. ***********************************************************************/ function add_branch($customer_id, $br_name, $br_ref, $br_address, $salesman, $area, $tax_group_id, $sales_account, $sales_discount_account, $receivables_account, $payment_discount_account, $default_location, $br_post_address, $group_no, $default_ship_via, $notes, $bank_account) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."cust_branch (debtor_no, br_name, branch_ref, br_address, salesman, area, tax_group_id, sales_account, receivables_account, payment_discount_account, sales_discount_account, default_location, br_post_address, group_no, default_ship_via, notes, bank_account) VALUES (".db_escape($customer_id). ",".db_escape($br_name) . ", " .db_escape($br_ref) . ", " .db_escape($br_address) . ", ".db_escape($salesman) . ", " .db_escape($area) . "," .db_escape($tax_group_id) . ", " .db_escape($sales_account) . ", " .db_escape($receivables_account) . ", " .db_escape($payment_discount_account) . ", " .db_escape($sales_discount_account) . ", " .db_escape($default_location) . ", " .db_escape($br_post_address) . "," .db_escape($group_no) . ", " .db_escape($default_ship_via). ", " .db_escape($notes). ", " .db_escape($bank_account, true).")"; db_query($sql,"The branch record could not be added"); } function update_branch($customer_id, $branch_code, $br_name, $br_ref, $br_address, $salesman, $area, $tax_group_id, $sales_account, $sales_discount_account, $receivables_account, $payment_discount_account, $default_location, $br_post_address, $group_no, $default_ship_via, $notes, $bank_account) { $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."cust_branch SET br_name = " . db_escape($br_name) . ", branch_ref = " . db_escape($br_ref) . ", br_address = ".db_escape($br_address). ", salesman= ".db_escape($salesman) . ", area=".db_escape($area) . ", tax_group_id=".db_escape($tax_group_id). ", sales_account=".db_escape($sales_account) . ", sales_discount_account=".db_escape($sales_discount_account) . ", receivables_account=".db_escape($receivables_account) . ", payment_discount_account=".db_escape($payment_discount_account) . ", default_location=".db_escape($default_location) . ", br_post_address =".db_escape($br_post_address) . ", group_no=".db_escape($group_no) . ", default_ship_via=".db_escape($default_ship_via) . ", notes=".db_escape($notes) . ", bank_account=".db_escape($bank_account, true)." WHERE branch_code =".db_escape($branch_code) . " AND debtor_no=".db_escape($customer_id); db_query($sql,"The branch record could not be updated"); } function delete_branch($customer_id, $branch_code) { delete_entity_contacts('cust_branch', $branch_code); $sql="DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($branch_code)." AND debtor_no=".db_escape($customer_id); db_query($sql,"could not delete branch"); } function branch_in_foreign_table($customer_id, $branch_code, $table) { $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."$table WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($branch_code) ." AND debtor_no = ".db_escape($customer_id); $result = db_query($sql,"could not query $table"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); return ($myrow[0] > 0); } function get_branch($branch_id) { $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."cust_branch.*,".TB_PREF."salesman.salesman_name FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch, ".TB_PREF."salesman WHERE ".TB_PREF."cust_branch.salesman=".TB_PREF."salesman.salesman_code AND branch_code=".db_escape($branch_id); $result = db_query($sql, "Cannot retreive a customer branch"); return db_fetch($result); } function get_cust_branch($customer_id, $branch_code) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($branch_code)." AND debtor_no=".db_escape($customer_id); $result = db_query($sql,"check failed"); return db_fetch($result); } function get_branch_accounts($branch_id) { $sql = "SELECT receivables_account,sales_account, sales_discount_account, payment_discount_account FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($branch_id); $result = db_query($sql, "Cannot retreive a customer branch"); return db_fetch($result); } function get_branch_name($branch_id) { $sql = "SELECT br_name FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE branch_code = ".db_escape($branch_id); $result = db_query($sql,"could not retreive name for branch" . $branch_id); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); return $myrow[0]; } function get_cust_branches_from_group($group_no) { $sql = "SELECT branch_code, debtor_no FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE group_no = ".db_escape($group_no); return db_query($sql,"could not retreive branches for group " . $group_no); } function get_default_info_for_branch($customer_id) { $sql = "SELECT name, address, debtor_ref FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no = ".db_escape($customer_id); $result = db_query($sql,"check failed"); return db_fetch($result); } function get_sql_for_customer_branches($customer_id) { $sql = "SELECT " ."b.branch_code, " ."b.branch_ref, " ."b.br_name, " ."p.name as contact_name, " ."s.salesman_name, " ."a.description, " ."p.phone, " ."p.fax, " ."p.email, " ."t.name AS tax_group_name, " ."b.inactive FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch b " . "LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."crm_contacts c ON c.entity_id=b.branch_code AND c.type='cust_branch' AND c.action='general' LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."crm_persons p on c.person_id=p.id," .TB_PREF."areas a, " .TB_PREF."salesman s, " .TB_PREF."tax_groups t WHERE b.tax_group_id=t.id AND b.area=a.area_code AND b.salesman=s.salesman_code AND b.debtor_no = ".db_escape($customer_id); if (!get_post('show_inactive')) $sql .= " AND !b.inactive"; $sql .= " GROUP BY b.branch_code ORDER BY branch_ref"; return $sql; } /* Get contacts of given type for customer branch. $branch_code - branch id $action - type of contact $customer_id - if passed: get also customer contacts for given action $default - return only single record selected with defaults order defined in $defs array, otherways get all $action contacts */ function get_branch_contacts($branch_code, $action=null, $customer_id=null, $default = true) { $defs = array('cust_branch.'.$action, 'customer.'.$action, 'cust_branch.general', 'customer.general'); $sql = "SELECT p.*, r.action, r.type, CONCAT(r.type,'.',r.action) as ext_type FROM ".TB_PREF."crm_persons p," .TB_PREF."crm_contacts r WHERE r.person_id=p.id AND ((r.type='cust_branch' AND r.entity_id=".db_escape($branch_code).')'; if($customer_id) { $sql .= " OR (r.type='customer' AND r.entity_id=".db_escape($customer_id).")"; } $sql .= ')'; if ($action) $sql .= ' AND (r.action='.db_escape($action).($default ? " OR r.action='general'" : '').')'; $res = db_query($sql, "can't retrieve branch contacts"); $results = array(); while($contact = db_fetch($res)) $results[] = $contact; if ($results && $default) { // select first available contact in $defs order foreach($defs as $type) { if ($n = array_search_value($type, $results, 'ext_type')) return $n; } return null; } return $results; } function _get_branch_contacts($branch_code, $action=null, $customer_id=null, $default = false) { $sql = "SELECT p.*, r.action, r.type, CONCAT(r.type,'.',r.action) as ext_type FROM ".TB_PREF."crm_persons p," .TB_PREF."crm_contacts r WHERE r.person_id=p.id AND r.type='cust_branch' AND r.entity_id=".db_escape($branch_code); if ($action) $sql .= ' AND (r.action='.db_escape($action).($default ? " OR r.action='general'":'').')'; if($customer_id) { $sql = "($sql) UNION (SELECT p.*, r.action, r.type, CONCAT(r.type,'.',r.action) as ext_type FROM ".TB_PREF."crm_persons p," .TB_PREF."crm_contacts r WHERE r.person_id=p.id AND r.type='customer' AND r.entity_id=".db_escape($customer_id); if ($action) $sql .= ' AND (r.action='.db_escape($action).($default ? " OR r.action='general'":'').')'; $sql .= ')'; } $res = db_query($sql, "can't retrieve branch contacts"); $results = array(); $type = ''; while($contact = db_fetch($res)) { if ($type && $type != $contact['type']) break; // skip cust when branch contacts found $results[] = $contact; $type = $contact['type']; } if ($results && $default) { // here we have general and action contacts selected if ($n = array_search_value($action, $results, 'action')) { return $n; } // only general contact found return $results[0]; } return $results; }