. ***********************************************************************/ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_supp_allocation($amount, $trans_type_from, $trans_no_from, $trans_type_to, $trans_no_to, $date_) { $date = date2sql($date_); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."supp_allocations ( amt, date_alloc, trans_type_from, trans_no_from, trans_no_to, trans_type_to) VALUES (".db_escape($amount).", '$date', " .db_escape($trans_type_from).", ".db_escape($trans_no_from).", " .db_escape($trans_no_to).", ".db_escape($trans_type_to).")"; db_query($sql, "A supplier allocation could not be added to the database"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function delete_supp_allocation($trans_id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_allocations WHERE id = ".db_escape($trans_id); db_query($sql, "The existing allocation $trans_id could not be deleted"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_supp_trans_allocation_balance($trans_type, $trans_no) { $sql = "SELECT (ov_amount+ov_gst-ov_discount-alloc) AS BalToAllocate FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans WHERE trans_no=" .db_escape($trans_no)." AND type=".db_escape($trans_type); $result = db_query($sql,"calculate the allocation"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); return $myrow[0]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_supp_trans_allocation($trans_type, $trans_no, $alloc) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."supp_trans SET alloc = alloc + ".db_escape($alloc)." WHERE type=".db_escape($trans_type)." AND trans_no = ".db_escape($trans_no); db_query($sql, "The supp transaction record could not be modified for the allocation against it"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function void_supp_allocations($type, $type_no, $date="") { return clear_supp_alloctions($type, $type_no, $date); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clear_supp_alloctions($type, $type_no, $date="") { // clear any allocations for this transaction $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_allocations WHERE (trans_type_from=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no_from=".db_escape($type_no).") OR (trans_type_to=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no_to=".db_escape($type_no).")"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not void supp transactions for type=$type and trans_no=$type_no"); while ($row = db_fetch($result)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."supp_trans SET alloc=alloc - " . $row['amt'] . " WHERE (type= " . $row['trans_type_from'] . " AND trans_no=" . $row['trans_no_from'] . ") OR (type=" . $row['trans_type_to'] . " AND trans_no=" . $row['trans_no_to'] . ")"; //$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."supp_trans SET alloc=alloc - " . $row['amt'] . " // WHERE type=" . $row['trans_type_to'] . " AND trans_no=" . $row['trans_no_to']; db_query($sql, "could not clear allocation"); // 2008-09-20 Joe Hunt if ($date != "") exchange_variation($type, $type_no, $row['trans_type_to'], $row['trans_no_to'], $date, $row['amt'], PT_SUPPLIER, true); ////////////////////// } // remove any allocations for this transaction $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_allocations WHERE (trans_type_from=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no_from=".db_escape($type_no).") OR (trans_type_to=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no_to=".db_escape($type_no).")"; db_query($sql, "could not void supp transactions for type=$type and trans_no=$type_no"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_alloc_supp_sql($extra_fields=null, $extra_conditions=null, $extra_tables=null) { $sql = "SELECT trans.type, trans.trans_no, trans.reference, trans.tran_date, supplier.supp_name, supplier.curr_code, ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_discount AS Total, trans.alloc, trans.due_date, trans.supplier_id, supplier.address"; /* $sql = "SELECT trans.*, ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_discount AS Total, supplier.supp_name, supplier.address, supplier.curr_code "; */ if ($extra_fields) $sql .= ", $extra_fields "; $sql .= " FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans as trans, ".TB_PREF."suppliers as supplier"; if ($extra_tables) $sql .= " ,$extra_tables "; $sql .= " WHERE trans.supplier_id=supplier.supplier_id"; if ($extra_conditions) $sql .= " AND $extra_conditions"; return $sql; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_allocatable_from_supp_sql($supplier_id, $settled) { $settled_sql = ""; if (!$settled) { $settled_sql = "AND round(ABS(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_discount)-alloc,6) > 0"; } $supp_sql = ""; if ($supplier_id != null) $supp_sql = " AND trans.supplier_id = ".db_escape($supplier_id); $sql = get_alloc_supp_sql("round(ABS(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_discount)-alloc,6) <= 0 AS settled", "(type=".ST_SUPPAYMENT." OR type=".ST_SUPPCREDIT." OR type=".ST_BANKPAYMENT.") AND (ov_amount < 0) " . $settled_sql . $supp_sql); return $sql; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_allocatable_to_supp_transactions($supplier_id, $trans_no=null, $type=null) { if ($trans_no != null && $type!= null) { $sql = get_alloc_supp_sql("amt, supp_reference", "trans.trans_no = alloc.trans_no_to AND trans.type = alloc.trans_type_to AND alloc.trans_no_from=".db_escape($trans_no)." AND alloc.trans_type_from=".db_escape($type)." AND trans.supplier_id=".db_escape($supplier_id), TB_PREF."supp_allocations as alloc"); } else { $sql = get_alloc_supp_sql(null, "round(ABS(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_discount)-alloc,6) > 0 AND trans.type != ".ST_SUPPAYMENT." AND trans.supplier_id=".db_escape($supplier_id)); } return db_query($sql." ORDER BY trans_no", "Cannot retreive alloc to transactions"); } function get_sql_for_supplier_allocation_inquiry() { $date_after = date2sql($_POST['TransAfterDate']); $date_to = date2sql($_POST['TransToDate']); $sql = "SELECT trans.type, trans.trans_no, trans.reference, supplier.supp_name, trans.supp_reference, trans.tran_date, trans.due_date, supplier.curr_code, (trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_discount) AS TotalAmount, trans.alloc AS Allocated, ((trans.type = ".ST_SUPPINVOICE." OR trans.type = ".ST_SUPPCREDIT.") AND trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue FROM " .TB_PREF."supp_trans as trans, " .TB_PREF."suppliers as supplier WHERE supplier.supplier_id = trans.supplier_id AND trans.tran_date >= '$date_after' AND trans.tran_date <= '$date_to'"; if ($_POST['supplier_id'] != ALL_TEXT) $sql .= " AND trans.supplier_id = ".db_escape($_POST['supplier_id']); if (isset($_POST['filterType']) && $_POST['filterType'] != ALL_TEXT) { if (($_POST['filterType'] == '1') || ($_POST['filterType'] == '2')) { $sql .= " AND trans.type = ".ST_SUPPINVOICE." "; } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '3') { $sql .= " AND trans.type = ".ST_SUPPAYMENT." "; } elseif (($_POST['filterType'] == '4') || ($_POST['filterType'] == '5')) { $sql .= " AND trans.type = ".ST_SUPPCREDIT." "; } if (($_POST['filterType'] == '2') || ($_POST['filterType'] == '5')) { $today = date2sql(Today()); $sql .= " AND trans.due_date < '$today' "; } } if (!check_value('showSettled')) { $sql .= " AND (round(abs(ov_amount + ov_gst + ov_discount) - alloc,6) != 0) "; } return $sql; } ?>