'; display_note(print_document_link($order_no, _("&Print This Order"), true, 30)); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/customer_delivery.php", _("Make &Delivery Against This Order"), "OrderNumber=$order_no"); hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter a &New Order"), "NewOrder=0"); display_footer_exit(); } elseif (isset($_GET['UpdatedID'])) { $order_no = $_GET['UpdatedID']; display_notification_centered(sprintf( _("Order # %d has been updated."),$order_no)); display_note(get_trans_view_str(30, $order_no, _("&View This Order"))); echo '
'; display_note(print_document_link($order_no, _("&Print This Order"), true, 30)); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/customer_delivery.php", _("Confirm Order Quantities and Make &Delivery"), "OrderNumber=$order_no"); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php", _("Select A Different &Order"), "OutstandingOnly=1"); display_footer_exit(); } elseif (isset($_GET['AddedDN'])) { $delivery = $_GET['AddedDN']; display_notification_centered(sprintf(_("Delivery # %d has been entered."),$delivery)); display_note(get_trans_view_str(13, $delivery, _("&View This Delivery"))); echo '
'; display_note(print_document_link($delivery, _("&Print Delivery Note"), true, 13)); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/customer_invoice.php", _("Make &Invoice Against This Delivery"), "DeliveryNumber=$delivery"); if ((isset($_GET['Type']) && $_GET['Type'] == 1)) hyperlink_params("inquiry/sales_orders_view.php", _("Enter a New Template &Delivery"), "DeliveryTemplates=Yes"); else hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter a &New Delivery"), "NewDelivery=0"); display_footer_exit(); } elseif (isset($_GET['AddedDI'])) { $invoice = $_GET['AddedDI']; display_notification_centered(sprintf(_("Invoice # %d has been entered."),$invoice)); display_note(get_trans_view_str(10, $invoice, _("&View This Invoice"))); echo '
'; display_note(print_document_link($invoice, _("&Print Sales Invoice"), true, 10)); if ((isset($_GET['Type']) && $_GET['Type'] == 1)) hyperlink_params("inquiry/sales_orders_view.php", _("Enter a &New Template Invoice"), "InvoiceTemplates=Yes"); else hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter a &New Direct Invoice"), "NewInvoice=0"); display_footer_exit(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_to_cart() { $cart = &$_SESSION['Items']; if ($cart->trans_type!=30) { $cart->reference = $_POST['ref']; } $cart->Comments = $_POST['Comments']; $cart->document_date = $_POST['OrderDate']; if ($cart->trans_type == 10) $cart->cash = $_POST['cash']; if ($cart->cash) { $cart->due_date = $cart->document_date; $cart->phone = $cart->cust_ref = $cart->delivery_address = ''; $cart->freight_cost = 0; $cart->ship_via = 1; $cart->deliver_to = '';//$_POST['deliver_to']; } else { $cart->due_date = $_POST['delivery_date']; $cart->cust_ref = $_POST['cust_ref']; $cart->freight_cost = input_num('freight_cost'); $cart->deliver_to = $_POST['deliver_to']; $cart->delivery_address = $_POST['delivery_address']; $cart->phone = $_POST['phone']; $cart->Location = $_POST['Location']; $cart->ship_via = $_POST['ship_via']; } if (isset($_POST['email'])) $cart->email =$_POST['email']; else $cart->email = ''; $cart->customer_id = $_POST['customer_id']; $cart->Branch = $_POST['branch_id']; $cart->sales_type = $_POST['sales_type']; // POS if ($cart->trans_type!=30) { // 2008-11-12 Joe Hunt $cart->dimension_id = $_POST['dimension_id']; $cart->dimension2_id = $_POST['dimension2_id']; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_from_cart() { $cart = &$_SESSION['Items']; if ($cart->trans_type!=30) { $_POST['ref'] = $cart->reference; } $_POST['Comments'] = $cart->Comments; $_POST['OrderDate'] = $cart->document_date; $_POST['delivery_date'] = $cart->due_date; $_POST['cust_ref'] = $cart->cust_ref; $_POST['freight_cost'] = price_format($cart->freight_cost); $_POST['deliver_to'] = $cart->deliver_to; $_POST['delivery_address'] = $cart->delivery_address; $_POST['phone'] = $cart->phone; $_POST['Location'] = $cart->Location; $_POST['ship_via'] = $cart->ship_via; $_POST['customer_id'] = $cart->customer_id; $_POST['branch_id'] = $cart->Branch; $_POST['sales_type'] = $cart->sales_type; // POS if ($cart->trans_type == 10) $_POST['cash'] = $cart->cash; if ($cart->trans_type!=30) { // 2008-11-12 Joe Hunt $_POST['dimension_id'] = $cart->dimension_id; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $cart->dimension2_id; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function line_start_focus() { global $Ajax; $Ajax->activate('items_table'); set_focus('_stock_id_edit'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function can_process() { if (!is_date($_POST['OrderDate'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('OrderDate'); return false; } if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type!