. ***********************************************************************/ /* Definition of the cart class this class can hold all the information for: i) a sales order ii) an invoice iii) a credit note iv) a delivery note */ include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/inventory_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/taxes/tax_calc.inc"); class cart { var $trans_type; // invoice, order, quotation, delivery note ... var $trans_no = array();// array (num1=>ver1,..) or 0 for new var $so_type = 0; // for sales order: simple=0 template=1 var $cart_id; // used to detect multi-tab edition conflits var $line_items; //array of objects of class line_details var $src_docs = array(); // array of arrays(num1=>ver1,...) or 0 for no src var $src_date; // src document date (for info only) var $document_date; var $due_date; var $sales_type; // set to the customer's sales type var $sales_type_name; // set to customer's sales type name var $tax_included; var $customer_currency; // set to the customer's currency var $default_discount; // set to the customer's discount % var $customer_name; var $customer_id; var $Branch; var $email; var $deliver_to; var $delivery_address; var $phone; var $cust_ref; var $reference; var $Comments; var $Location; var $location_name; var $order_no; // the original order number var $ship_via; var $freight_cost = 0; var $tax_group_id; var $tax_group_name; var $tax_group_array = null; // saves db queries var $price_factor; // ditto for price calculations var $pos; // user assigned POS (contains cash accont number/name) var $cash_discount; // not used as of FA 2.1 var $dimension_id; var $dimension2_id; var $payment; var $payment_terms; // cached payment terms var $credit; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $trans_no==0 => open new/direct document // $trans_no!=0 && $prep_child==false => update with parent constarints for reedition // $trans_no!=0 && $prep_child==true => prepare for child doc entry // function Cart($type, $trans_no=0, $prep_child=false) { /*Constructor function initialises a new shopping cart */ $this->line_items = array(); $this->sales_type = ""; if ($type == ST_SALESQUOTE) $this->trans_type = $type; else $this->trans_type = ST_SALESORDER; $this->dimension_id = 0; $this->dimension2_id = 0; $this->pos = get_sales_point(user_pos()); $this->read($type, $trans_no, $prep_child); $this->cart_id = uniqid(''); } // // Prepare cart to new child document entry, just after initial parent doc read. // function prepare_child() { global $Refs; $type = get_child_type($this->trans_type); $this->trans_type = $type; $this->reference = $Refs->get_next($this->trans_type); if ($type == ST_CUSTCREDIT) $this->src_date = $this->document_date; $this->document_date = new_doc_date(); for($line_no = 0; $line_no < count($this->line_items); $line_no++) { $line = &$this->line_items[$line_no]; $line->src_id = $line->id; // save src line ids for update $line->qty_dispatched = $type == ST_CUSTCREDIT ? '0' : $line->quantity - $line->qty_done; $line->qty_old = 0; } unset($line); if ($type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY) { $this->order_no = key($this->trans_no); $cust = get_customer($this->customer_id); $this->dimension_id = $cust['dimension_id']; $this->dimension2_id = $cust['dimension2_id']; } if ($type == ST_SALESINVOICE) { $this->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($this->payment, $this->document_date); } $this->src_docs = $this->trans_no; $this->trans_no = 0; } // // Prepares transaction for reedition updating with parent transaction data // function set_parent_constraints($sodata, $src_no) { $srcdetails = get_sales_parent_lines($this->trans_type, $src_no); $src_type = get_parent_type($this->trans_type); // calculate & save: qtys on other docs and free qtys on src doc $line_no = 0; $src_docs = array(); // Loop speed optimisation below depends on fact // that child line_items contains subset of parent lines in _the_same_ order ! while (($line_no < count($this->line_items)) && ($srcline = db_fetch($srcdetails))) { $line = &$this->line_items[$line_no]; $src_docs[] = $src_type == ST_SALESORDER ? $srcline['order_no'] : $srcline['debtor_trans_no']; if ($srcline['id'] == $line->src_id) { if ($this->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE) $line->src_no = $srcline['debtor_trans_no']; $line->qty_old = $line->qty_dispatched = $line->quantity; $line->quantity += $srcline['quantity'] - ($src_type==ST_SALESORDER ? $srcline['qty_sent'] : $srcline['qty_done']); // add free qty on src doc $line_no++; } } if ($src_type == ST_SALESORDER || $src_type == 0) { $this->src_docs = array( $sodata['order_no']=>$sodata['version']); } else { // get src_data from debtor_trans $this->src_docs = get_customer_trans_version($src_type, array_unique($src_docs)); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reading document into cart // function read($type, $trans_no=0, $prep_child=false) { global $SysPrefs, $Refs; if (!is_array($trans_no)) $trans_no = array($trans_no); if ($trans_no[0]) { // read old transaction if ($type == ST_SALESORDER || $type == ST_SALESQUOTE) { // sales order || sales quotation read_sales_order($trans_no[0], $this, $type); } else { // other type of sales transaction read_sales_trans($type, $trans_no, $this); if ($this->order_no) { // free hand credit notes have no order_no $sodata = get_sales_order_header($this->order_no, ST_SALESORDER); $this->cust_ref = $sodata["customer_ref"]; // currently currency is hard linked to debtor account // $this->customer_currency = $sodata["curr_code"]; $this->delivery_to = $sodata["deliver_to"]; $this->delivery_address = $sodata["delivery_address"]; // child transaction reedition - update with parent info unless it is freehand if (!$prep_child) // this is read for view/reedition $this->set_parent_constraints($sodata, $trans_no[0]); } } // convert document into child and prepare qtys for entry if ($prep_child) $this->prepare_child(); } else { // new document $this->trans_type = $type; $this->trans_no = 0; $this->customer_currency = get_company_currency(); // set new sales document defaults here if (get_global_customer() != ALL_TEXT) $this->customer_id = get_global_customer(); else $this->customer_id = ''; $this->document_date = new_doc_date(); if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($this->document_date)) $this->document_date = end_fiscalyear(); $this->reference = $Refs->get_next($this->trans_type); if ($type != ST_SALESORDER && $type != ST_SALESQUOTE) // Added 2.1 Joe Hunt 2008-11-12 { $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim > 0) { if ($this->customer_id == '') $this->dimension_id = 0; else { $cust = get_customer($this->customer_id); $this->dimension_id = $cust['dimension_id']; } if ($dim > 1) { if ($this->customer_id == '') $this->dimension2_id = 0; else $this->dimension2_id = $cust['dimension2_id']; } } } if ($type == ST_SALESINVOICE) { $this->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($this->payment, $this->document_date); } else $this->due_date = add_days($this->document_date, $SysPrefs->default_delivery_required_by()); } $this->credit = get_current_cust_credit($this->customer_id); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writing new/modified sales document to database. // Makes parent documents for direct delivery/invoice by recurent call. // $policy - 0 or 1: writeoff/return for IV, back order/cancel for DN function write($policy=0) { begin_transaction(); // prevents partial database changes in case of direct delivery/invoice if ($this->reference != 'auto' && $this->trans_no == 0 && !is_new_reference($this->reference, $this->trans_type)) { commit_transaction(); return -1; } if (count($this->src_docs) == 0 && ($this->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE || $this->trans_type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY)) { // this is direct document - first add parent $ref = $this->reference; $date = $this->document_date; $due_date = $this->due_date; $dimension_id = $this->dimension_id; $dimension2_id = $this->dimension2_id; $this->trans_type = get_parent_type($this->trans_type); $this->reference = 'auto'; $trans_no = $this->write(1); // re-read parent document converting it to child $this->read($this->trans_type, $trans_no, true); $this->document_date = $date; $this->reference = $ref; $this->due_date = $due_date; $this->dimension_id = $dimension_id; $this->dimension2_id = $dimension2_id; } $this->reference = @html_entity_decode($this->reference, ENT_QUOTES); $this->Comments = @html_entity_decode($this->Comments, ENT_QUOTES); foreach($this->line_items as $lineno => $line) { $this->line_items[$lineno]->stock_id = @html_entity_decode($line->stock_id, ENT_QUOTES); $this->line_items[$lineno]->item_description = @html_entity_decode($line->item_description, ENT_QUOTES); } switch($this->trans_type) { case ST_SALESINVOICE: $ret = write_sales_invoice($this); break; case ST_CUSTCREDIT: $ret = write_credit_note($this, $policy); break; case ST_CUSTDELIVERY: $ret = write_sales_delivery($this, $policy); break; case ST_SALESORDER: case ST_SALESQUOTE: if ($this->trans_no==0) // new document $ret = add_sales_order($this); else $ret = update_sales_order($this); } commit_transaction(); return $ret; } function set_customer($customer_id, $customer_name, $currency, $discount, $payment, $cdiscount=0) { $this->customer_name = $customer_name; $this->customer_id = $customer_id; $this->default_discount = $discount; $this->customer_currency = $currency; $this->payment = $payment; $this->payment_terms = get_payment_terms($payment); $this->cash_discount = $cdiscount; if ($this->payment_terms['cash_sale']) { $this->Location = $this->pos['pos_location']; $this->location_name = $this->pos['location_name']; } $this->credit = get_current_cust_credit($customer_id); } function set_branch($branch_id, $tax_group_id, $tax_group_name, $phone='', $email='') { $this->Branch = $branch_id; $this->phone = $phone; $this->email = $email; $this->tax_group_id = $tax_group_id; $this->tax_group_array = get_tax_group_items_as_array($tax_group_id); } function set_sales_type($sales_type, $sales_name, $tax_included=0, $factor=0) { $this->sales_type = $sales_type; $this->sales_type_name = $sales_name; $this->tax_included = $tax_included; $this->price_factor = $factor; } function set_location($id, $name) { $this->Location = $id; $this->location_name = $name; } function set_delivery($shipper, $destination, $address, $freight_cost=null) { $this->ship_via = $shipper; $this->deliver_to = $destination; $this->delivery_address = $address; if (isset($freight_cost)) $this->freight_cost = $freight_cost; } function add_to_cart($line_no, $stock_id, $qty, $price, $disc, $qty_done=0, $standard_cost=0, $description=null, $id=0, $src_no=0, $src_id=0) { $line = new line_details($stock_id, $qty, $price, $disc, $qty_done, $standard_cost, $description, $id, $src_no, $src_id); if ($line->valid) { $this->line_items[$line_no] = $line; return 1; } else display_error(_("You have to enter valid stock code or nonempty description")); return 0; } function update_cart_item($line_no, $qty, $price, $disc, $description="") { if ($description != "") $this->line_items[$line_no]->item_description = $description; $this->line_items[$line_no]->quantity = $qty; $this->line_items[$line_no]->qty_dispatched = $qty; $this->line_items[$line_no]->price = $price; $this->line_items[$line_no]->discount_percent = $disc; } function update_add_cart_item_qty($line_no, $qty) { $this->line_items[$line_no]->quantity += $qty; } function remove_from_cart($line_no) { array_splice($this->line_items, $line_no, 1); } function clear_items() { unset($this->line_items); $this->line_items = array(); $this->sales_type = ""; $this->trans_no = 0; $this->customer_id = $this->order_no = 0; } function count_items() { $counter=0; foreach ($this->line_items as $line) { if ($line->quantity!=$line->qty_done) $counter++; } return $counter; } function get_items_total() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->line_items as $ln_itm) { $price = $ln_itm->line_price(); $total += round($ln_itm->quantity * $price * (1 - $ln_itm->discount_percent), user_price_dec()); } return $total; } function get_items_total_dispatch() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->line_items as $ln_itm) { $price = $ln_itm->line_price(); $total += round(($ln_itm->qty_dispatched * $price * (1 - $ln_itm->discount_percent)), user_price_dec()); } return $total; } function has_items_dispatch() { foreach ($this->line_items as $ln_itm) { if ($ln_itm->qty_dispatched > 0) return true; } return false; } function any_already_delivered() { /* Checks if there have been any line item processed */ foreach ($this->line_items as $stock_item) { if ($stock_item->qty_done !