. ***********************************************************************/ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_work_order_quick($wo_ref, $loc_code, $units_reqd, $stock_id, $type, $date_, $memo_, $costs, $cr_acc, $labour, $cr_lab_acc) { global $Refs; begin_transaction(); $args = func_get_args(); $args = (object)array_combine(array('wo_ref', 'loc_code', 'units_reqd', 'stock_id', 'type', 'date_', 'memo_', 'costs', 'cr_acc', 'labour', 'cr_lab_acc'), $args); $args->woid = 0; hook_db_prewrite($args, ST_WORKORDER); // if unassembling, reverse the stock movements if ($type == WO_UNASSEMBLY) $units_reqd = -$units_reqd; add_material_cost($stock_id, $units_reqd, $date_); $date = date2sql($date_); if (!isset($costs) || ($costs == "")) $costs = 0; add_overhead_cost($stock_id, $units_reqd, $date_, $costs); if (!isset($labour) || ($labour == "")) $labour = 0; add_labour_cost($stock_id, $units_reqd, $date_, $labour); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."workorders (wo_ref, loc_code, units_reqd, units_issued, stock_id, type, additional_costs, date_, released_date, required_by, released, closed) VALUES (".db_escape($wo_ref).", ".db_escape($loc_code).", ".db_escape($units_reqd) .", ".db_escape($units_reqd).", ".db_escape($stock_id).", ".db_escape($type).", ".db_escape($costs).", '$date', '$date', '$date', 1, 1)"; db_query($sql, "could not add work order"); $woid = db_insert_id(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // create Work Order Requirements based on the bom $result = get_bom($stock_id); while ($bom_item = db_fetch($result)) { $unit_quantity = $bom_item["quantity"]; $item_quantity = $bom_item["quantity"] * $units_reqd; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."wo_requirements (workorder_id, stock_id, workcentre, units_req, units_issued, loc_code) VALUES ($woid, " . "'" . $bom_item["component"] . "'" . ", '". $bom_item["workcentre_added"] . "', $unit_quantity, $item_quantity, '" . $bom_item["loc_code"] . "')"; db_query($sql, "The work order requirements could not be added"); // insert a -ve stock move for each item $UnitCost = get_standard_cost($bom_item["component"]); add_stock_move(ST_WORKORDER, $bom_item["component"], $woid, $bom_item["loc_code"], $date_, $wo_ref, -$item_quantity, $UnitCost, 0, 1, $UnitCost); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Negative Stock Handling $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($stock_id); $cost_adjust = false; if ($qoh < 0) { if ($qoh + $units_reqd >= 0) $cost_adjust = true; } //Negative Stock Handling First; Prior to add_stock_move if ($cost_adjust) adjust_deliveries($stock_id, get_standard_cost($stock_id), $date_); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // insert a +ve stock move for the item being manufactured add_stock_move(ST_WORKORDER, $stock_id, $woid, $loc_code, $date_, $wo_ref, $units_reqd, 0); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_order_quick_costs($woid, $stock_id, $units_reqd, $date_, 0, $costs, $cr_acc, $labour, $cr_lab_acc); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_comments(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $memo_); $Refs->save(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $wo_ref); add_audit_trail(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_,_("Quick production.")); $args->woid = $woid; hook_db_postwrite($args, ST_WORKORDER); commit_transaction(); return $woid; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function work_order_quick_costs($woid, $stock_id, $units_reqd, $date_, $advanced=0, $costs=0, $cr_acc="", $labour=0, $cr_lab_acc="") { global $wo_cost_types; $result = get_bom($stock_id); // credit all the components $total_cost = 0; $total_material_cost = 0; while ($bom_item = db_fetch($result)) { $bom_accounts = get_stock_gl_code($bom_item["component"]); $bom_cost = $bom_item["ComponentCost"] * $units_reqd; $memo = $bom_item["quantity"] ." * ".$bom_item["description"]; if ($advanced) { $memo = $date_.": ".$memo; update_wo_requirement_issued($woid, $bom_item['component'], $bom_item["quantity"] * $units_reqd); // insert a -ve stock move for each item $UnitCost = get_standard_cost($bom_item["component"]); add_stock_move(ST_MANURECEIVE, $bom_item["component"], $advanced, $bom_item["loc_code"], $date_, "", -$bom_item["quantity"] * $units_reqd, $UnitCost, 0, 1, $UnitCost); } //Compatibility for Service Items if (!is_service($bom_accounts["mb_flag"])) $ivaccount = $bom_accounts["inventory_account"]; else $ivaccount = $bom_accounts["assembly_account"]; // changed 2015.10.14 by Petros . $total_cost += add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $ivaccount, 0, 0, $memo, -$bom_cost); $total_material_cost += $bom_cost; } if ($advanced) { //Material cost added at time of production as per BOM at the time and in adjustment mode. add_material_cost($stock_id, $units_reqd, $date_, true, $woid); // $wo = get_work_order($woid); // also take the additional issues // moved to work_order_issues_db.inc } // credit additional costs $item_accounts = get_stock_gl_code($stock_id); if ($costs != 0.0) { add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $cr_acc, 0, 0, $wo_cost_types[WO_OVERHEAD], -$costs, PT_WORKORDER, WO_OVERHEAD); $is_bank_to = is_bank_account($cr_acc); if ($is_bank_to) { add_bank_trans(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $is_bank_to, "", $date_, -$costs, PT_WORKORDER, WO_OVERHEAD, get_company_currency(), "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction"); } add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $item_accounts["assembly_account"], $item_accounts["dimension_id"], $item_accounts["dimension2_id"], $wo_cost_types[WO_OVERHEAD], $costs, PT_WORKORDER, WO_OVERHEAD); } if ($labour != 0.0) // only for quick { add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $cr_lab_acc, 0, 0, $wo_cost_types[WO_LABOUR], -$labour, PT_WORKORDER, WO_LABOUR); $is_bank_to = is_bank_account($cr_lab_acc); if ($is_bank_to) { add_bank_trans(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $is_bank_to, "", $date_, -$labour, PT_WORKORDER, WO_LABOUR, get_company_currency(), "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction"); } add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $item_accounts["assembly_account"], $item_accounts["dimension_id"], $item_accounts["dimension2_id"], $wo_cost_types[WO_LABOUR], $labour, PT_WORKORDER, WO_LABOUR); } // debit total components $total_cost $stockitem = get_item($stock_id); $memo = _("Produced")." ".$units_reqd. " * ".$stockitem["description"]; if ($advanced) $memo = $date_.": ".$memo; add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $date_, $item_accounts["inventory_account"], 0, 0, $memo, -$total_cost); if (!$advanced) { $UnitWOCost = ($total_material_cost + $costs + $labour)/$units_reqd; update_stock_move(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $stock_id, $UnitWOCost); } }