line_items AS $order_item) { if (strcasecmp($order_item->stock_id, $new_item) == 0) { display_notification(_("For Part :") . $new_item . " " . _("This item is already on this order. You have been warned.")); break; } } $order->add_to_cart (count($order->line_items),$new_item, $new_item_qty, $price, $discount); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_customer_details_to_order(&$order, $customer_id, $branch_id) { $ret_error = ""; $myrow = get_customer_to_order($customer_id); $name = $myrow['name']; if ($myrow['dissallow_invoices'] == 1) $ret_error = _("The selected customer account is currently on hold. Please contact the credit control personnel to discuss."); $deliver = $myrow['address']; // in case no delivery address. $order->set_customer($customer_id, $name, $myrow['curr_code'], $myrow['discount'], $myrow['pymt_discount']); // the sales type determines the price list to be used by default $order->set_sales_type($myrow['salestype'], $myrow['sales_type'], $myrow['tax_included'], $myrow['factor']); if ($order->trans_type != 30) { $order->dimension_id = $myrow['dimension_id']; $order->dimension2_id = $myrow['dimension2_id']; } $result = get_branch_to_order($customer_id, $branch_id); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { return _("The selected customer and branch are not valid, or the customer does not have any branches."); } $myrow = db_fetch($result); $order->set_branch($branch_id, $myrow["tax_group_id"], $myrow["tax_group_name"], $myrow["phone"], $myrow["email"]); $address = $myrow["br_post_address"]; if (strlen($address) <= 1) // if branch has no address $address = $deliver; // set sales order address $order->set_delivery($myrow["default_ship_via"], $myrow["br_name"], $address); if ($order->trans_type == 10) { $order->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($customer_id, $order->document_date); if ($order->pos != -1) $order->cash = date_diff($order->due_date, Today(), 'd')<2; } if($order->cash ) { if($order->pos != -1) { $paym = get_sales_point($order->pos); $order->set_location($paym["pos_location"], $paym["location_name"]); } } else $order->set_location($myrow["default_location"], $myrow["location_name"]); return $ret_error; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_order_summary($title, &$order, $editable_items=false) { global $table_style, $path_to_root; display_heading($title); div_start('items_table'); start_table("$table_style colspan=7 width=90%"); $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"), _("Quantity"), _("Delivered"), _("Unit"), _("Price"), _("Discount %"), _("Total"), ""); if ($order->trans_no == 0) { unset( $th[3] ); } if (count($order->line_items)) $th[]= ''; table_header($th); $total = 0; $k = 0; //row colour counter $id = find_submit('Edit'); foreach ($order->line_items as $line_no=>$stock_item) { $line_total = round($stock_item->qty_dispatched * $stock_item->price * (1 - $stock_item->discount_percent), user_price_dec()); if (!$editable_items || $id != $line_no) { alt_table_row_color($k); view_stock_status_cell($stock_item->stock_id); label_cell($stock_item->item_description, "nowrap" ); qty_cell($stock_item->qty_dispatched, false, get_qty_dec($stock_item->stock_id)); if ($order->trans_no!=0) amount_cell($stock_item->qty_done); label_cell($stock_item->units); amount_cell($stock_item->price); percent_cell($stock_item->discount_percent * 100); amount_cell($line_total); if ($editable_items) { edit_button_cell("Edit$line_no", _("Edit"), _('Edit document line')); edit_button_cell("Delete$line_no", _("Delete"), _('Remove line from document')); } end_row(); } else { sales_order_item_controls($order, $k, $line_no); } $total += $line_total; } if ($id==-1 && $editable_items) sales_order_item_controls($order, $k); $display_total = price_format($total); label_row(_("Total Excluding Shipping"), $display_total, "colspan=6 align=right", "nowrap align=right", 2); end_table(); div_end(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function display_order_header(&$order, $editable, $date_text, $display_tax_group=false) { global $table_style, $Ajax; start_table("width=80% $table_style"); echo ""; // outer table echo ""; $customer_error = ""; $change_prices = 0; if (isset($order) && !$editable) { // can't change the customer/branch if items already received on this order echo $order->customer_name . " - " . $order->deliver_to; hidden('customer_id', $order->customer_id); hidden('branch_id', $order->Branch); hidden('sales_type', $order->sales_type); if ($order->trans_type != 30) { hidden('dimension_id', $order->dimension_id); // 2008-11-12 Joe Hunt hidden('dimension2_id', $order->dimension2_id); } } else { customer_list_row(_("Customer:"), 'customer_id', null, false, true); if ($order->customer_id != get_post('customer_id', -1)) { // customer has changed $Ajax->activate('branch_id'); } customer_branches_list_row(_("Branch:"), $_POST['customer_id'], 'branch_id', null, false, true, true); if( ($order->customer_id != get_post('customer_id', -1)) || ($order->Branch != get_post('branch_id', -1)) || list_updated('customer_id')) { if (!isset($_POST['branch_id']) || $_POST['branch_id'] == "") { // ignore errors on customer search box call if ($_POST['customer_id'] == '') $customer_error = _("No customer found for entered text."); else $customer_error = _("The selected customer does not have any branches. Please create at least one branch."); unset($_POST['branch_id']); $order->Branch = 0; } else { $old_order = (PHP_VERSION<5) ? $order : clone( $order ); $customer_error = get_customer_details_to_order($order, $_POST['customer_id'], $_POST['branch_id']); $_POST['Location'] = $order->Location; $_POST['deliver_to'] = $order->deliver_to; $_POST['delivery_address'] = $order->delivery_address; $_POST['phone'] = $order->phone; if (get_post('cash') !