. ***********************************************************************/ /* This file contains templates for all country specific functions. If your locale needs special functionality provided by hook functions copy this file to respective lang/xx_XX directory and edit templates below. You can safely remove not used function templates. */ class Hooks { /* // // Price in words. $doc_type is set to document type and can be used to suppress // price in words printing for selected document types. // Used instead of built in simple english price_in_words() function. // // Returns: amount in words as string. function price_in_words($amount, $doc_type) { } */ /* // // Exchange rate currency $curr as on date $date. // Keep in mind FA has internally implemented 3 exrate providers // If any of them supports your currency, you can simply use function below // with apprioprate provider set, otherwise implement your own. // Returns: $curr value in home currency units as a real number. function retrieve_ex_rate($curr, $date) { $provider = 'ECB'; // 'ECB', 'YAHOO' or 'GOOGLE' return get_extern_rate($curr, $provider, $date); } */ /* // Generic function called at the end of Tax Report (report 709) // Can be used e.g. for special database updates on every report printing // or to print special tax report footer // // Returns: nothing function tax_report_done() { } */ } ?>