=30 && !is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['OrderDate'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year")); set_focus('OrderDate'); return false; } if (count($_SESSION['Items']->line_items) == 0) { display_error(_("You must enter at least one non empty item line.")); set_focus('AddItem'); return false; } if ($_SESSION['Items']->cash == 0) { if (strlen($_POST['deliver_to']) <= 1) { display_error(_("You must enter the person or company to whom delivery should be made to.")); set_focus('deliver_to'); return false; } if (strlen($_POST['delivery_address']) <= 1) { display_error( _("You should enter the street address in the box provided. Orders cannot be accepted without a valid street address.")); set_focus('delivery_address'); return false; } if ($_POST['freight_cost'] == "") $_POST['freight_cost'] = price_format(0); if (!check_num('freight_cost',0)) { display_error(_("The shipping cost entered is expected to be numeric.")); set_focus('freight_cost'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['delivery_date'])) { display_error(_("The delivery date is invalid.")); set_focus('delivery_date'); return false; } //if (date1_greater_date2($_SESSION['Items']->document_date, $_POST['delivery_date'])) { if (date1_greater_date2($_POST['OrderDate'], $_POST['delivery_date'])) { display_error(_("The requested delivery date is before the date of the order.")); set_focus('delivery_date'); return false; } } if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type != 30 && !references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(_("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['ProcessOrder']) && can_process()) { copy_to_cart(); $modified = ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no != 0); $so_type = $_SESSION['Items']->so_type; $_SESSION['Items']->write(1); if (count($messages)) { // abort on failure or error messages are lost $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); display_footer_exit(); } $trans_no = key($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no); $trans_type = $_SESSION['Items']->trans_type; processing_end(); if ($modified) { meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "UpdatedID=$trans_no"); } elseif ($trans_type == 30) { meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=$trans_no"); } elseif ($trans_type == 10) { meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedDI=$trans_no&Type=$so_type"); } else { meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedDN=$trans_no&Type=$so_type"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_item_data() { if (!check_num('qty', 0) || !check_num('Disc', 0, 100)) { display_error( _("The item could not be updated because you are attempting to set the quantity ordered to less than 0, or the discount percent to more than 100.")); set_focus('qty'); return false; } elseif (!check_num('price', 0)) { display_error( _("Price for item must be entered and can not be less than 0")); set_focus('price'); return false; } elseif (isset($_POST['LineNo']) && isset($_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$_POST['LineNo']]) && !check_num('qty', $_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$_POST['LineNo']]->qty_done)) { set_focus('qty'); display_error(_("You attempting to make the quantity ordered a quantity less than has already been delivered. The quantity delivered cannot be modified retrospectively.")); return false; } // Joe Hunt added 2008-09-22 ------------------------- elseif ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type!=30 && !sys_prefs::allow_negative_stock() && is_inventory_item($_POST['stock_id'])) { $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($_POST['stock_id'], $_POST['Location'], $_POST['OrderDate']); if (input_num('qty') > $qoh) { $stock = get_item($_POST['stock_id']); display_error(_("The delivery cannot be processed because there is an insufficient quantity for item:") . " " . $stock['stock_id'] . " - " . $stock['description'] . " - " . _("Quantity On Hand") . " = " . number_format2($qoh, get_qty_dec($_POST['stock_id']))); return false; } return true; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_update_item() { if ($_POST['UpdateItem'] != '' && check_item_data()) { $_SESSION['Items']->update_cart_item($_POST['LineNo'], input_num('qty'), input_num('price'), input_num('Disc') / 100 ); } line_start_focus(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_delete_item($line_no) { if ($_SESSION['Items']->some_already_delivered($line_no) == 0) { $_SESSION['Items']->remove_from_cart($line_no); } else { display_error(_("This item cannot be deleted because some of it has already been delivered.")); } line_start_focus(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_new_item() { if (!check_item_data()) { return; } add_to_order($_SESSION['Items'], $_POST['stock_id'], input_num('qty'), input_num('price'), input_num('Disc') / 