$label"; else $preview_str = "$label"; } else $preview_str = $label; return $preview_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_gl_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="", $force=false) { global $path_to_root, $use_popup_windows; if (!$force && !user_show_gl_info()) return ""; if ($label == "") $label = _("GL"); if ($use_popup_windows) $gl_view = "$label"; else $gl_view = "$label"; return $gl_view; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_gl_view_str_cell($type, $trans_no, $label="") { $str = get_gl_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($str != "") return "$str"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_customer_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="") { global $path_to_root, $use_popup_windows; $viewer = ""; if ($type == 10) $viewer = "view_invoice.php"; elseif ($type == 11) $viewer = "view_credit.php"; elseif ($type == 12) $viewer = "view_receipt.php"; elseif ($type == 13) $viewer = "view_dispatch.php"; elseif ($type == 30) $viewer = "view_sales_order.php"; else return null; if(!is_array($trans_no)) $trans_no = array($trans_no); $lbl = $label; $preview_str = ''; foreach($trans_no as $trans) { if ($label == "") $lbl = $trans; if($preview_str!='') $preview_str .= ','; if ($viewer != "") { if ($use_popup_windows) $preview_str .= "$lbl"; else $preview_str .= "$lbl"; } else $preview_str .= $lbl; } return $preview_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_banking_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="") { global $path_to_root, $use_popup_windows; $viewer = ""; if ($type == 4) $viewer = "bank_transfer_view.php"; elseif ($type == 1) $viewer = "gl_payment_view.php"; elseif ($type == 2) $viewer = "gl_deposit_view.php"; elseif ($type == 0) $viewer = ""; else return null; if ($label == "") $label = $trans_no; if ($viewer != "") { if ($use_popup_windows) $preview_str = "$label"; else $preview_str = "$label"; } else $preview_str = $label; return $preview_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_inventory_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="") { global $path_to_root, $use_popup_windows; $viewer = ""; if ($type == systypes::inventory_adjustment()) $viewer = "view_adjustment.php"; elseif ($type == systypes::location_transfer()) $viewer = "view_transfer.php"; else return null; if ($label == "") $label = $trans_no; if ($viewer != "") { if ($use_popup_windows) $preview_str = "$label"; else $preview_str = "$label"; } else $preview_str = $label; return $preview_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_manufacturing_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="") { global $path_to_root, $use_popup_windows; $viewer = ""; if ($type == 28) $viewer = "wo_issue_view.php"; elseif ($type == 29) $viewer = "wo_production_view.php"; elseif ($type == systypes::work_order()) $viewer = "work_order_view.php"; else return null; if ($label == "") $label = $trans_no; if ($viewer != "") { if ($use_popup_windows) $preview_str = "$label"; else $preview_str = "$label"; } else $preview_str = $label; return $preview_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_dimensions_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="") { global $path_to_root, $use_popup_windows; $viewer = ""; if ($type == 40) $viewer = "view_dimension.php"; else return null; if ($label == "") $label = $trans_no; if ($viewer != "") { if ($use_popup_windows) $preview_str = "$label"; else $preview_str = "$label"; } else $preview_str = $label; return $preview_str; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label="") { $view_str = get_customer_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($view_str != null) return $view_str; $view_str = get_supplier_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($view_str != null) return $view_str; $view_str = get_banking_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($view_str != null) return $view_str; $view_str = get_inventory_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($view_str != null) return $view_str; $view_str = get_manufacturing_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($view_str != null) return $view_str; $view_str = get_dimensions_trans_view_str($type, $trans_no, $label); if ($view_str != null) return $view_str; return null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Displays currency exchange rate for given date. // When there is no exrate for today, // gets it form ECB and stores in local database. // function exchange_rate_display($from_currency, $to_currency, $date_, $edit_rate=false) { global $Ajax; if ($from_currency != $to_currency) { $comp_currency = get_company_currency(); if ($from_currency == $comp_currency) $currency = $to_currency; else $currency = $from_currency; $rate = 0; if ($date_ == Today()) { $rate = get_date_exchange_rate($currency, $date_); if (!