. ***********************************************************************/ /* Update average inventory item cost. */ function update_average_material_cost($supplier, $stock_id, $price, $qty, $date, $adj_only=false) { // probably this function should be optimized // passing transaction cart as argument. This would // save a couple of db calls like get_supplier() $supp = get_supplier($supplier); if ($supplier != null) $currency = $supp['curr_code']; else $currency = null; if ($supp['tax_included']) $price = get_tax_free_price_for_item($stock_id, $price, $supp['tax_group_id'], $supp['tax_included']); if ($currency != null) { $ex_rate = get_exchange_rate_to_home_currency($currency, $date); $price_in_home_currency = $price / $ex_rate; } else $price_in_home_currency = $price; $price_in_home_currency_ = $price_in_home_currency; // Handle if inventory will become negative // Skip negative inventory adjustment for case of adjust_only if (is_inventory_item($stock_id) && !$adj_only) handle_negative_inventory($stock_id, $qty, $price_in_home_currency, $date); $item = get_item($stock_id); $avg_cost = $item['material_cost']; $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($stock_id); $cost_adjust = false; if ($adj_only) { if ($qoh > 0) $avg_cost = ($qoh * $avg_cost + $qty * $price_in_home_currency) / $qoh; } else { if ($qoh < 0) { if ($qoh + $qty >= 0) $cost_adjust = true; $qoh = 0; } if ($qoh + $qty > 0) $avg_cost = ($qoh * $avg_cost + $qty * $price_in_home_currency) / ($qoh + $qty); } if ($cost_adjust) // Material_cost replaced with price adjust_deliveries($stock_id, $price_in_home_currency_, $date); $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET material_cost=".db_escape($avg_cost)." WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id); db_query($sql,"The cost details for the inventory item could not be updated"); return $avg_cost; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Add or update GRN transaction. // function write_grn(&$po) { global $Refs; $date_ = $po->tran_date; $grn = $po->grn_id; begin_transaction(); hook_db_prewrite($po, ST_SUPPRECEIVE); if (!is_company_currency($po->curr_code)) { if (!$po->ex_rate) $po->ex_rate = get_date_exchange_rate($po->curr_code, $date_); else add_new_exchange_rate($po->curr_code, $date_, $po->ex_rate); } else $po->ex_rate = 1; if(!$grn) $grn = add_grn_batch($po->order_no, $po->supplier_id, $po->reference, $po->Location, $date_, $po->ex_rate); else { update_grn_batch($grn, $po->reference, $po->Location, $date_); void_gl_trans(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn, true); void_stock_move(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn); void_trans_tax_details(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn); delete_comments(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn); } $clearing_act = get_company_pref('grn_clearing_act'); $total = 0; foreach ($po->line_items as $line_no => $order_line) { if ($order_line->quantity != 0) { $stock_gl_code = get_stock_gl_code($order_line->stock_id); /*Update sales_order_details for the new quantity received and the standard cost used for postings to GL and recorded in the stock movements for FIFO/LIFO stocks valuations*/ //------------------- update average material cost and clearing account -------------------------------- if (is_inventory_item($order_line->stock_id)) { if ($clearing_act) $total += add_gl_trans_supplier(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn, $date_, $stock_gl_code["inventory_account"], $stock_gl_code['dimension_id'], $stock_gl_code['dimension2_id'], $order_line->taxfree_charge_value($po), $po->supplier_id, '', 0, $order_line->stock_id); update_average_material_cost($po->supplier_id, $order_line->stock_id, $order_line->price, $order_line->quantity, $date_); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($order_line->qty_received == 0) { /*This must be the first receipt of goods against this line */ /*Need to get the standard cost as it is now so we can process GL jorunals later*/ $order_line->unit_cost = get_unit_cost($order_line->stock_id); } // Update the purchase data table add_or_update_purchase_data($po->supplier_id, $order_line->stock_id, $order_line->price, $order_line->item_description); /*Need to insert a grn item */ // also need to check for over-receive.(within allowance) if ($order_line->quantity + $order_line->qty_received > $order_line->qty_ordered) $order_line->qty_ordered = $order_line->quantity + $order_line->qty_received; $grn_item = write_grn_item($grn, $order_line->po_detail_rec, $order_line->stock_id, $order_line->item_description, $order_line->quantity, $order_line->grn_item_id); $po->line_items[$line_no]->grn_item_id = $grn_item; /* Update location stock records - NB a po cannot be entered for a service/kit parts done automatically */ add_stock_move(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $order_line->stock_id, $grn, $po->Location, $date_, "", $order_line->quantity, $order_line->unit_cost, $order_line->taxfree_charge_value($po)/$order_line->quantity); } /*quantity received is != 0 */ } /*end of order_line loop */ if ($clearing_act && $total != 0.0) { $accs = get_supplier_accounts($po->supplier_id); $total += add_gl_trans_supplier(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn, $date_, $clearing_act, $accs['dimension_id'], $accs['dimension2_id'], -$total, null); } $Refs->save(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn, $po->reference); add_audit_trail(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn, $date_); $po->trans_no = $grn; hook_db_postwrite($po, ST_SUPPRECEIVE); commit_transaction(); return $grn; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_grn_batch($po_number, $supplier_id, $reference, $location, $date_, $rate) { $date = date2sql($date_); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."grn_batch (purch_order_no, delivery_date, supplier_id, reference, loc_code, rate) VALUES (".db_escape($po_number).", ".db_escape($date).", " .db_escape($supplier_id).", ".db_escape($reference).", ".db_escape($location).", ".db_escape($rate).")"; db_query($sql, "A grn batch record could not be inserted."); return db_insert_id(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_grn_batch($grn, $reference, $location, $date_) { $date = date2sql($date_); $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."grn_batch SET delivery_date=".db_escape($date).", reference=".db_escape($reference).", loc_code=".db_escape($location)." WHERE id=".db_escape($grn); db_query($sql, "A grn batch record could not be updated."); return db_insert_id(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function write_grn_item($grn_batch_id, $po_detail_item, $item_code, $description, $quantity_received, $grn_item_id) { if ($grn_item_id) $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."grn_items SET qty_recd=".db_escape($quantity_received) ." WHERE id=".db_escape($grn_item_id); else $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."grn_items (grn_batch_id, po_detail_item, item_code, description, qty_recd) VALUES (".db_escape($grn_batch_id).", " .db_escape($po_detail_item).", ".db_escape($item_code).", ".db_escape($description) .", ".db_escape($quantity_received).")"; db_query($sql, "A GRN detail item could not be stored."); $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details po, (SELECT SUM(qty_recd) received FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_items grn WHERE po_detail_item=".db_escape($po_detail_item).") grn SET po.quantity_received = grn.received WHERE po_detail_item = ".db_escape($po_detail_item); db_query($sql, "a purchase order details record could not be updated. This receipt of goods has not been processed "); return db_insert_id(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_grn_batch_from_item($item) { $sql = "SELECT grn_batch_id FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_items WHERE id=".db_escape($item); $result = db_query($sql, "Could not retreive GRN batch id"); $row = db_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function get_grn_batch($grn) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch WHERE id=".db_escape($grn); $result = db_query($sql, "Could not retreive GRN batch id"); return db_fetch($result); } function set_grn_item_credited(&$entered_grn, $supplier, $transno, $date) { $mcost = update_average_material_cost($supplier, $entered_grn->item_code, $entered_grn->chg_price, $entered_grn->this_quantity_inv, $date); $sql = "SELECT grn.*, item.* FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch grn," .TB_PREF."grn_items item WHERE item.grn_batch_id=grn.id AND item.id=".db_escape($entered_grn->id)." AND item.item_code=".db_escape($entered_grn->item_code); $result = db_query($sql, "Could not retreive GRNS"); $myrow = db_fetch($result); $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details SET quantity_received = quantity_received + " .db_escape($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv).", quantity_ordered = quantity_ordered + " .db_escape($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv).", qty_invoiced = qty_invoiced + ".db_escape($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv).", std_cost_unit=".db_escape($mcost).", act_price=".db_escape($entered_grn->chg_price)." WHERE po_detail_item = ".$myrow["po_detail_item"]; db_query($sql, "a purchase order details record could not be updated. This receipt of goods has not been processed "); //$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."grn_items SET qty_recd=0, quantity_inv=0 WHERE id=$entered_grn->id"; $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."grn_items SET qty_recd=qty_recd+".db_escape($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv) .",quantity_inv=quantity_inv+".db_escape($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv) ." WHERE id=".db_escape($entered_grn->id); db_query($sql); add_stock_move(ST_SUPPCREDIT, $entered_grn->item_code, $transno, $myrow['loc_code'], $date, "", $entered_grn->this_quantity_inv, $mcost, $entered_grn->chg_price); } function get_grn_items($grn_batch_id=0, $supplier_id="", $outstanding_only=false, $is_invoiced_only=false, $invoice_no=0, $begin="", $end="") { $sql = "SELECT grn.*, grn_item.*, po_item.delivery_date as req_del_date, grn_item.quantity_inv".($invoice_no ? "-invoice_item.quantity" : '')." quantity_inv, po_item.unit_price, po_item.act_price, po_item.quantity_ordered, po_item.quantity_received, po_item.std_cost_unit, units FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch grn" ." INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."grn_items grn_item ON grn_item.grn_batch_id=grn.id" ." INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details po_item ON grn_item.po_detail_item=po_item.po_detail_item" ." INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."stock_master stock_item ON stock_item.stock_id=grn_item.item_code"; if ($invoice_no != 0) { $sql .= " LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items invoice_item ON "; $inv_cond = "invoice_item.supp_trans_type=".ST_SUPPINVOICE." AND invoice_item.supp_trans_no "; if (is_array($invoice_no)) $inv_cond .= " IN (".implode(',' , $invoice_no) . ")"; else $inv_cond .= " = $invoice_no"; $sql .= "($inv_cond) AND grn_item.id=invoice_item.grn_item_id"; } $sql .= " WHERE grn_item.qty_recd != 0"; if ($outstanding_only) $sql .= " AND (".($invoice_no ? "$inv_cond OR ":'')."grn_item.qty_recd - grn_item.quantity_inv > 0)"; $sql .= " AND stock_item.stock_id=grn_item.item_code "; if ($begin != "") $sql .= " AND grn.delivery_date>='".date2sql($begin)."'"; if ($end != "") $sql .= " AND grn.delivery_date<='".date2sql($end)."'"; if ($grn_batch_id != 0) $sql .= " AND grn.id=".db_escape($grn_batch_id) ." AND grn_item.grn_batch_id=".db_escape($grn_batch_id); if ($is_invoiced_only) $sql .= " AND grn_item.quantity_inv > 0"; if ($supplier_id != "") $sql .= " AND grn.supplier_id =".db_escape($supplier_id); $sql .= " ORDER BY grn.delivery_date, grn.id, grn_item.id"; return db_query($sql, "Could not retreive GRNS"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the details for a given grn item function get_grn_item_detail($grn_item_no) { $sql = "SELECT grn.*, po.unit_price, grn.qty_recd - grn.quantity_inv AS QtyOstdg, po.std_cost_unit FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_items grn," .TB_PREF."purch_order_details po," .TB_PREF."stock_master item WHERE grn.po_detail_item=po.po_detail_item AND item.stock_id=grn.item_code AND grn.id=".db_escape($grn_item_no); $result = db_query($sql, "could not retreive grn item details"); return db_fetch($result); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function read_grn_items_to_order($grn_batch, &$order) { $result = get_grn_items($grn_batch); if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($myrow = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($myrow['qty_recd'] == 0 && $myrow['quantity_inv'] == 0) continue; // We will not have empty credited rows. if (is_null($myrow["units"])) { $units = ""; } else { $units = $myrow["units"]; } $order->add_to_order($order->lines_on_order, $myrow["item_code"], $myrow["qty_recd"],$myrow["description"], $myrow["unit_price"],$units, sql2date($myrow["req_del_date"]), $myrow["quantity_inv"], $myrow["quantity_received"], $myrow["quantity_ordered"], $myrow["id"]); $order->line_items[$order->lines_on_order-1]->po_detail_rec = $myrow["po_detail_item"]; } /* line po from purchase order details */ } //end of checks on returned data set } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // read a grn into an order class function read_grn($grn_batch, &$order) { $sql= "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch WHERE id=".db_escape($grn_batch); $result = db_query($sql, "The grn sent is not valid"); $row = db_fetch($result); $po_number = $row["purch_order_no"]; $order->ex_rate = $row["rate"]; $result = read_po_header($po_number, $order); if ($result) { $order->trans_type = ST_SUPPRECEIVE; $order->tran_date = sql2date($row["delivery_date"]); $order->Location = $row["loc_code"]; $order->reference = $row["reference"]; $order->grn_id = $grn_batch; read_grn_items_to_order($grn_batch, $order); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the GRNs (batch info not details) for a given po number function get_po_grns($po_number) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch WHERE purch_order_no=".db_escape($po_number); return db_query($sql, "The grns for the po $po_number could not be retreived"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function exists_grn($grn_batch) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch WHERE id=".db_escape($grn_batch); $result = db_query($sql, "Cannot retreive a grn"); return (db_num_rows($result) > 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function exists_grn_on_invoices($grn_batch) { $sql = "SELECT inv.id FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items inv," .TB_PREF."grn_items grn WHERE inv.grn_item_id=grn.id AND quantity != 0 AND grn_batch_id=".db_escape($grn_batch); $result = db_query($sql, "Cannot query GRNs"); return (db_num_rows($result) > 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function void_grn($grn_batch) { // if this grn is references on any invoices/credit notes, then it // can't be voided if (exists_grn_on_invoices($grn_batch)) return false; begin_transaction(); hook_db_prevoid(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn_batch); void_bank_trans(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn_batch, true); void_gl_trans(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn_batch, true); // clear the quantities of the grn items in the POs and invoices $result = get_grn_items($grn_batch); if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details SET quantity_received = quantity_received - " . $myrow["qty_recd"] . " WHERE po_detail_item = " . $myrow["po_detail_item"]; db_query($sql, "a purchase order details record could not be voided."); } } // clear the quantities in the grn items $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."grn_items SET qty_recd=0, quantity_inv=0 WHERE grn_batch_id=".db_escape($grn_batch); db_query($sql, "A grn detail item could not be voided."); // clear the stock move items void_stock_move(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $grn_batch); commit_transaction(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------