100); $_POST['_stock_id_edit'] = $_POST['stock_id'] = ""; line_start_focus(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handle_cancel_order() { global $path_to_root, $Ajax; if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == 13) { display_note(_("Direct delivery entry has been cancelled as requested."), 1); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/sales_order_entry.php", _("Enter a New Sales Delivery"), SID . "&NewDelivery=0"); } elseif ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == 10) { display_note(_("Direct invoice entry has been cancelled as requested."), 1); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/sales_order_entry.php", _("Enter a New Sales Delivery"), SID . "&NewDelivery=0"); } else { if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no != 0) { if (sales_order_has_deliveries(key($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no))) display_error(_("This order cannot be cancelled because some of it has already been invoiced or dispatched. However, the line item quantities may be modified.")); else { delete_sales_order(key($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no)); display_note(_("This sales order has been cancelled as requested."), 1); hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/sales/sales_order_entry.php", _("Enter a New Sales Order"), SID . "&NewOrder=Yes"); } } else { processing_end(); meta_forward($path_to_root.'/index.php?application=orders'); } } $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); processing_end(); br(1); end_page(); exit; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function create_cart($type, $trans_no) { processing_start(); $doc_type = $type; if($type != 30 && $trans_no != 0) { // this is template $doc_type = 30; $doc = new Cart(30, array($trans_no)); $doc->trans_type = $type; $doc->trans_no = 0; $doc->document_date = Today(); // 2006-06-15. Added so Invoices and Deliveries get current day if ($type == 10) { $doc->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($doc->customer_id, $doc->document_date); $doc->pos = user_pos(); $pos = get_sales_point($doc->pos); $doc->cash = $pos['cash_sale']; if (!$pos['cash_sale'] || !$pos['credit_sale']) $doc->pos = -1; // mark not editable payment type else $doc->cash = date_diff($doc->due_date, Today(), 'd')<2; } else $doc->due_date = $doc->document_date; $doc->reference = references::get_next($doc->trans_type); $doc->Comments=''; foreach($doc->line_items as $line_no => $line) { $doc->line_items[$line_no]->qty_done = 0; } $_SESSION['Items'] = $doc; } else $_SESSION['Items'] = new Cart($type,array($trans_no)); copy_from_cart(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['CancelOrder'])) handle_cancel_order(); $id = find_submit('Delete'); if ($id!=-1) handle_delete_item($id); if (isset($_POST['UpdateItem'])) handle_update_item(); if (isset($_POST['AddItem'])) handle_new_item(); if (isset($_POST['CancelItemChanges'])) { line_start_focus(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system.")); check_db_has_customer_branches(_("There are no customers, or there are no customers with branches. Please define customers and customer branches.")); if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == 10) { $idate = _("Invoice Date:"); $orderitems = _("Sales Invoice Items"); $deliverydetails = _("Enter Delivery Details and Confirm Invoice"); $cancelorder = _("Cancel Invoice"); $porder = _("Place Invoice"); } elseif ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == 13) { $idate = _("Delivery Date:"); $orderitems = _("Delivery Note Items"); $deliverydetails = _("Enter Delivery Details and Confirm Dispatch"); $cancelorder = _("Cancel Delivery"); $porder = _("Place Delivery"); } else { $idate = _("Order Date:"); $orderitems = _("Sales Order Items"); $deliverydetails = _("Enter Delivery Details and Confirm Order"); $cancelorder = _("Cancel Order"); $porder = _("Place Order"); $corder = _("Commit Order Changes"); } start_form(false, true); $customer_error = display_order_header($_SESSION['Items'], ($_SESSION['Items']->any_already_delivered() == 0), $idate); if ($customer_error == "") { start_table("$table_style width=80%", 10); echo ""; display_order_summary($orderitems, $_SESSION['Items'], true); echo ""; echo ""; display_delivery_details($_SESSION['Items']); echo ""; end_table(1); if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0) { submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $porder, _('Check entered data and save document'), true, 'confirm.png'); } else { submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $corder, _('Validate changes and update document'), true, 'confirm.png'); } submit_center_last('CancelOrder', $cancelorder, _('Cancels document entry or removes sales order when editing an old document'), true, 'escape.png'); } else { display_error($customer_error); } end_form(); end_page(); ?>