$rate) { $rate = get_ecb_rate($currency); if ($rate) add_exchange_rate($currency, $date_, $rate, $rate); } } if (!$rate) $rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($currency, $date_); if ($from_currency != $comp_currency) $rate = 1 / ($rate / get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($to_currency, $date_)); $rate = number_format2($rate, user_exrate_dec()); if ($edit_rate) text_row(_("Exchange Rate:"), '_ex_rate', $rate, 8, 8, null, "", " $from_currency = 1 $to_currency"); else label_row(_("Exchange Rate:"),"$rate $from_currency = 1 $to_currency" ); $Ajax->addUpdate('_ex_rate','_ex_rate', $rate); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_voided_display($type, $id, $label) { global $table_style; $void_entry = get_voided_entry($type, $id); if ($void_entry == null) return false; start_table("width=50% $table_style"); echo "$label
"; echo "" . _("Date Voided:") . " " . sql2date($void_entry["date_"]) . "
"; if (strlen($void_entry["memo_"]) > 0) echo "
" . _("Memo:") . " " . $void_entry["memo_"] . "

"; echo ""; end_table(1); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function comments_display_row($type, $id) { $comments = get_comments($type, $id); if ($comments and db_num_rows($comments)) { echo ""; while ($comment = db_fetch($comments)) { echo $comment["memo_"] . "
"; } echo ""; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_comments_string($type, $type_no) { $str_return = ""; $result = get_comments($type, $type_no); while ($comment = db_fetch($result)) { if (strlen($str_return)) $str_return = $str_return . " \n"; $str_return = $str_return . $comment["memo_"]; } return $str_return; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function view_stock_status($stock_id, $description=null) { global $path_to_root; if ($description) //hyperlink_params_separate($path_to_root . "/inventory/inquiry/stock_status.php", (user_show_codes()?$stock_id . " - ":"") . $description, "stock_id=$stock_id"); $preview_str = "". (user_show_codes()?$stock_id . " - ":"") . $description.""; else //hyperlink_params_separate($path_to_root . "/inventory/inquiry/stock_status.php", $stock_id, "stock_id=$stock_id"); $preview_str = "$stock_id"; echo $preview_str; } function view_stock_status_cell($stock_id, $description=null) { echo ""; view_stock_status($stock_id, $description); echo ""; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_debit_or_credit_cells($value) { if ($value > 0) { amount_cell($value); label_cell(""); } elseif ($value < 0) { label_cell(""); amount_cell(abs($value)); } else { //label_cell(""); amount_cell(0); label_cell(""); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_customer_trans_tax_details($tax_items, $columns) { while ($tax_item = db_fetch($tax_items)) { $tax = number_format2($tax_item['amount'],user_price_dec()); if ($tax_item['included_in_price']) label_row(_("Included") . " " . $tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%) " . _("Amount") . ": $tax", "", "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right"); else label_row($tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%)", $tax, "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_supp_trans_tax_details($tax_items, $columns) { while ($tax_item = db_fetch($tax_items)) { $tax = number_format2(abs($tax_item['amount']),user_price_dec()); if ($tax_item['included_in_price']) label_row(_("Included") . " " . $tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%) " . _("Amount:") . ": $tax", "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right"); else label_row($tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%)", $tax, "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_edit_tax_items($taxes, $columns, $tax_included, $leftspan=0) { $total = 0; foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) { if ($tax_included) { label_row(_("Included") . " " . $taxitem['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $taxitem['rate'] . "%) " . _("Amount:") . " " . number_format2($taxitem['Value'],user_price_dec()), "", "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right",$leftspan); } else { label_row($taxitem['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $taxitem['rate'] . "%)", number_format2($taxitem['Value'],user_price_dec()), "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right",$leftspan); $total += $taxitem['Value']; } } return $total; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_footer_exit() { br(2); end_page(); exit; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_allocations($alloc_result, $total) { global $table_style; if (!