== $order->cash) { $_POST['cash'] = $order->cash; $Ajax->activate('delivery'); $Ajax->activate('cash'); } else { if ($order->trans_type == 10) { $_POST['delivery_date'] = $order->due_date; $Ajax->activate('delivery_date'); } $Ajax->activate('Location'); $Ajax->activate('deliver_to'); $Ajax->activate('phone'); $Ajax->activate('delivery_address'); } // change prices if necessary // what about discount in template case? if ($old_order->customer_currency != $order->customer_currency) { $change_prices = 1; } if ($old_order->sales_type != $order->sales_type) { // || $old_order->default_discount!=$order->default_discount $_POST['sales_type'] = $order->sales_type; $Ajax->activate('sales_type'); $change_prices = 1; } if ($old_order->dimension_id != $order->dimension_id) { $_POST['dimension_id'] = $order->dimension_id; $Ajax->activate('dimension_id'); } if ($old_order->dimension2_id != $order->dimension2_id) { $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $order->dimension2_id; $Ajax->activate('dimension2_id'); } unset($old_order); } set_global_customer($_POST['customer_id']); } // changed branch } if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type!=30) { ref_cells(_("Reference").':', 'ref', _('Reference number unique for this document type'), null, ''); } echo "
"; echo ""; // outer table if (!is_company_currency($order->customer_currency)) { div_start('currency'); echo ""; label_row(_("Customer Currency:"), $order->customer_currency); exchange_rate_display($order->customer_currency, get_company_currency(), ($editable ? $_POST['OrderDate'] : $order->document_date)); echo "
"; div_end(); echo ""; // outer table } echo ""; if ($order->trans_type == 10 && $order->pos != -1) { sale_payment_list_cells(_('Payment:'), 'cash', null, true); $cash_payment = get_post('cash', 0); // current user can issue both credit and cash invoices if ($order->cash != $cash_payment) { $order->cash = $cash_payment; if ($cash_payment) { $paym = get_sales_point(user_pos()); $order->cash_account = $paym['pos_account']; $order->account_name = $paym['bank_account_name']; $_POST['Location'] = $order->Location = $paym['pos_location']; $order->location_name = $paym['location_name']; } check_qoh($order); $Ajax->activate('delivery'); set_focus($order->pos == -1 ? 'delivery_date' : 'account'); } } else hidden('cash', $order->cash); if($editable) { $str = sales_types_list_row(_("Price List"), 'sales_type', null, true); } else { label_row(_("Price List:"), $order->sales_type_name); } if ($order->sales_type != $_POST['sales_type']) { $myrow = get_sales_type($_POST['sales_type']); $order->set_sales_type($myrow['id'], $myrow['sales_type'], $myrow['tax_included'], $myrow['factor']); $Ajax->activate('sales_type'); $change_prices = 1; } label_row(_("Customer Discount:"), ($order->default_discount * 100) . "%"); echo "
"; echo ""; // outer table echo ""; if ($editable) { if (!isset($_POST['OrderDate']) || $_POST['OrderDate'] == "") $_POST['OrderDate'] = $order->document_date; date_row($date_text, 'OrderDate', _('Date of order receive'), null, 0, 0, 0, null, true); if (isset($_POST['_OrderDate_changed'])) { $change_prices = 1; $Ajax->activate('currency'); if ($order->trans_type == 10) { $_POST['delivery_date'] = get_invoice_duedate(get_post('customer_id'), get_post('OrderDate')); } else $_POST['delivery_date'] = add_days(get_post('OrderDate'), sys_prefs::default_delivery_required_by()); $Ajax->activate('delivery_date'); } if ($order->trans_type != 30) { // 2008-11-12 Joe Hunt added dimensions $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim > 0) dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension").":", 'dimension_id', null, true, ' ', false, 1, false); else hidden('dimension_id', 0); if ($dim > 1) dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension")." 2:", 'dimension2_id', null, true, ' ', false, 2, false); else hidden('dimension2_id', 0); } } else { label_row($date_text, $order->document_date); hidden('OrderDate', $order->document_date); } if ($display_tax_group) { label_row(_("Tax Group:"), $order->tax_group_name); hidden('tax_group_id', $_SESSION['Items']->tax_group_id); } echo "
