback mode; optional icon Ajax submit: true - standard button; optional icon 'default' - default form submit on Ctrl-Enter press; dflt ICON_OK icon 'selector' - ditto with closing current popup editor window 'cancel' - cancel form entry on Escape press; dflt ICON_CANCEL 'process' - displays progress bar during call; optional icon $atype can contain also multiply type selectors separated by space, however make sense only combination of 'process' and one of defualt/selector/cancel */ function submit($name, $value, $echo=true, $title=false, $atype=false, $icon=false) { global $path_to_root; $aspect=''; if ($atype === null) { $aspect = fallback_mode() ? " aspect='fallback'" : " style='display:none;'"; } elseif (!is_bool($atype)) { // necessary: switch uses '==' $aspect = "aspect='$atype' "; $types = explode(' ', $atype); foreach ($types as $type) { switch($type) { case 'selector': $aspect = " aspect='selector' rel = '$value'"; $value = _("Select"); if ($icon===false) $icon=ICON_SUBMIT; break; case 'default': if ($icon===false) $icon=ICON_SUBMIT; break; case 'cancel': if ($icon===false) $icon=ICON_ESCAPE; break; } } } $submit_str = "\n"; if ($echo) echo $submit_str; else return $submit_str; } function submit_center($name, $value, $echo=true, $title=false, $async=false, $icon=false) { if ($echo) echo "
"; submit($name, $value, $echo, $title, $async, $icon); if ($echo) echo "
"; } function submit_center_first($name, $value, $title=false, $async=false, $icon=false) { echo "
"; submit($name, $value, true, $title, $async, $icon); echo " "; } function submit_center_last($name, $value, $title=false, $async=false, $icon=false) { echo " "; submit($name, $value, true, $title, $async, $icon); echo "
"; } /* For following controls: 'both' - use both Ctrl-Enter and Escape hotkeys 'cancel' - apply to 'RESET' button */ function submit_add_or_update($add=true, $title=false, $async=false, $clone=false) { $cancel = $async; if ($async === 'both') { $async = 'default'; $cancel = 'cancel'; } else if ($async === 'default') $cancel = true; else if ($async === 'cancel') $async = true; if ($add) submit('ADD_ITEM', _("Add new"), true, $title, $async); else { submit('UPDATE_ITEM', _("Update"), true, _('Submit changes'), $async); if ($clone) submit('CLONE', _("Clone"), true, _('Edit new record with current data'), $async); submit('RESET', _("Cancel"), true, _('Cancel edition'), $cancel); } } function submit_add_or_update_center($add=true, $title=false, $async=false, $clone=false) { echo "
"; submit_add_or_update($add, $title, $async, $clone); echo "
"; } function submit_add_or_update_row($add=true, $right=true, $extra="", $title=false, $async=false, $clone = false) { echo ""; if ($right) echo " \n"; echo ""; submit_add_or_update($add, $title, $async, $clone); echo "\n"; } function submit_cells($name, $value, $extra="", $title=false, $async=false) { echo ""; submit($name, $value, true, $title, $async); echo "\n"; } function submit_row($name, $value, $right=true, $extra="", $title=false, $async=false) { echo ""; if ($right) echo " \n"; submit_cells($name, $value, $extra, $title, $async); echo "\n"; } function submit_return($name, $value, $title=false) { if (@$_REQUEST['popup']) { submit($name, $value, true, $title, 'selector'); } } function submit_js_confirm($name, $msg) { add_js_source( "_validate.$name=function(){ return confirm('" . strtr($msg, array("\n"=>'\\n')) . "');};"); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function set_icon($icon, $title=false) { global $path_to_root; return "\n"; } function button($name, $value, $title=false, $icon=false, $aspect='') { // php silently changes dots,spaces,'[' and characters 128-159 // to underscore in POST names, to maintain compatibility with register_globals $rel = ''; if ($aspect == 'selector') { $rel = " rel='$value'"; $value = _("Select"); } if (user_graphic_links() && $icon) { if ($value == _("Delete")) // Helper during implementation $icon = ICON_DELETE; return "\n"; } else return "'=2E', '='=>'=3D',// ' '=>'=20','['=>'=5B' ))) ."' value='$value'" .($title ? " title='$title'":'') . ($aspect ? " aspect='$aspect'" : '') . $rel ." />\n"; } function button_cell($name, $value, $title=false, $icon=false, $aspect='') { echo ""; echo button($name, $value, $title, $icon, $aspect); echo ""; } function delete_button_cell($name, $value, $title=false) { button_cell($name, $value, $title, ICON_DELETE); } function edit_button_cell($name, $value, $title=false) { button_cell($name, $value, $title, ICON_EDIT); } function select_button_cell($name, $value, $title=false) { button_cell($name, $value, $title, ICON_ADD, 'selector'); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_value($name) { if (!isset($_POST[$name])) return 0; return 1; } function checkbox($label, $name, $value=null, $submit_on_change=false, $title=false) { global $Ajax; $str = ''; if ($label) $str .= $label . " "; if ($submit_on_change !== false) { if ($submit_on_change === true) $submit_on_change = "JsHttpRequest.request(\"_{$name}_update\", this.form);"; } if ($value === null) $value = get_post($name,0); $str .= "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value); return $str; } function check($label, $name, $value=null, $submit_on_change=false, $title=false) { echo checkbox($label, $name, $value, $submit_on_change, $title); } function check_cells($label, $name, $value=null, $submit_on_change=false, $title=false, $params='') { if ($label != null) echo "$label\n"; echo ""; echo check(null, $name, $value, $submit_on_change, $title); echo ""; } function check_row($label, $name, $value=null, $submit_on_change=false, $title=false) { echo "$label"; echo check_cells(NULL, $name, $value, $submit_on_change, $title); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function radio($label, $name, $value, $selected, $submit_on_change=false) { if ($submit_on_change === true) $submit_on_change = "JsHttpRequest.request(\"_{$name}_update\", this.form);"; return "".