$alloc_result || db_num_rows($alloc_result) == 0) return; display_heading2(_("Allocations")); start_table("$table_style width=80%"); $th = array( _("Type"), _("Number"), _("Date"), _("Total Amount"), _("Left to Allocate"), _("This Allocation")); table_header($th); $k = $total_allocated = 0; while ($alloc_row = db_fetch($alloc_result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell(systypes::name($alloc_row['type'])); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($alloc_row['type'],$alloc_row['trans_no'])); label_cell(sql2date($alloc_row['tran_date'])); amount_cell($alloc_row['Total']); //amount_cell($alloc_row['Total'] - $alloc_row['PrevAllocs'] - $alloc_row['amt']); amount_cell($alloc_row['Total'] - $alloc_row['amt']); amount_cell($alloc_row['amt']); end_row(); $total_allocated += $alloc_row['amt']; } start_row(); label_cell(_("Total Allocated:"), "align=right colspan=5"); amount_cell($total_allocated); end_row(); start_row(); label_cell(_("Left to Allocate:"), "align=right colspan=5"); amount_cell($total - $total_allocated); end_row(); end_table(1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_allocations_from($person_type, $person_id, $type, $type_no, $total) { switch ($person_type) { case payment_person_types::customer() : $alloc_result = get_allocatable_to_cust_transactions($person_id, $type_no, $type); display_allocations($alloc_result, $total); return; case payment_person_types::supplier() : $alloc_result = get_allocatable_to_supp_transactions($person_id, $type_no, $type); display_allocations($alloc_result, $total); return; } } function get_js_open_window($width, $height) { $js = "\n\n"; return $js; } /* Setting focus on element $name in $form. If $form<0 $name is element id. */ function set_focus($name, $form_no=0) { global $Ajax; $Ajax->addFocus(true, $name); $_POST['_focus'] = $name; } // // Set default focus on first field $name if not set yet // function default_focus($name, $form_no=0) { if (!isset($_POST['_focus'])) { set_focus($name); } } function get_js_png_fix() { $js = "\n"; return $js; } function get_js_date_picker() { global $comp_path, $go_debug; $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.'date_picker.js'; $js = " "; add_js_source($js); if (!file_exists($fpath) || $go_debug) { global $dateseps, $date_system; $how = user_date_format(); // 0 = us/ca, 1 = eu, au, nz, 2 = jp, sw $sep = $dateseps[user_date_sep()]; // date separator $wstart = (($date_system == 1 || $date_system == 2) ? 6 : ($how == 0 ? 0 : 1)); // weekstart (sun = 0, mon = 1) $months = array(_("January"),_("February"),_("March"),_("April"),_("May"),_("June"),_("July"),_("August"),_("September"),_("October"),_("November"),_("December")); $wdays = array(_("Su"),_("Mo"),_("Tu"),_("We"),_("Th"),_("Fr"),_("Sa")); $wno = _("W"); // week no $back = _("Back"); if ($date_system == 1) list($cyear, $cmon, $cday) = gregorian_to_jalali(date("Y"), date("n"), date("j")); else if ($date_system == 2) list($cyear, $cmon, $cday) = gregorian_to_islamic(date("Y"), date("n"), date("j")); $js = " function positionInfo(object) { var p_elm = object; this.getElementLeft = getElementLeft; function getElementLeft() { var x = 0; var elm; if(typeof(p_elm) == 'object'){ elm = p_elm; } else { elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); } while (elm != null) { x+= elm.offsetLeft; elm = elm.offsetParent; } return parseInt(x); } this.getElementWidth = getElementWidth; function getElementWidth(){ var elm; if(typeof(p_elm) == 'object'){ elm = p_elm; } else { elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); } return parseInt(elm.offsetWidth); } this.getElementRight = getElementRight; function getElementRight(){ return getElementLeft(p_elm) + getElementWidth(p_elm); } this.getElementTop = getElementTop; function getElementTop() { var y = 0; var elm; if(typeof(p_elm) == 'object'){ elm = p_elm; } else { elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); } while (elm != null) { y+= elm.offsetTop; elm = elm.offsetParent; } return parseInt(y); } this.getElementHeight = getElementHeight; function getElementHeight(){ var elm; if(typeof(p_elm) == 'object'){ elm = p_elm; } else { elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); } return parseInt(elm.offsetHeight); } this.getElementBottom = getElementBottom; function getElementBottom(){ return getElementTop(p_elm) + getElementHeight(p_elm); } } function CC() { var calendarId = 'CC'; var currentYear = 0; var currentMonth = 0; var currentDay = 0; var selectedYear = 0; var selectedMonth = 0; var selectedDay = 0; var months = ['$months[0]','$months[1]','$months[2]','$months[3]','$months[4]','$months[5]','$months[6]','$months[7]','$months[8]','$months[9]','$months[10]','$months[11]']; var wdays = ['$wdays[0]', '$wdays[1]', '$wdays[2]', '$wdays[3]', '$wdays[4]', '$wdays[5]', '$wdays[6]']; var dateField = null; function getProperty(p_property){ var p_elm = calendarId; var elm = null; if(typeof(p_elm) == 'object'){ elm = p_elm; } else { elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); } if (elm != null){ if(elm.style){ elm = elm.style; if(elm[p_property]){ return elm[p_property]; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } } function setElementProperty(p_property, p_value, p_elmId){ var p_elm = p_elmId; var elm = null; if(typeof(p_elm) == 'object'){ elm = p_elm; } else { elm = document.getElementById(p_elm); } if((elm != null) && (elm.style != null)){ elm = elm.style; elm[ p_property ] = p_value; } } function setProperty(p_property, p_value) { setElementProperty(p_property, p_value, calendarId); } function getDaysInMonth(year, month) { "; if ($date_system == 1) $js .= " return [31,31,31,31,31,31,30,30,30,30,30,(((((((year - ((year > 0) ? 474 : 473)) % 2820) + 474) + 38) * 682) % 2816) < 682 ? 30 : 29)][month-1]; "; else if ($date_system == 2) $js .= " return [30,29,30,29,30,29,30,29,30,29,30,(((((11 * year) + 14) % 30) < 11) ? 30 : 29)][month-1]; "; else $js .= " return [31,((!(year % 4 ) && ( (year % 100 ) || !( year % 400 ) ))?29:28),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][month-1]; "; $js .= " } function getDayOfWeek(year, month, day) { "; if ($date_system == 1 || $date_system == 2) { $js .= " function mod(a, b) { return a - (b * Math.floor(a / b)); } function jwday(j) { return mod(Math.floor((j + 1.5)), 7); } "; if ($date_system == 1) $js .= " var epbase, epyear, t; epbase = year - ((year >= 0) ? 474 : 473); epyear = 474 + mod(epbase, 2820); t = day + ((month <= 7) ? ((month - 1) * 31) : (((month - 1) * 30) + 6)) + Math.floor(((epyear * 682) - 110) / 2816) + (epyear - 1) * 365 + Math.floor(epbase / 2820) * 1029983 + (1948320.5 - 1); "; else if ($date_system == 2) $js .= " var t; t = Math.floor((11 * year + 3) / 30) + 354 * year + 30 * month - Math.floor((month - 1) / 2) + day + 1948440 - 385; "; $js .= " return jwday(t); "; } else $js .= " var date = new Date(year,month-1,day) return date.getDay(); "; $js .= " } this.clearDate = clearDate; function clearDate() { dateField.value = ''; hide(); } this.getWeek = getWeek; function getWeek(year, month, day) { "; if ($how == 0) $js .= " day++;"; $js .= " var date = new Date(year,month-1,day); var D = date.getDay(); if(D == 0) D = 7; date.setDate(date.getDate() + (4 - D)); var YN = date.getFullYear(); var ZBDoCY = Math.floor((date.getTime() - new Date(YN, 0, 1, -6)) / 86400000); var WN = 1 + Math.floor(ZBDoCY / 7); return WN; } this.setDate = setDate; function setDate(year, month, day) { if (dateField) { if (month < 10) {month = '0' + month;} if (day < 10) {day = '0' + day;} "; if ($how == 0) $js .= " var dateString = month+'$sep'+day+'$sep'+year; "; else if ($how == 1) $js .= " var dateString = day+'$sep'+month+'$sep'+year; "; else $js .= " var dateString = year+'$sep'+month+'$sep'+day; "; $js .= " dateField.value = dateString; setFocus(dateField.name); if (dateField.className=='searchbox') dateField.onblur(); hide(); } return; } this.changeMonth = changeMonth; function changeMonth(change) { currentMonth += change; currentDay = 0; if(currentMonth > 12) { currentMonth = 1; currentYear++; } else if(currentMonth < 1) { currentMonth = 12; currentYear--; } calendar = document.getElementById(calendarId); calendar.innerHTML = calendarDrawTable(); } this.changeYear = changeYear; function changeYear(change) { currentYear += change; currentDay = 0; calendar = document.getElementById(calendarId); calendar.innerHTML = calendarDrawTable(); } function getCurrentYear() { var