. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_TAXREP'; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // $ Revision: 2.0 $ // Creator: Joe Hunt // date_: 2005-05-19 // Title: Tax Report // ---------------------------------------------------------------- $path_to_root=".."; include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/gl/includes/gl_db.inc"); //------------------------------------------------------------------ print_tax_report(); function getTaxTransactions($from, $to) { $fromdate = date2sql($from); $todate = date2sql($to); $sql = "SELECT tt.name as taxname, taxrec.*, taxrec.amount*ex_rate AS amount, taxrec.net_amount*ex_rate AS net_amount, IF(taxrec.trans_type=".ST_BANKPAYMENT." OR taxrec.trans_type=".ST_BANKDEPOSIT.", IF(gl.person_type_id<>".PT_MISC.", gl.memo_, gl.person_id), IF(ISNULL(supp.supp_name), debt.name, supp.supp_name)) as name, branch.br_name FROM ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details taxrec LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."tax_types tt ON taxrec.tax_type_id=tt.id LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."gl_trans gl ON taxrec.trans_type=gl.type AND taxrec.trans_no=gl.type_no AND (tt.purchasing_gl_code=gl.account OR tt.sales_gl_code=gl.account) LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_trans strans ON taxrec.trans_no=strans.trans_no AND taxrec.trans_type=strans.type LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."suppliers as supp ON strans.supplier_id=supp.supplier_id LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans dtrans ON taxrec.trans_no=dtrans.trans_no AND taxrec.trans_type=dtrans.type LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtors_master as debt ON dtrans.debtor_no=debt.debtor_no LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."cust_branch as branch ON dtrans.branch_code=branch.branch_code WHERE (taxrec.amount <> 0 OR taxrec.net_amount <> 0) AND !ISNULL(taxrec.reg_type) AND taxrec.tran_date >= '$fromdate' AND taxrec.tran_date <= '$todate' ORDER BY taxrec.trans_type, taxrec.tran_date, taxrec.trans_no, taxrec.ex_rate"; return db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned"); } function getTaxTypes() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."tax_types ORDER BY id"; return db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned"); } function getTaxInfo($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."tax_types WHERE id=$id"; $result = db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned"); return db_fetch($result); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function print_tax_report() { global $path_to_root, $Hooks, $systypes_array; $from = $_POST['PARAM_0']; $to = $_POST['PARAM_1']; $summaryOnly = $_POST['PARAM_2']; $comments = $_POST['PARAM_3']; $orientation = $_POST['PARAM_4']; $destination = $_POST['PARAM_5']; if ($destination) include_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/excel_report.inc"); else include_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc"); $orientation = ($orientation ? 'L' : 'P'); $dec = user_price_dec(); $rep = new FrontReport(_('Tax Report'), "TaxReport", user_pagesize(), 9, $orientation); if ($summaryOnly == 1) $summary = _('Summary Only'); else $summary = _('Detailed Report'); $res = getTaxTypes(); $taxes[0] = array('in'=>0, 'out'=>0, 'taxin'=>0, 'taxout'=>0); while ($tax=db_fetch($res)) $taxes[$tax['id']] = array('in'=>0, 'out'=>0, 'taxin'=>0, 'taxout'=>0); $params = array( 0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => _('Period'), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to), 2 => array('text' => _('Type'), 'from' => $summary, 'to' => '')); $cols = array(0, 80, 130, 180, 270, 350, 400, 430, 480, 485, 520); $headers = array(_('Trans Type'), _('Ref'), _('Date'), _('Name'), _('Branch Name'), _('Net'), _('Rate'), _('Tax'), '', _('Name')); $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right','left'); if ($orientation == 'L') recalculate_cols($cols); $rep->Font(); $rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns); if (!$summaryOnly) { $rep->NewPage(); } $totalnet = 0.0; $totaltax = 0.0; $transactions = getTaxTransactions($from, $to); while ($trans=db_fetch($transactions)) { if (in_array($trans['trans_type'], array(ST_CUSTCREDIT,ST_SUPPINVOICE,ST_JOURNAL))) { $trans['net_amount'] *= -1; $trans['amount'] *= -1; } if (!$summaryOnly) { $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $systypes_array[$trans['trans_type']]); if ($trans['memo'] == '') $trans['memo'] = get_reference($trans['trans_type'], $trans['trans_no']); $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['memo']); $rep->DateCol(2, 3, $trans['tran_date'], true); $rep->TextCol(3, 4, $trans['name']); $rep->TextCol(4, 5, $trans['br_name']); $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $trans['net_amount'], $dec); $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $trans['rate'], $dec); $rep->AmountCol(7, 8, $trans['amount'], $dec); $rep->TextCol(9, 10, $trans['taxname']); $rep->NewLine(); if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + $rep->lineHeight) { $rep->Line($rep->row - 2); $rep->NewPage(); } } $tax_type = $trans['tax_type_id']; if ($trans['trans_type']==ST_JOURNAL && $trans['reg_type']==TR_INPUT) { $taxes[$tax_type]['taxin'] += $trans['amount']; $taxes[$tax_type]['in'] += $trans['net_amount']; } elseif ($trans['trans_type']==ST_JOURNAL && $trans['reg_type']==TR_OUTPUT) { $taxes[$tax_type]['taxout'] += $trans['amount']; $taxes[$tax_type]['out'] += $trans['net_amount']; } elseif (in_array($trans['trans_type'], array(ST_BANKDEPOSIT,ST_SALESINVOICE,ST_CUSTCREDIT))) { $taxes[$tax_type]['taxout'] += $trans['amount']; $taxes[$tax_type]['out'] += $trans['net_amount']; } elseif ($trans['reg_type'] !== NULL) { $taxes[$tax_type]['taxin'] += $trans['amount']; $taxes[$tax_type]['in'] += $trans['net_amount']; } $totalnet += $trans['net_amount']; $totaltax += $trans['amount']; } // Summary $cols2 = array(0, 100, 180, 260, 340, 420, 500); if ($orientation == 'L') recalculate_cols($cols2); $headers2 = array(_('Tax Rate'), _('Outputs'), _('Output Tax'), _('Inputs'), _('Input Tax'), _('Net Tax')); $aligns2 = array('left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right'); $rep->Info($params, $cols2, $headers2, $aligns2); //for ($i = 0; $i < count($cols2); $i++) // $rep->cols[$i] = $rep->leftMargin + $cols2[$i]; $rep->headers = $headers2; $rep->aligns = $aligns2; $rep->NewPage(); $taxtotal = 0; foreach( $taxes as $id=>$sum) { if ($id) { $tx = getTaxInfo($id); $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $tx['name'] . " " . number_format2($tx['rate'], $dec) . "%"); } else { $rep->TextCol(0, 1, _('Exempt')); } $rep->AmountCol(1, 2, $sum['out'], $dec); $rep->AmountCol(2, 3, $sum['taxout'], $dec); $rep->AmountCol(3, 4, $sum['in'], $dec); $rep->AmountCol(4, 5, $sum['taxin'], $dec); $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $sum['taxout']+$sum['taxin'], $dec); $taxtotal += $sum['taxout']+$sum['taxin']; $rep->NewLine(); } $rep->Font('bold'); $rep->NewLine(); $rep->Line($rep->row + $rep->lineHeight); $rep->TextCol(3, 5, _("Total payable or refund")); $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $taxtotal, $dec); $rep->Line($rep->row - 5); $rep->Font(); $rep->NewLine(); hook_tax_report_done(); $rep->End(); }