0)"; } $cust_sql = ""; if ($customer_id != null) $cust_sql = " AND trans.debtor_no = $customer_id"; $sql = get_alloc_trans_sql("round(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount-alloc,6) <= 0 AS settled", "(type=12 OR type=11 OR type=2) AND (trans.ov_amount > 0) " . $settled_sql . $cust_sql); return $sql; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_allocatable_to_cust_transactions($customer_id, $trans_no=null, $type=null) { if ($trans_no != null and $type != null) { $sql = get_alloc_trans_sql("amt", "trans.trans_no = alloc.trans_no_to AND trans.type = alloc.trans_type_to AND alloc.trans_no_from=$trans_no AND alloc.trans_type_from=$type AND trans.debtor_no=$customer_id", "".TB_PREF."cust_allocations as alloc"); } else { $sql = get_alloc_trans_sql(null, "round(ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount-alloc,6) > 0 AND trans.type != " . systypes::cust_payment() . " AND trans.type != " . systypes::bank_deposit() . " AND trans.type != 11 AND trans.type != 13 AND trans.debtor_no=$customer_id"); } return db_query($sql." ORDER BY trans_no", "Cannot retreive alloc to transactions"); } ?>