year = new Date().getYear(); if(year < 1900) year += 1900; return year; } function getCurrentMonth() { return new Date().getMonth() + 1; } function getCurrentDay() { return new Date().getDate(); } function calendarDrawTable() { var dayOfMonth = 1; var wstart = $wstart; var wno = ' $wno '; var validDay = 0; var startDayOfWeek = getDayOfWeek(currentYear, currentMonth, dayOfMonth); var daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(currentYear, currentMonth); var css_class = null; //CSS class for each day var table = \"\"; table += \"\"; table += \" \"; table += \" \"; table += \" \"; table += \"\"; table += \"\"; table += \"\"; for (var n=0; n<7; n++) table += \"\"; table += \"\"; for(var week=0; week < 6; week++) { table += \"\"; for(var n=0; n < 7; n++) { dayOfWeek = (wstart+n)%7; if(week == 0 && startDayOfWeek == dayOfWeek) { validDay = 1; } else if (validDay == 1 && dayOfMonth > daysInMonth) { validDay = 0; } if (n==0) { if (dayOfMonth > daysInMonth) table += \"\"; else table += \"\"; } if(validDay) { if (dayOfMonth == selectedDay && currentYear == selectedYear && currentMonth == selectedMonth) { css_class = 'current'; "; if ($date_system == 1 || $date_system == 2) $js .= " } else if (dayOfWeek == 5) { "; else $js .= " } else if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6) { "; $js .= " css_class = 'weekend'; } else { css_class = 'weekday'; } table += \"\"; dayOfMonth++; } else { table += \"\"; } } table += \"\"; } table += \"\"; table += \"
\" + months[currentMonth-1] + \"
\" + currentYear + \"
\"+wno+\"\" + wdays[(wstart+n)%7]+\"
 \"+getWeek(currentYear, currentMonth, dayOfMonth)+\"\"+dayOfMonth+\" 
\"; return table; } this.show = show; function show(field) { can_hide = 0; if (dateField == field) { return; } else { dateField = field; } if(dateField) { try { var dateString = new String(dateField.value); var dateParts = dateString.split('$sep'); "; if ($how == 0) $js .= " selectedMonth = parseInt(dateParts[0],10); selectedDay = parseInt(dateParts[1],10); selectedYear = parseInt(dateParts[2],10); "; else if ($how == 1) $js .= " selectedDay = parseInt(dateParts[0],10); selectedMonth = parseInt(dateParts[1],10); selectedYear = parseInt(dateParts[2],10); "; else $js .= " selectedYear = parseInt(dateParts[0],10); selectedMonth = parseInt(dateParts[1],10); selectedDay = parseInt(dateParts[2],10); "; $js .= " } catch(e) {} } if (!(selectedYear && selectedMonth && selectedDay)) { "; if ($date_system == 1 || $date_system == 2) { $js .= " selectedMonth = $cmon; selectedDay = $cday; selectedYear = $cyear; "; } else { $js .= " selectedMonth = getCurrentMonth(); selectedDay = getCurrentDay(); selectedYear = getCurrentYear(); "; } $js .= " } currentMonth = selectedMonth; currentDay = selectedDay; currentYear = selectedYear; if(document.getElementById){ calendar = document.getElementById(calendarId); calendar.innerHTML = calendarDrawTable(currentYear, currentMonth); var fieldPos = new positionInfo(dateField); var calendarPos = new positionInfo(calendarId); var x = fieldPos.getElementLeft(); var y = fieldPos.getElementBottom(); setProperty('left', x + 'px'); setProperty('top', y + 'px'); setProperty('display', 'block'); if (document.all) { setElementProperty('left', x + 'px', 'CCIframe'); setElementProperty('top', y + 'px', 'CCIframe'); setElementProperty('width', calendarPos.getElementWidth() + 'px', 'CCIframe'); setElementProperty('height', calendarPos.getElementHeight() + 'px', 'CCIframe'); setElementProperty('display', 'block', 'CCIframe'); } } } this.hide = hide; function hide() { if(dateField) { setProperty('display', 'none'); setElementProperty('display', 'none', 'CCIframe'); dateField = null; } } this.visible = visible; function visible() { return dateField } this.can_hide = can_hide; var can_hide = 0; } var cC = new CC(); function date_picker(textField) { cC.show(textField); } function hideCC() { if (cC.visible()) { cC.hide(); } } function setCCDate(year, month, day) { cC.setDate(year, month, day); } function changeCCYear(change) { cC.changeYear(change); } function changeCCMonth(change) { cC.changeMonth(change); } document.write(\"\"); document.write(\"
\");"; cache_js_file($fpath, $js); } add_js_ufile($fpath); return ''; } function alert($msg) { echo "\n\n"; } if (!function_exists('_vd')) { function _vd($mixed, $title = '', $exit = false) { // Only the site admin is able to proceed here. echo (!empty($title) ? ($title .':') : '') .'
    	echo "
\n"; if ($exit) exit; } } ?>