($label ? $label : ''); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function labelheader_cell($label, $params="") { echo "$label\n"; } function label_cell($label, $params="", $id=null) { global $Ajax; if(isset($id)) { $params .= " id='$id'"; $Ajax->addUpdate($id, $id, $label); } echo "$label\n"; return $label; } function email_cell($label, $params="", $id=null) { label_cell("$label", $params, $id); } function amount_decimal_cell($label, $params="", $id=null) { $dec = 0; label_cell(price_decimal_format($label, $dec), "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id); } function amount_cell($label, $bold=false, $params="", $id=null) { if ($bold) label_cell("".price_format($label)."", "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id); else label_cell(price_format($label), "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id); } //JAM Allow entered unit prices to be fractional function unit_amount_cell($label, $bold=false, $params="", $id=null) { if ($bold) label_cell("".unit_price_format($label)."", "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id); else label_cell(unit_price_format($label), "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id); } function percent_cell($label, $bold=false, $id=null) { if ($bold) label_cell("".percent_format($label)."", "nowrap align=right", $id); else label_cell(percent_format($label), "nowrap align=right", $id); } // 2008-06-15. Changed function qty_cell($label, $bold=false, $dec=null, $id=null) { if (!isset($dec)) $dec = get_qty_dec(); if ($bold) label_cell("".number_format2($label, $dec)."", "nowrap align=right", $id); else label_cell(number_format2($label, $dec), "nowrap align=right", $id); } function label_cells($label, $value, $params="", $params2="", $id='') { if ($label != null) echo "$label\n"; label_cell($value, $params2, $id); } function label_row($label, $value, $params="", $params2="", $leftfill=0, $id='') { echo ""; if ($params == "") { echo "$label"; $label = null; } label_cells($label, $value, $params, $params2, $id); if ($leftfill!=0) echo ""; echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function text_cells($label, $name, $value=null, $size="", $max="", $title=false, $labparams="", $post_label="", $inparams="") { global $Ajax; default_focus($name); if ($label != null) label_cell($label, $labparams); echo ""; if ($value === null) $value = get_post($name); echo ""; if ($post_label != "") echo " " . $post_label; echo "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value); } function text_cells_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $init=null, $title=null, $labparams=null, $post_label=null, $submit_on_change=false) { global $Ajax; default_focus($name); if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == "") { if ($init) $_POST[$name] = $init; else $_POST[$name] = ""; } if ($label != null) label_cell($label, $labparams); if (!isset($max)) $max = $size; echo ""; $class = $submit_on_change ? 'class="searchbox"' : ''; echo ""; if ($post_label) echo " " . $post_label; echo "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $_POST[$name]); } function text_row($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $title=null, $params="", $post_label="") { echo "$label"; text_cells(null, $name, $value, $size, $max, $title, $params, $post_label); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function text_row_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $title=null, $value=null, $params=null, $post_label=null) { echo "$label"; text_cells_ex(null, $name, $size, $max, $value, $title, $params, $post_label); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function email_row($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $title=null, $params="", $post_label="") { if (get_post($name)) $label = "$label"; text_row($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $title, $params, $post_label); } function email_row_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $title=null, $value=null, $params=null, $post_label=null) { if (get_post($name)) $label = "$label"; text_row_ex($label, $name, $size, $max, $title, $value, $params, $post_label); } function link_row($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $title=null, $params="", $post_label="") { $val = get_post($name); if ($val) { if (strpos($val,'http://')===false) $val = 'http://'.$val; $label = "$label"; } text_row($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $title, $params, $post_label); } function link_row_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $title=null, $value=null, $params=null, $post_label=null) { $val = get_post($name); if ($val) { if (strpos($val,'http://')===false) $val = 'http://'.$val; $label = "$label"; } text_row_ex($label, $name, $size, $max, $title, $value, $params, $post_label); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Since FA 2.2 $init parameter is superseded by $check. // When $check!=null current date is displayed in red when set to other // than current date. // function date_cells($label, $name, $title = null, $check=null, $inc_days=0, $inc_months=0, $inc_years=0, $params=null, $submit_on_change=false) { global $use_date_picker, $path_to_root, $Ajax; if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == "") { if ($inc_years == 1001) $_POST[$name] = null; else { $dd = Today(); if ($inc_days != 0) $dd = add_days($dd, $inc_days); if ($inc_months != 0) $dd = add_months($dd, $inc_months); if ($inc_years != 0) $dd = add_years($dd, $inc_years); $_POST[$name] = $dd; } } if ($use_date_picker) $post_label = "" . " "._(\n"; else $post_label = ""; if ($label != null) label_cell($label, $params); echo ""; $class = $submit_on_change ? 'class="searchbox"' : ''; $aspect = $check ? 'aspect="cdate"' : ''; if ($check && (get_post($name) != Today())) $aspect .