. ***********************************************************************/ /* $Revision$ */ $page_security = 8; //include_once($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/class.pdf.inc"); include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/printer_class.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/company_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/printers_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/config.php"); class FrontReport extends Cpdf { var $size; var $company; var $user; var $host; var $fiscal_year; var $title; var $filename; var $pageWidth; var $pageHeight; var $topMargin; var $bottomMargin; var $leftMargin; var $rightMargin; var $endLine; var $lineHeight; //var $rtl; var $cols; var $params; var $headers; var $aligns; var $headers2; var $aligns2; var $cols2; var $companyCol; var $titleCol; var $pageNumber; var $fontSize; var $oldFontSize; var $currency; function FrontReport($title, $filename, $size = 'A4', $fontsize = 9) { switch ($size) { default: case 'A4': case 'a4': $this->pageWidth=595; $this->pageHeight=842; $this->topMargin=40; $this->bottomMargin=30; $this->leftMargin=40; $this->rightMargin=30; break; case 'A4_Landscape': $this->pageWidth=842; $this->pageHeight=595; $this->topMargin=30; $this->bottomMargin=30; $this->leftMargin=40; $this->rightMargin=30; break; case 'A3': $this->pageWidth=842; $this->pageHeight=1190; $this->topMargin=50; $this->bottomMargin=50; $this->leftMargin=50; $this->rightMargin=40; break; case 'A3_landscape': $this->pageWidth=1190; $this->pageHeight=842; $this->topMargin=50; $this->bottomMargin=50; $this->leftMargin=50; $this->rightMargin=40; break; case 'letter': case 'Letter': $this->pageWidth=612; $this->pageHeight=792; $this->topMargin=30; $this->bottomMargin=30; $this->leftMargin=30; $this->rightMargin=25; break; case 'letter_landscape': $this->pageWidth=792; $this->pageHeight=612; $this->topMargin=30; $this->bottomMargin=30; $this->leftMargin=30; $this->rightMargin=25; break; case 'legal': $this->pageWidth=612; $this->pageHeight=1008; $this->topMargin=50; $this->bottomMargin=40; $this->leftMargin=30; $this->rightMargin=25; break; case 'legal_landscape': $this->pageWidth=1008; $this->pageHeight=612; $this->topMargin=50; $this->bottomMargin=40; $this->leftMargin=30; $this->rightMargin=25; break; } $this->size = array(0, 0, $this->pageWidth, $this->pageHeight); $this->title = $title; $this->filename = $filename.".pdf"; $this->pageNumber = 0; $this->endLine = $this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin; $this->companyCol = $this->endLine - 150; $this->titleCol = $this->leftMargin + 100; $this->lineHeight = 12; $this->fontSize = $fontsize; $this->oldFontSize = 0; $this->row = $this->pageHeight - $this->topMargin; $this->currency = ''; $rtl = ($_SESSION['language']->dir === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'); $code = $_SESSION['language']->code; $enc = strtoupper($_SESSION['language']->encoding); // for the language array in class.pdf.inc $l = array('a_meta_charset' => $enc, 'a_meta_dir' => $rtl, 'a_meta_language' => $code, 'w_page' => 'page'); $this->Cpdf($size, $l); } function Font($style = 'normal') { $this->selectFont("", $style); } function Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns, $cols2 = null, $headers2 = null, $aligns2 = null) { global $app_title, $version, $power_by, $power_url; $this->addinfo('Title', $this->title); $this->addinfo('Subject', $this->title); $this->addinfo('Author', $app_title . ' ' . $version); $this->addinfo('Creator',$power_by . ' - ' . $power_url); $year = get_current_fiscalyear(); if ($year['closed'] == 0) $how = _("Active"); else $how = _("Closed"); $this->fiscal_year = sql2date($year['begin']) . " - " . sql2date($year['end']) . " " . "(" . $how . ")"; $this->company = get_company_prefs(); $this->user = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->name; $this->host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $this->params = $params; $this->cols = $cols; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->cols); $i++) $this->cols[$i] += $this->leftMargin; $this->headers = $headers; $this->aligns = $aligns; $this->cols2 = $cols2; if ($this->cols2 != null) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->cols2); $i++) $this->cols2[$i] += $this->leftMargin; } $this->headers2 = $headers2; $this->aligns2 = $aligns2; } function Header() { $this->pageNumber++; if ($this->pageNumber > 1) $this->newPage(); $this->row = $this->pageHeight - $this->topMargin; $this->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128); $this->Line($this->row + 5, 1); $this->NewLine(); $this->fontSize += 4; $this->Font('bold'); $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $this->title, $this->companyCol); $this->Font(); $this->fontSize -= 4; $this->Text($this->companyCol, $this->company['coy_name']); $this->row -= ($this->lineHeight + 4); $str = _("Print Out Date") . ':'; $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol); $str = Today() . ' ' . Now(); $this->Text($this->titleCol, $str, $this->companyCol); $this->Text($this->companyCol, $this->host); $this->NewLine(); $str = _("Fiscal Year") . ':'; $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol); $str = $this->fiscal_year; $this->Text($this->titleCol, $str, $this->companyCol); $this->Text($this->companyCol, $this->user); for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->params); $i++) { if ($this->params[$i]['from'] != '') { $this->NewLine(); $str = $this->params[$i]['text'] . ':'; $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol); $str = $this->params[$i]['from']; if ($this->params[$i]['to'] != '') $str .