grn_items = array(); $this->gl_codes = array(); } function add_grn_to_trans($grn_item_id, $po_detail_item, $item_code, $item_description, $qty_recd, $prev_quantity_inv, $this_quantity_inv, $order_price, $chg_price, $Complete, $std_cost_unit, $gl_code) { $this->grn_items[$grn_item_id] = new grn_item($grn_item_id, $po_detail_item, $item_code, $item_description, $qty_recd, $prev_quantity_inv, $this_quantity_inv, $order_price, $chg_price, $Complete, $std_cost_unit, $gl_code); return 1; } function add_gl_codes_to_trans($gl_code, $gl_act_name, $gl_dim, $gl_dim2, $amount, $memo_) { $this->gl_codes[$this->gl_codes_counter] = new gl_codes($this->gl_codes_counter, $gl_code, $gl_act_name, $gl_dim, $gl_dim2, $amount, $memo_); $this->gl_codes_counter++; return 1; } function remove_grn_from_trans(&$grn_item_id) { unset($this->grn_items[$grn_item_id]); } function remove_gl_codes_from_trans(&$gl_code_counter) { unset($this->gl_codes[$gl_code_counter]); } function is_valid_trans_to_post() { return (count($this->grn_items) > 0 || count($this->gl_codes) > 0 || ($this->ov_amount != 0) || ($this->ov_discount > 0)); } function clear_items() { unset($this->grn_items); unset($this->gl_codes); $this->ov_amount = $this->ov_discount = $this->supplier_id = 0; $this->grn_items = array(); $this->gl_codes = array(); } function get_taxes($tax_group_id=null, $shipping_cost=0) { $items = array(); $prices = array(); if ($tax_group_id == null) $tax_group_id = $this->tax_group_id; // preload the taxgroup ! $tax_group = get_tax_group_items_as_array($tax_group_id); foreach ($this->grn_items as $ln_itm) { $items[] = $ln_itm->item_code; $prices[] = ($ln_itm->this_quantity_inv * $ln_itm->taxfree_charge_price($tax_group_id, $tax_group)); } if ($tax_group_id == null) $tax_group_id = $this->tax_group_id; $taxes = get_tax_for_items($items, $prices, $shipping_cost, $tax_group_id); return $taxes; } function get_total_charged($tax_group_id=null) { $total = 0; // preload the taxgroup ! if ($tax_group_id != null) $tax_group = get_tax_group_items_as_array($tax_group_id); else $tax_group = null; foreach ($this->grn_items as $ln_itm) $total += ($ln_itm->this_quantity_inv * $ln_itm->taxfree_charge_price($tax_group_id, $tax_group)); foreach ($this->gl_codes as $gl_line) $total += $gl_line->amount; return $total; } } /* end of class defintion */ class grn_item { /* Contains relavent information from the purch_order_details as well to provide in cached form, all the info to do the necessary entries without looking up ie additional queries of the database again */ var $id; var $po_detail_item; var $item_code; var $item_description; var $qty_recd; var $prev_quantity_inv; var $this_quantity_inv; var $order_price; var $chg_price; var $Complete; var $std_cost_unit; var $gl_code; function grn_item ($id, $po_detail_item, $item_code, $item_description, $qty_recd, $prev_quantity_inv, $this_quantity_inv, $order_price, $chg_price, $Complete, $std_cost_unit, $gl_code) { $this->id = $id; $this->po_detail_item = $po_detail_item; $this->item_code = $item_code; $this->item_description = $item_description; $this->qty_recd = $qty_recd; $this->prev_quantity_inv = $prev_quantity_inv; $this->this_quantity_inv = $this_quantity_inv; $this->order_price =$order_price; $this->chg_price = $chg_price; $this->Complete = $Complete; $this->std_cost_unit = $std_cost_unit; $this->gl_code = $gl_code; } function full_charge_price() { return $this->chg_price; } function taxfree_charge_price($tax_group_id, $tax_group=null) { if ($tax_group_id==null) return $this->chg_price; return get_tax_free_price_for_item($this->item_code, $this->chg_price, $tax_group_id, $tax_group); } } class gl_codes { var $Counter; var $gl_code; var $gl_act_name; var $gl_dim; var $gl_dim2; var $amount; var $memo_; function gl_codes ($Counter, $gl_code, $gl_act_name, $gl_dim, $gl_dim2, $amount, $memo_) { /* Constructor function to add a new gl_codes object with passed params */ $this->Counter = $Counter; $this->gl_code = $gl_code; $this->gl_act_name = $gl_act_name; $this->gl_dim = $gl_dim; $this->gl_dim2 = $gl_dim2; $this->amount = $amount; $this->memo_= $memo_; } } ?>