. ***********************************************************************/ class fa2_3 { var $version = '2.3'; // version installed var $description; var $sql = 'alter2.3.sql'; var $preconf = true; function fa2_3() { $this->description = _('Upgrade from version 2.2 to 2.3'); } // // Install procedure. All additional changes // not included in sql file should go here. // function install($pref, $force) { $sql = "SELECT debtor_no, payment_terms FROM {$pref}debtors_master"; $result = db_query($sql); if (!$result) { display_error("Cannot read customers" .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } // update all sales orders and transactions with customer std payment terms while($cust = db_fetch($result)) { $sql = "UPDATE {$pref}debtor_trans SET " ."payment_terms = '" .$cust['payment_terms'] ."' WHERE debtor_no='".$cust['debtor_no']."'"; if (db_query($sql)==false) { display_error("Cannot update cust trans payment" .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } $sql = "UPDATE {$pref}sales_orders SET " ."payment_terms = '" .$cust['payment_terms'] ."' WHERE debtor_no='".$cust['debtor_no']."'"; if (db_query($sql)==false) { display_error("Cannot update sales order payment" .':
'. db_error_msg($db)); return false; } } //remove obsolete and temporary columns. // this have to be done here as db_import rearranges alter query order $dropcol = array( 'crm_persons' => array('tmp_id','tmp_class'), 'debtors_master' => array('email'), 'cust_branch' => array('phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email'), 'suppliers' => array('phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email') ); foreach($dropcol as $table => $columns) foreach($columns as $col) { if (db_query("ALTER TABLE `{$pref}{$table}` DROP `$col`")==false) { display_error("Cannot drop {$table}.{$col} column:
".db_error_msg($db)); return false; } } // remove old preferences table after upgrade script has been executed $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$pref}company`"; return db_query($sql) && update_company_prefs(array('version_id'=>'2.3')); } // // Checking before install // function pre_check($pref, $force) { return true; } // // Test if patch was applied before. // function installed($pref) { $n = 3; // number of patches to be installed $patchcnt = 0; if (!check_table($pref, 'comments', 'type', array('Key'=>'MUL'))) $patchcnt++; if (!check_table($pref, 'sys_prefs')) $patchcnt++; if (!check_table($pref, 'sales_orders', 'payment_terms')) $patchcnt++; $n -= $patchcnt; return $n == 0 ? true : $patchcnt; } } $install = new fa2_3; ?>