. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root . "/taxes/db/tax_groups_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/taxes/db/tax_types_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/taxes/db/item_tax_types_db.inc"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns basic fiscal parameters for transaction item which depend on stock type and customer/supplier tax area. // // vat_category => stock tax category // tax_area => cust/supp tax area // taxes => all taxes applicable: // tax_type_id1 => (tax_type_id, tax_type_name, sales_gl_code, purchasing_gl_code, rate) // tax_type_id2 => ... function get_base_taxdata($stock_id, $group_id) { static $last_group = null, $group_data; if ($last_group != $group_id) { // cache group data for better performance $last_group = $group_id; $group_data = get_tax_group_data($group_id); } $taxdata = array('tax_area' => $group_data['tax_area'], 'taxes' => null); if ($stock_id===null) // shipping special case { $taxdata['vat_category'] = VC_SERVICES; $taxdata['taxes'] = get_tax_group_items_as_array(null); return $taxdata; } $item_tax_type = get_item_tax_type_for_item($stock_id); // get item tax data $taxdata['vat_category'] = $item_tax_type['vat_category']; // if the item is exempt from all taxes thats all if ($item_tax_type["exempt"]) return $taxdata; $taxdata['taxes'] = array(); // get the exemptions for this item tax type $item_tax_type_exemptions_db = get_item_tax_type_exemptions($item_tax_type["id"]); // read them all into an array to minimize db querying $item_tax_type_exemptions = array(); while ($item_tax_type_exemp = db_fetch($item_tax_type_exemptions_db)) { $item_tax_type_exemptions[] = $item_tax_type_exemp["tax_type_id"]; } $tax_group_items_array = $group_data['taxes']; // if any of the taxes of the tax group are in the exemptions, then skip foreach ($tax_group_items_array as $tax_group_item) { $skip = false; // if it's in the exemptions, skip if (is_null($tax_group_item['rate'])) $skip = true; else foreach ($item_tax_type_exemptions as $exemption) { if (($tax_group_item['tax_type_id'] == $exemption)) { $skip = true; break; } } if (!$skip) { $index = $tax_group_item['tax_type_id']; $taxdata['taxes'][$index] = $tax_group_item; } } return $taxdata; } /* Main tax procedure splitting transaction item value according to item tax rules applicable: $stock_id - stock item code; NULL for shipping $amount - price/value to be splitted $tax_group - entity tax group $tax_included - whether value includes all taxes $vat_factor - 0-1; tax deduction factor (purchases, not used for now; depends on whthere it is related to exempt or taxed sales) $allow_reverse - option for invoice - whether to honour reverse charging (depends on customer tax status) Returned array contains calculated values for GL postings and tax registration: 'Net' - value without tax, 'Tax' - tax sum, 'Cost' - cost value (can be higher then Net value), 'vat_category' - stock tax category and (with numeric keys) detailed info for any applicable tax rate: 'tax_type_id' - tax type id 'Value' - charged tax value 'Deductible' - tax deductible (can be lower than Value for special goods or mixed sales structure) 'Payable' - tax payable 'Adjust' - additional adjustment to deductible tax due to sales structure factor 'rate' - tax rate 'sales_gl_code' - sales tax GL account 'purchasing_gl_code' - purchase tax GL account 'tax_type_name' - name of tax type Price value is splitted as follows: Tax: sum of Value (for applicable taxes) Net: amount - Tax Cost: Net + sum(Payable-Deductible) for every applicable tax rate: Value: tax calculated or 0 Deductible: vat_factor*Value or 0 Adjust: Value-Deductible or 0 Payable: 0 or Value */ function split_item_price($stock_id, $amount, $group_id, $tax_included=false, $trans_type=ST_SUPPINVOICE, $vat_factor = 1, $allow_reverse=true) { global $TS; $dec = user_price_dec(); $itemdata = get_base_taxdata($stock_id, $group_id); $vat_category = $itemdata['vat_category']; $item_taxes = $itemdata['taxes']; $taxopt = $TS->options($trans_type, $itemdata['tax_area'], $vat_category, $allow_reverse); if (empty($item_taxes)) { $ret_array['Net'] = $amount; $ret_array['Cost'] = $amount; $ret_array['Tax'] = 0; if (!is_null($item_taxes)) // register empty taxes only for not fully exempt items $ret_array[] = array('Value'=>0, 'rate' => null, 'tax_type_id' => null, 'Deductible'=>0, 'Adjust' => 0, 'Payable' => 0); } else { $ret_array['Net'] = $ret_array['Cost'] = $ret_array['Tax'] = 0; $tax_multiplier = 0; if ($taxopt&TAX_CHARGED) // divide tax for net and tax only if charged on document foreach ($item_taxes as $taxitem) $tax_multiplier += $taxitem['rate']; $partial_vat_percent = get_company_pref('partial_vat_percent'); foreach ($item_taxes as $tax_id => $item_tax) { if ($item_tax['rate'] !