= " - " . $this->params[$i]['to']; $this->Text($this->titleCol, $str, $this->companyCol); } } if ($this->params[0] != '') // Comments { $this->NewLine(); $str = _("Comments") . ':'; $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol); $this->Font('bold'); $this->Text($this->titleCol, $this->params[0], $this->endLine - 35); $this->Font(); } $str = _("Page") . ' ' . $this->pageNumber; $this->Text($this->endLine - 38, $str); $this->Line($this->row - 5, 1); $this->row -= ($this->lineHeight + 6); $this->Font('italic'); if ($this->headers2 != null) { $count = count($this->headers2); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) $this->TextCol2($i, $i + 1, $this->headers2[$i]); $this->NewLine(); } $count = count($this->headers); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) $this->TextCol($i, $i + 1, $this->headers[$i]); $this->Font(); $this->Line($this->row - 5, 1); $this->NewLine(2); } function Header2($myrow, $branch, $sales_order, $bankaccount, $doctype) { global $comp_path, $path_to_root, $print_as_quote, $print_invoice_no; $this->pageNumber++; if ($this->pageNumber > 1) $this->newPage(); $header2type = true; if ($this->currency != $myrow['curr_code']) { include($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/doctext2.inc"); } else { include($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/doctext.inc"); } include($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/header2.inc"); $this->row = $temp; } function AddImage($logo, $x, $y, $w, $h) { if (strpos($logo, ".png") || strpos($logo, ".PNG")) $this->addPngFromFile($logo, $x, $y, $w, $h); else $this->addJpegFromFile($logo, $x, $y, $w, $h); } function SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b) { $this->setStrokeColor($r, $g, $b); } function SetTextColor($r, $g, $b) { TCPDF::SetTextColor($r, $g, $b); } function Text($c, $txt, $n=0, $corr=0, $r=0) { if ($n == 0) $n = $this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin; return $this->TextWrap($c, $this->row - $r, $n - $c + $corr, $txt, 'left'); } function TextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $str, $align = 'left') { if ($this->fontSize != $this->oldFontSize) { $this->SetFontSize($this->fontSize); $this->oldFontSize = $this->fontSize; } return $this->addTextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $this->fontSize, $str, $align); } function TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0) { return $this->TextWrap($this->cols[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c]); } function AmountCol($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0) { return $this->TextCol($c, $n, number_format2($txt, $dec), $corr, $r); } function DateCol($c, $n, $txt, $conv=false, $corr=0, $r=0) { if ($conv) $txt = sql2date($txt); return $this->TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr, $r); } function TextCol2($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0) { return $this->TextWrap($this->cols2[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols2[$n] - $this->cols2[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns2[$c]); } function TextColLines($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0) { $this->row -= $r; $this->TextWrapLines($this->cols[$c], $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c]); } function TextWrapLines($c, $width, $txt, $align='left') { $str = Explode("\n", $txt); for ($i = 0; $i < count($str); $i++) { $l = $str[$i]; do { $l = $this->TextWrap($c, $this->row , $width, $l, $align); $this->NewLine(); } while ($l != ''); } } function LineTo($from, $row, $to, $row2) { Cpdf::line($from, $row, $to, $row2); } function Line($row, $height = 0) { $this->setLineStyle($height + 1); Cpdf::line($this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin, $row ,$this->leftMargin, $row); } function NewLine($l=1, $np=0) { $this->row -= ($l * $this->lineHeight); if ($this->row < $this->bottomMargin + ($np * $this->lineHeight)) $this->Header(); } function End($email=0, $subject=null, $myrow=null, $doctype = 0) { global $pdf_debug, $path_to_root, $comp_path; if ($pdf_debug == 1) { $pdfcode = $this->Output('','S'); $pdfcode = str_replace("\n", "\n
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"; $msg2 .= "
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