. ***********************************************************************/ class fa2_1 { var $version = '2.1'; // version installed var $description; var $sql = 'alter2.1.sql'; function fa2_1() { $this->description = _('Upgrade from version 2.0 to 2.1'); } // // Install procedure. All additional changes // not included in sql file should go here. // function install($pref, $force) { global $db; /* Statement below is allowed only for MySQL >=4.0.4: UPDATE `0_bank_trans`, `0_bank_accounts` SET 0_bank_trans.bank_act=0_bank_accounts.id WHERE 0_bank_trans.bank_act=0_bank_accounts.account_code; */ $sql = "SELECT id, account_code FROM ".$pref."bank_accounts"; if(!($res = db_query($sql))) { display_error(_("Cannot retrieve bank accounts codes") .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } while ($acc = db_fetch($res)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".$pref."bank_trans SET bank_act='" .$acc['id']."' WHERE bank_act=".$acc['account_code']; if (db_query($sql)==false) { display_error(_("Cannot update bank transactions") .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } } // copy all item codes from stock_master into item_codes $sql = "SELECT `stock_id`,`description`,`category_id` FROM ".$pref."stock_master"; $result = db_query($sql); if (!$result) { display_error(_("Cannot select stock identificators") .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } else { while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $sql = "INSERT IGNORE " .$pref."item_codes (`item_code`,`stock_id`,`description`,`category_id`) VALUES('".$row['stock_id']."','".$row['stock_id']."','" .$row['description']."','".$row['category_id']."')"; $res2 = db_query($sql); if (!$res2) { display_error(_("Cannot insert stock id into item_codes") .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } } } // remove obsolete bank_trans_types table // (DROP queries are skipped during non-forced upgrade) $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_bank_trans_types`"; db_query($sql); // // Move all debtor and supplier trans tax details to new table // (INSERT INTO t SELECT ... FROM t ... available after 4.0.14) // No easy way to restore net amount for 0% tax rate for moved // FA 2.0 transactions, but who cares? // $move_sql =array( "debtor_trans_tax_details" => "SELECT tr.tran_date, tr.type, tr.trans_no, dt.tax_type_id, dt.rate, dt.included_in_price, dt.amount, tr.reference as ref, tr.rate as ex_rate FROM ".$pref."debtor_trans_tax_details dt LEFT JOIN ".$pref."trans_tax_details tt ON dt.debtor_trans_no=tt.trans_no AND dt.debtor_trans_type=tt.trans_type, ".$pref."debtor_trans tr WHERE tt.trans_type is NULL AND dt.debtor_trans_no = tr.trans_no AND dt.debtor_trans_type = tr.type", "supp_invoice_tax_items" => "SELECT tr.tran_date, tr.type, tr.trans_no, st.tax_type_id, st.rate, st.included_in_price, st.amount, tr.supp_reference as ref, tr.rate as ex_rate FROM ".$pref."supp_invoice_tax_items st LEFT JOIN ".$pref."trans_tax_details tt ON st.supp_trans_no=tt.trans_no AND st.supp_trans_type=tt.trans_type, ".$pref."supp_trans tr WHERE tt.trans_type is NULL AND st.supp_trans_no = tr.trans_no AND st.supp_trans_type = tr.type"); foreach ($move_sql as $tbl => $sql) { if (!check_table($pref, $tbl)){ $res = db_query($sql, "Cannot retrieve trans tax details from $tbl"); while ($row = db_fetch($res)) { $net_amount = $row['rate'] == 0 ? 0 : ($row['included_in_price'] ? ($row['amount']/$row['rate']*(100-$row['rate'])) :($row['amount']/$row['rate']*100)); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO ".$pref."trans_tax_details (trans_type,trans_no,tran_date,tax_type_id,rate,ex_rate, included_in_price, net_amount, amount, memo) VALUES ('".$row['type']."','".$row['trans_no']."','" .$row['tran_date']."','".$row['tax_type_id']."','" .$row['rate']."','".$row['ex_rate']."','" .$row['included_in_price']."','".$net_amount ."','".$row['amount']."','".$row['ref']."')"; db_query($sql2, "Cannot move trans tax details from $tbl"); } db_query("DROP TABLE ".$pref.$tbl, "cannot remove $tbl"); } } return true; } // // Checking before install // function pre_check($pref) { // We cannot perform successfull upgrade on system where the // trans tax details tables was deleted during previous try. if (check_table($pref, 'debtor_trans_tax_details') || check_table($pref, 'supp_invoice_tax_items')) { display_error(_("Seems that system upgrade to version 2.1 has been performed for this company already.
If something has gone wrong and you want to retry upgrade process you MUST perform database restore from last backup file first.")); return false; } return true; // true when ok, fail otherwise } // // Test if patch was applied before. // function installed($pref) { $n = 5; // number of features to be installed if (!check_table($pref, 'item_codes')) $n--; if (!check_table($pref, 'company', 'foreign_codes')) $n--; if (!check_table($pref, 'suppliers', 'credit_limit')) $n--; if (!check_table($pref, 'bank_trans', 'reconciled', array('Type'=>'date'))) $n--; if (!check_table($pref, 'trans_tax_details')) $n--; return $n == 0 ? true : 5 - $n; } }; $install = new fa2_1; ?>