== null) { // effective vat for some special purchases is lower than nominal $factor = $vat_category == VC_NONDEDUCT ? 0 : ($vat_category==VC_PARTIAL ? $partial_vat_percent/100.0 : 1); $net_value = $amount; if ($tax_included == true) { $vat_value = round($amount*$item_tax['rate']/(100+$tax_multiplier), 2); if ($taxopt&TAX_CHARGED) $net_value -= $vat_value; } else { $vat_value = round($amount * $item_tax['rate'] / 100, 2); } $ret_array['Net'] = round2($net_value, $dec); $ret_array['Cost'] = $ret_array['Net']; $tax = array('Value' => 0, 'Deductible' => 0, 'Adjust' => 0, 'Payable' => 0); $tax['purchasing_gl_code'] = $item_tax['purchasing_gl_code']; $tax['sales_gl_code'] = $item_tax['sales_gl_code']; $tax['rate'] = $item_tax['rate']; $tax['tax_type_id'] = $item_tax['tax_type_id']; $tax['tax_type_name'] = $item_tax['tax_type_name']; if ($taxopt & TAX_CHARGED) // tax is charged on document $tax['Value'] = round2($vat_value, $dec); if ($taxopt & TAX_PAYABLE) // transaction is taxable $tax['Payable'] = round2($vat_value, $dec); if ($taxopt & TAX_DEDUCTIBLE) // tax is deductible { $tax['Deductible'] = round2($vat_value*$factor, 2); // avoid rounding issues if $dec > 2 decimal places $tax['Adjust'] = round2(-(1-$vat_factor)*$factor*$vat_value, $dec); // adjustment due to mixed taxed/exmpt sales activity } else { $tax['Deductible'] = 0; $tax['Adjust'] = 0; } if ($tax['Payable']) $ret_array['Cost'] += ($tax['Payable'] - $tax['Deductible']); elseif ($tax['Deductible']) $ret_array['Cost'] += $tax['Adjust']; $ret_array[] = $tax; $ret_array['Tax'] += $tax['Value']; } } } $ret_array['vat_category'] = $vat_category; return $ret_array; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return an array of (tax_type_id, tax_type_name, sales_gl_code, purchasing_gl_code, rate, included_in_price, Value, Net) // // $vat_factors - effective part of vat values included in tax; calculated but not included vat is added to net value // function get_tax_for_items($trans_type, $items, $prices, $shipping_cost, $tax_group, $tax_included=null, $tax_algorithm = null, $vat_factors = null, $allow_reverse = true) { // if shipping cost is passed, just add to the prices/items tables if ($shipping_cost != 0) { $items[] = NULL; $prices[] = $shipping_cost; if ($vat_factors) $vat_factors[] = 1; } // calculate tax sums $ret_tax_array = array(); foreach($items as $i => $stock_id) { $taxdata = split_item_price($stock_id, $prices[$i], $tax_group, $tax_included, $trans_type, $vat_factors ? $vat_factors[$i] : 1, $allow_reverse); foreach ($taxdata as $key => $data) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $tax_id = isset($data['tax_type_id']) ? $data['tax_type_id'] : 'exempt'; if (!isset($ret_tax_array[$tax_id])) { $ret_tax_array[$tax_id] = $data; $ret_tax_array[$tax_id]['Net'] = $taxdata['Net']; $ret_tax_array[$tax_id]['vat_category'] = $taxdata['vat_category']; } else { foreach(array('Value', 'Payable', 'Deductible', 'Adjust') as $amt) $ret_tax_array[$tax_id][$amt] += $data[$amt]; $ret_tax_array[$tax_id]['Net'] += $taxdata['Net']; } } } } if (!$tax_algorithm) $tax_algorithm = get_company_pref('tax_algorithm'); if ($tax_algorithm == TCA_TOTALS) { // ? $dec = user_price_dec(); // update taxes with foreach($ret_tax_array as $index => $item_tax) { if ($ret_tax_array[$index]['Value']) $ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] = round2($item_tax['Net'] * $item_tax['rate'] / 100, $dec); } } return $ret_tax_array; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns the price of a given item minus any included taxes // for item $stock_id with line price $price and supplier/customer group_id $tax_group function get_tax_free_price_for_item($trans_type, $stock_id, $price, $tax_group, $tax_included, $allow_reverse = true) { // if price is zero, then can't be taxed ! if ($price == 0) return 0; if ($tax_included==0) return $price; $taxdata = split_item_price($stock_id, $price, $tax_group, $tax_included, $trans_type, 1, $allow_reverse); return $taxdata['Net']; } // // Full price (incl. VAT) for item $stock_id // calculated for line price $price, and applicable group $tax_group // function get_full_price_for_item($trans_type, $stock_id, $price, $tax_group, $tax_included, $allow_reverse = true) { // if price is zero, then can't be taxed ! if ($price == 0) return 0; if ($tax_included==1) return $price; $taxdata = split_item_price($stock_id, $price, $tax_group, $tax_included, $trans_type, 1, $allow_reverse); return $taxdata['Net'] + $taxdata['Tax']; }