=0) { return 1; } } return 0; } function some_already_delivered($line_no) { /* Checks if there have been deliveries of a specific line item */ if (isset($this->line_items[$line_no]) && $this->line_items[$line_no]->qty_done != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } function get_taxes($shipping_cost=null) { $items = array(); $prices = array(); if($shipping_cost==null) $shipping_cost = $this->freight_cost; foreach ($this->line_items as $ln_itm) { $items[] = $ln_itm->stock_id; $prices[] = round((( $this->trans_type==ST_SALESORDER ? $ln_itm->quantity : $ln_itm->qty_dispatched) * $ln_itm->line_price()* (1 - $ln_itm->discount_percent)), user_price_dec()); } $taxes = get_tax_for_items($items, $prices, $shipping_cost, $this->tax_group_id, $this->tax_included, $this->tax_group_array); // Adjustment for swiss franken, we always have 5 rappen = 1/20 franken if ($this->customer_currency == 'CHF') { $val = $taxes['1']['Value']; $val1 = (floatval((intval(round(($val*20),0)))/20)); $taxes['1']['Value'] = $val1; } return $taxes; } function get_tax_free_shipping() { if ($this->tax_included==0) return $this->freight_cost; else return ($this->freight_cost - $this->get_shipping_tax()); } function get_shipping_tax() { $tax_items = get_shipping_tax_as_array(); $tax_rate = 0; if ($tax_items != null) { foreach ($tax_items as $item_tax) { $index = $item_tax['tax_type_id']; if (isset($this->tax_group_array[$index]['rate'])) { $tax_rate += $item_tax['rate']; } } } if($this->tax_included) return round($this->freight_cost*$tax_rate/($tax_rate+100), user_price_dec()); else return round($this->freight_cost*$tax_rate/100, user_price_dec()); } /* Returns transaction value including all taxes */ function get_trans_total() { $total = $this->get_items_total() + $this->freight_cost; $dec = user_price_dec(); if (!$this->tax_included ) { $total += $this->get_shipping_tax(); $taxes = $this->get_taxes(); foreach($taxes as $tax) $total += round($tax['Value'], $dec); } return $total; } } /* end of class defintion */ class line_details { var $id; var $stock_id; var $item_description; var $units; var $mb_flag; var $tax_type; var $tax_type_name; var $src_no; // number of src doc for this line var $src_id; var $price; var $discount_percent; var $standard_cost; var $descr_editable; var $valid; // validation in constructor /* Line quantity properties in various cart create modes: view: $quantity - quantity on current document $qty_done - quantity processed on all child documents $qty_dispatched - not used $qty_old - not used edit: $quantity - free parent quantity including this doc (= max allowed quantity) $qty_done - qty processed on child documents (= min allowed qty) $qty_dispatched - quantity currently selected to process $qty_old - quantity processed on this document before reedition new child entry (view parent followed by prepare_child() call): $quantity - max allowed quantity (get from parent) $qty_done - qty processed on other child documents $qty_dispatched - quantity currently selected to process $qty_old - 0; not used */ var $quantity; var $qty_done; var $qty_dispatched; var $qty_old = 0; function line_details ($stock_id, $qty, $prc, $disc_percent, $qty_done, $standard_cost, $description, $id=0, $src_no=0, $src_id=0) { /* Constructor function to add a new LineDetail object with passed params */ $this->id = $id; $this->src_no = $src_no; $this->src_id = $src_id; $item_row = get_item($stock_id); if (!$item_row) return; $this->mb_flag = $item_row["mb_flag"]; $this->units = $item_row["units"]; $this->descr_editable = $item_row["editable"]; if ($description == null || !$this->descr_editable) $this->item_description = $item_row["description"]; else $this->item_description = $description; //$this->standard_cost = $item_row["material_cost"] + $item_row["labour_cost"] + $item_row["overhead_cost"]; $this->tax_type = $item_row["tax_type_id"]; $this->tax_type_name = $item_row["tax_type_name"]; $this->stock_id = $stock_id; $this->quantity = $qty; $this->qty_dispatched = $qty; $this->price = $prc; $this->discount_percent = $disc_percent; $this->qty_done = $qty_done; $this->standard_cost = $standard_cost; $this->valid = true; } // get unit price as stated on document function line_price() { return $this->price; } } ?>