= ' style="color:#FF0000"'; default_focus($name); echo " $post_label"; echo "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $_POST[$name]); } function date_row($label, $name, $title=null, $check=null, $inc_days=0, $inc_months=0, $inc_years=0, $params=null, $submit_on_change=false) { echo "$label"; date_cells(null, $name, $title, $check, $inc_days, $inc_months, $inc_years, $params, $submit_on_change); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function password_row($label, $name, $value) { echo "$label"; label_cell(""); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function file_cells($label, $name, $id="") { if ($id != "") $id = "id='$id'"; label_cells($label, ""); } function file_row($label, $name, $id = "") { echo "$label"; file_cells(null, $name, $id); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ref_cells($label, $name, $title=null, $init=null, $params=null, $submit_on_change=false) { text_cells_ex($label, $name, 16, 18, $init, $title, $params, null, $submit_on_change); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ref_row($label, $name, $title=null, $init=null, $submit_on_change=false) { echo "$label"; ref_cells(null, $name, $title, $init, null, $submit_on_change); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function percent_row($label, $name, $init=null) { if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name]=="") { $_POST[$name] = $init == null ? '' : $init; } small_amount_row($label, $name, $_POST[$name], null, "%", user_percent_dec()); } function amount_cells_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { global $Ajax; if (!isset($dec)) $dec = user_price_dec(); if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == "") { if ($init !== null) $_POST[$name] = $init; else $_POST[$name] = ''; } if ($label != null) { if ($params == null) $params = "class='label'"; label_cell($label, $params); } if (!isset($max)) $max = $size; if ($label != null) echo ""; else echo ""; echo ""; if ($post_label) { echo " $post_label"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, '_'.$name.'_label', $post_label); } echo "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $_POST[$name]); $Ajax->addAssign($name, $name, 'dec', $dec); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function amount_cells($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { amount_cells_ex($label, $name, 15, 15, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); } //JAM Allow entered unit prices to be fractional function unit_amount_cells($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { if (!isset($dec)) $dec = user_price_dec()+2; amount_cells_ex($label, $name, 15, 15, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec+2); } function amount_row($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { echo ""; amount_cells($label, $name, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); echo "\n"; } function small_amount_row($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { echo ""; small_amount_cells($label, $name, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function qty_cells($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { if (!isset($dec)) $dec = user_qty_dec(); amount_cells_ex($label, $name, 15, 15, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); } function qty_row($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { if (!isset($dec)) $dec = user_qty_dec(); echo ""; amount_cells($label, $name, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); echo "\n"; } function small_qty_row($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { if (!isset($dec)) $dec = user_qty_dec(); echo ""; small_amount_cells($label, $name, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function small_amount_cells($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { amount_cells_ex($label, $name, 7, 12, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function small_qty_cells($label, $name, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null) { if (!isset($dec)) $dec = user_qty_dec(); amount_cells_ex($label, $name, 7, 12, $init, $params, $post_label, $dec); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function textarea_cells($label, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $title = null, $params="") { global $Ajax; default_focus($name); if ($label != null) echo "$label\n"; if ($value == null) $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]); echo "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value); } function textarea_row($label, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $title=null, $params="") { echo "$label"; textarea_cells(null, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $title, $params); echo "\n"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* function text_row_with_submit($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $input_name, $input_value) { global $Ajax; default_focus($name); echo "$label\n"; echo ""; if ($value == null) $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]); echo " "; submit($input_name, $input_value); echo "\n"; $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value); } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // When show_inactive page option is set // displays value of inactive field as checkbox cell. // Also updates database record after status change. // function inactive_control_cell($id, $value, $table, $key) { global $Ajax; $name = "Inactive". $id; $value = $value ? 1:0; if (check_value('show_inactive')) { if (isset($_POST['LInact'][$id]) && (get_post('_Inactive'.$id.'_update') || get_post('Update')) && (check_value('Inactive'.$id) != $value)) { update_record_status($id, !$value, $table, $key); } echo ''. checkbox(null, $name, $value, true, '', "align='center'") . hidden("LInact[$id]", $value, false) . ''; } } // // Displays controls for optional display of inactive records // function inactive_control_row($th) { echo "" ."
" . checkbox(null, 'show_inactive', null, true). _("Show also Inactive") ."
" . submit('Update', _('Update'), false, '', null) ."
"; } // // Inserts additional column header when display of inactive records is on. // function inactive_control_column(&$th) { global $Ajax; if (check_value('show_inactive')) array_insert($th, count($th)-2 , _("Inactive")); if (get_post('_show_inactive_update')) { $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } } ?>