. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_SALESKIT'; $path_to_root = "../.."; include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); page(_($help_context = "Sales Kits & Alias Codes")); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/manufacturing.inc"); check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no items defined in the system.")); simple_page_mode(true); /* if (isset($_GET['item_code'])) { $_POST['item_code'] = $_GET['item_code']; $selected_kit = $_GET['item_code']; } */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_kit_items($selected_kit) { global $table_style; $result = get_item_kit($selected_kit); div_start('bom'); start_table("$table_style width=60%"); $th = array(_("Stock Item"), _("Description"), _("Quantity"), _("Units"), '',''); table_header($th); $k = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"]); label_cell($myrow["comp_name"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity"], false, $myrow["units"] == '' ? 0 : get_qty_dec($myrow["comp_name"])); label_cell($myrow["units"] == '' ? _('kit') : $myrow["units"]); edit_button_cell("Edit".$myrow['id'], _("Edit")); delete_button_cell("Delete".$myrow['id'], _("Delete")); end_row(); } //END WHILE LIST LOOP end_table(); div_end(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_component($kit_code, $selected_item) { global $Mode, $Ajax, $selected_kit; if (!check_num('quantity', 0)) { display_error(_("The quantity entered must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('quantity'); return; } elseif ($_POST['description'] == '') { display_error( _("Item code description cannot be empty.")); set_focus('description'); return; } elseif ($selected_item == -1) // adding new item or new alias/kit { if (get_post('item_code') == '') { // New kit/alias definition $kit = get_item_kit($_POST['kit_code']); if (db_num_rows($kit)) { $input_error = 1; display_error( _("This item code is already assigned to stock item or sale kit.")); set_focus('kit_code'); return; } if (get_post('kit_code') == '') { display_error( _("Kit/alias code cannot be empty.")); set_focus('kit_code'); return; } } } if (check_item_in_kit($selected_item, $kit_code, $_POST['component'], true)) { display_error(_("The selected component contains directly or on any lower level the kit under edition. Recursive kits are not allowed.")); set_focus('component'); return; } /*Now check to see that the component is not already in the kit */ if (check_item_in_kit($selected_item, $kit_code, $_POST['component'])) { display_error(_("The selected component is already in this kit. You can modify it's quantity but it cannot appear more than once in the same kit.")); set_focus('component'); return; } if ($selected_item == -1) { // new item alias/kit if ($_POST['item_code']=='') { $kit_code = $_POST['kit_code']; $selected_kit = $_POST['item_code'] = $kit_code; $msg = _("New alias code has been created."); } else $msg =_("New component has been added to selected kit."); add_item_code( $kit_code, get_post('component'), get_post('description'), get_post('category'), input_num('quantity'), 0); display_notification($msg); } else { $props = get_kit_props($_POST['item_code']); update_item_code($selected_item, $kit_code, get_post('component'), $props['description'], $props['category_id'], input_num('quantity'), 0); display_notification(_("Component of selected kit has been updated.")); } $Mode = 'RESET'; $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (get_post('update_name')) { update_kit_props(get_post('item_code'), get_post('description'), get_post('category')); display_notification(_('Kit common properties has been updated')); $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } if ($Mode=='ADD_ITEM' || $Mode=='UPDATE_ITEM') update_component($_POST['item_code'], $selected_id); if ($Mode == 'Delete') { // Before removing last component from selected kit check // if selected kit is not included in any other kit. // $other_kits = get_where_used($_POST['item_code']); $num_kits = db_num_rows($other_kits); $kit = get_item_kit($_POST['item_code']); if ((db_num_rows($kit) == 1) && $num_kits) { $msg = _("This item cannot be deleted because it is the last item in the kit used by following kits") .':
'; while($num_kits--) { $kit = db_fetch($other_kits); $msg .= "'".$kit[0]."'"; if ($num_kits) $msg .= ','; } display_error($msg); } else { delete_item_code($selected_id); display_notification(_("The component item has been deleted from this bom")); $Mode = 'RESET'; } } if ($Mode == 'RESET') { $selected_id = -1; unset($_POST['quantity']); unset($_POST['component']); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_form(); echo "
" . _("Select a sale kit:") . " "; echo sales_kits_list('item_code', null, _('New kit'), true); echo "

"; $props = get_kit_props($_POST['item_code']); if (list_updated('item_code')) { if (get_post('item_code') == '') $_POST['description'] = ''; $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } $selected_kit = $_POST['item_code']; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (get_post('item_code') == '') { // New sales kit entry start_table($table_style2); text_row(_("Alias/kit code:"), 'kit_code', null, 20, 21); } else { // Kit selected so display bom or edit component $_POST['description'] = $props['description']; $_POST['category'] = $props['category_id']; start_table($table_style2); text_row(_("Description:"), 'description', null, 50, 200); stock_categories_list_row(_("Category:"), 'category', null); submit_row('update_name', _("Update"), false, 'align=center colspan=2', _('Update kit/alias name'), true); end_row(); end_table(1); display_kit_items($selected_kit); echo '
'; start_table($table_style2); } if ($Mode == 'Edit') { $myrow = get_item_code($selected_id); $_POST['component'] = $myrow["stock_id"]; $_POST['quantity'] = number_format2($myrow["quantity"], get_qty_dec($myrow["stock_id"])); } hidden("selected_id", $selected_id); sales_local_items_list_row(_("Component:"),'component', null, false, true); // if (get_post('description') == '') // $_POST['description'] = get_kit_name($_POST['component']); if (get_post('item_code') == '') { // new kit/alias if ($Mode!='ADD_ITEM' && $Mode!='UPDATE_ITEM') { $_POST['description'] = $props['description']; $_POST['category'] = $props['category_id']; } text_row(_("Description:"), 'description', null, 50, 200); stock_categories_list_row(_("Category:"), 'category', null); } $res = get_item_edit_info(get_post('component')); $dec = $res["decimals"] == '' ? 0 : $res["decimals"]; $units = $res["units"] == '' ? _('kits') : $res["units"]; if (list_updated('component')) { $_POST['quantity'] = number_format2(1, $dec); $Ajax->activate('quantity'); $Ajax->activate('category'); } qty_row(_("Quantity:"), 'quantity', number_format2(1, $dec), '', $units, $dec); end_table(1); submit_add_or_update_center($selected_id == -1, '', 'both'); end_form(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end_page(); ?>