trans_no); if (count($cart->src_docs) == 1) { // if this child document has only one parent - update child link $del_no = key($cart->src_docs); $sql = 'UPDATE '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans SET trans_link = ' . $del_no . ' WHERE type='.$cart->trans_type.' AND trans_no='. $inv_no ; db_query($sql, 'Child document link cannot be updated'); } if ($cart->trans_type != 10) return 0; // the rest is batch invoice specific foreach ($cart->line_items as $line) { if ($line->quantity != $line->qty_dispatched) { return 1; // this is partial invoice } } $sql = 'UPDATE '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans SET trans_link = ' . $inv_no . ' WHERE type='.get_parent_type($cart->trans_type).' AND ('; $deliveries = array_keys($cart->src_docs); foreach ($deliveries as $key=>$del) $deliveries[$key] = 'trans_no='.$del; $sql .= implode(' OR ', $deliveries) . ')'; db_query($sql, 'Delivery links cannot be updated'); return 0; // batch or complete invoice } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_parent_type($type) { $parent_types = array( 11=>10, 10=>13, 13=>30 ); return isset($parent_types[$type]) ? $parent_types[$type] : 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_parent_line($doc_type, $line_id, $qty_dispatched) { $doc_type = get_parent_type($doc_type); //echo "update line: $line_id, $doc_type, $qty_dispatch"; if ($doc_type==0) return false; else { if ($doc_type==30) $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."sales_order_details SET qty_sent = qty_sent + $qty_dispatched WHERE id=$line_id"; else $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details SET qty_done = qty_done + $qty_dispatched WHERE id=$line_id"; } db_query($sql, "The parent document detail record could not be updated"); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // find inventory location for given transaction // function get_location(&$cart) { $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."locations.* FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves," .TB_PREF."locations". " WHERE type=".$cart->trans_type. " AND trans_no=".key($cart->trans_no). " AND qty!=0 ". " AND ".TB_PREF."locations.loc_code=".TB_PREF."stock_moves.loc_code"; $result = db_query($sql, 'Retreiving inventory location'); if (db_num_rows($result)) { return db_fetch($result); } return null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic read debtor transaction into cart // // $trans_no - array of trans nums; special case trans_no==0 - new doc // function read_sales_trans($doc_type, $trans_no, &$cart) { if (!is_array($trans_no) && $trans_no) $trans_no = array($trans_no); $cart->trans_type = $doc_type; if (!$trans_no) { // new document $cart->trans_no = $trans_no; } else { // read header data from first document $myrow = get_customer_trans($trans_no[0],$doc_type); if (count($trans_no)>1) $cart->trans_no = get_customer_trans_version($doc_type, $trans_no); else $cart->trans_no = array($trans_no[0]=>$myrow["version"]); $cart->set_sales_type($myrow["tpe"], $myrow["sales_type"], $myrow["tax_included"]); $cart->set_customer($myrow["debtor_no"], $myrow["DebtorName"], $myrow["curr_code"], $myrow["discount"]); $cart->set_branch($myrow["branch_code"], $myrow["tax_group_id"], $myrow["tax_group_name"], $myrow["phone"], $myrow["email"]); $cart->reference = $myrow["reference"]; $cart->order_no = $myrow["order_"]; $cart->trans_link = $myrow["trans_link"]; $cart->due_date = sql2date($myrow["due_date"]); $cart->document_date = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]); $cart->Comments = ''; foreach ( $trans_no as $trans ) { $coms = get_comments($doc_type,$trans); while($row=db_fetch($coms)) { $text = $row['memo_']; if ($text!='') { if ($cart->Comments!='') $cart->Comments .= "\n"; $cart->Comments .= $text; } } } // FIX this should be calculated sum() for multiply parents $cart->set_delivery($myrow["ship_via"], $myrow["br_name"], $myrow["br_address"], $myrow["ov_freight"]); $location = 0; $myrow = get_location($cart); // find location from movement if($myrow!=null) { $cart->set_location($myrow['loc_code'], $myrow['location_name']); } $result = get_customer_trans_details($doc_type,$trans_no); if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) { for($line_no=0; $myrow = db_fetch($result); $line_no++) { $cart->add_to_cart($line_no,$myrow["stock_id"],$myrow["quantity"], $myrow["unit_price"], $myrow["discount_percent"], $myrow["qty_done"], $myrow["standard_cost"], $myrow["StockDescription"],$myrow["id"], $myrow["debtor_trans_no"]); } } } // !newdoc return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>