"; echo ""; end_table(1); // outer table if ($change_prices != 0) { foreach ($order->line_items as $line_no=>$item) { $line = &$order->line_items[$line_no]; $line->price = get_price($line->stock_id, $order->customer_currency, $order->sales_type, $order->price_factor, get_post('OrderDate')); // $line->discount_percent = $order->default_discount; } $Ajax->activate('items_table'); } return $customer_error; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function sales_order_item_controls(&$order, &$rowcounter, $line_no=-1) { global $Ajax; alt_table_row_color($rowcounter); $id = find_submit('Edit'); if ($line_no!=-1 && $line_no == $id) { $_POST['stock_id'] = $order->line_items[$id]->stock_id; $dec = get_qty_dec($_POST['stock_id']); $_POST['qty'] = number_format2($order->line_items[$id]->qty_dispatched, $dec); $_POST['price'] = price_format($order->line_items[$id]->price); $_POST['Disc'] = percent_format($order->line_items[$id]->discount_percent*100); $units = $order->line_items[$id]->units; hidden('stock_id', $_POST['stock_id']); label_cell($_POST['stock_id']); label_cell($order->line_items[$line_no]->item_description, "nowrap"); $Ajax->activate('items_table'); } else { stock_items_list_cells(null,'stock_id', null, false, true); if (list_updated('stock_id')) { $Ajax->activate('price'); $Ajax->activate('units'); $Ajax->activate('qty'); $Ajax->activate('line_total'); } $item_info = get_item_edit_info($_POST['stock_id']); $units = $item_info["units"]; $dec = get_qty_dec($_POST['stock_id']); $_POST['qty'] = number_format2(1, $dec); $_POST['price'] = price_format(get_price ($_POST['stock_id'], $order->customer_currency, $order->sales_type, $order->price_factor, get_post('OrderDate'))); // default to the customer's discount % $_POST['Disc'] = percent_format($order->default_discount * 100); } qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec); if ($order->trans_no!=0) { qty_cell($line_no==-1 ? 0 :$order->line_items[$line_no]->qty_done, false, $dec); } label_cell($units, '', 'units'); $str = amount_cells(null, 'price'); small_amount_cells(null, 'Disc', percent_format($_POST['Disc']), null, null, user_percent_dec()); $line_total = input_num('qty') * input_num('price') * (1 - input_num('Disc') / 100); amount_cell($line_total, false, '','line_total'); if ($id!=-1) { edit_button_cell('UpdateItem', _("Update"), _('Confirm changes')); edit_button_cell('CancelItemChanges', _("Cancel"), _('Cancel changes')); hidden('LineNo', $line_no); set_focus('qty'); } else { submit_cells('AddItem', _("Add Item"), "colspan=2", _('Add new item to document'), true); } end_row(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_delivery_details(&$order) { global $table_style2, $Ajax; div_start('delivery'); if (get_post('cash', 0)) { // Direct payment sale display_heading(_('Cash payment')); echo ""; label_row(_("Deliver from Location:"), $order->location_name); hidden('Location', $order->Location); label_row(_("Cash account:"), $order->account_name); textarea_row(_("Comments:"), "Comments", $order->Comments, 31, 5); echo "
"; } else { if ($order->trans_type==10) { $title = _("Delivery Details"); $delname = _("Due Date").':'; } elseif ($order->trans_type==13) { $title = _("Invoice Delivery Details"); $delname = _("Invoice before").':'; } else { $title = _("Order Delivery Details"); $delname = _("Required Delivery Date").':'; } display_heading($title); echo "
"; start_table("$table_style2 width=90%"); echo ""; // outer table echo ""; locations_list_row(_("Deliver from Location:"), 'Location', null, false, true); if (list_updated('Location')) check_qoh($order); date_row($delname, 'delivery_date', $order->trans_type==30 ? _('Enter requested day of delivery') : '', $order->due_date, 0, 0, 0); text_row(_("Deliver To:"), 'deliver_to', $order->deliver_to, 40, 40, _('Additional identifier for delivery e.g. name of receiving person')); textarea_row(_("Address:"), 'delivery_address', $order->delivery_address, 35, 5, _('Delivery address. Default is address of customer branch')); text_row(_("Contact Phone Number:"), 'phone', $order->phone, 25, 25, _('Phone number of ordering person. Defaults to branch phone number')); echo "
"; echo ""; // outer table echo ""; text_row(_("Customer Reference:"), 'cust_ref', $order->cust_ref, 25, 25, _('Customer reference number for this order (if any)')); textarea_row(_("Comments:"), "Comments", $order->Comments, 31, 5); small_amount_row(_("Shipping Charge:"), 'freight_cost', price_format(get_post('freight_cost',0))); shippers_list_row(_("Shipping Company:"), 'ship_via', $order->ship_via); echo "
"; echo ""; end_table(1); // outer table } div_end(); } function check_qoh($order) { $msg = ''; foreach($order->line_items as $line_no => $line) { $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($line->stock_id, $_POST['Location'], $_POST['OrderDate']); if ($line->qty_dispatched > $qoh) { $msg .= $line->stock_id . " - " . $line->item_description . ": " . _("Quantity On Hand") . " = " . number_format2($qoh, get_qty_dec($line->stock_id)) . '
'; } } if (strlen($msg)) { display_error(_("The delivery cannot be processed because there is an insufficient quantity for item:") . '
'. $msg); return false; } return true; } ?>