include_once($path_to_root . "/modules/textcart/includes/utilities.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/manufacturing.inc");
define ('INSERT_MODE', 1);
define ('UPDATE_MODE', 2);
define ('DELETE_MODE', 3);
var $cart_mode = null;
+ var $find_count = array();
function handle_post_request() {
// Process textcart if needed
var $cart_key = "Items"; // key of the cart in the $POST
- var $doc_text = "-- This is a comment -- it will be skipped and not processed
+ var $doc_text = " -- This is a comment -- it will be skipped and not processed
-- structure of a line (every fields are optional apart from stock_name)
-- stock_name optionals fields | description
-- fields could be :
-- integer or +number : quantity
--- float or \$nubmer : price
+-- float or \$number : price
-- number% :discount
-- date or ^date :date
-- at the beginning of a line
-- : start a template line
--- ! raw line (not preproceseed)
+-- ! raw line (not preprocessed)
-- before stock name
-- + add an item
-- - suppress the line from the cart
var $use_price=true;
var $use_date=false;
+ var $delete_on_zero = true;
function cart_to_text($cart) {
$text = $this->doc_text."
function process_textcart($cart, $textcart, $default_mode) {
$template_line = null;
foreach (explode("\n", $textcart) as $line) {
+ # exit if we reach the --END-- line
+ preg_match('/^\s*---*\s*END\s*--.*$/', $line, $matches);
+ if ($matches) {
+ break;
+ }
# remove comments
$line = preg_replace('/--.*/', "", $line);
# decide which type of line is
// we modifidy the first element, we can't use the attributes as criteria as
// they are the new value
$line_no = $this->find_line_number($cart, $stock_code);
- if (!isset($line_no)) { return; }
- $this->update_cart_item($cart, $line_no, $stock_code, $quantity, $price, $discount, $date, $description);
+ if (!isset($line_no)) { break; }
+ if($quantity<0)
+ {
+ $quantity += $this->quantity($cart, $line_no);
+ #relative update
+ }
+ $minimum_quantity = $this->unmodifiable_quantity($cart, $line_no);
+ if($quantity < $minimum_quantity)
+ {
+ display_warning("'$stock_code' has already been dispatched, use minumum quantity $minimum_quantity");
+ $quantity = $minimum_quantity;
+ }
+ if($quantity == 0 && $this->delete_on_zero)
+ $this->remove_from_cart($cart, $line_no, $stock_code);
+ else
+ $this->update_cart_item($cart, $line_no, $stock_code, $quantity, $price, $discount, $date, $description);
$line_no = $this->find_line_number($cart, $stock_code, $quantity, $price, $discount, $description);
display_error("$stock_code qty $quantity negative quantity not allowed");
+ // This function remember what has been found and don't find it twice.
function find_line_number($cart, $stock_code, $quantity=null, $price=null, $discount=null, $description=null) {
+ $count = $this->find_count[$stock_code];
+ $to_skip = $count+0;
foreach ($cart->line_items as $line_no => $line) {
if ($line->stock_id == $stock_code
//&& match_criteria($line->quantity, $quantity)
//&& match_criteria($line->discount_percent , $discount)
//&& match_criteria($line->item_description, $description)
) {
+ if($to_skip == 0)
+ {
+ $this->find_count[$stock_code] = $count+1;
return $line_no;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $to_skip -= 1;
+ }
function unmodifiable_quantity($cart, $line_no) {
return 0;
+ function quantity($cart, $line_no) {
+ return $cart->line_items[$line_no]->quantity;
+ }
class SalesTextCartManager extends TextCartManager {
+class DeliverySalesTextCartManager extends SalesTextCartManager {
+ var $delete_on_zero = false;
+ function quantity($cart, $line_no) {
+ $item = $cart->line_items[$line_no];
+ return $item->quantity - $item->qty_done;
+ }
+ function unmodifiable_quantity($cart, $line_no) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ function get_location() {
+ return $_POST['Location'];
+ }
+ function location_list() {
+ if(!$this->_location_list) {
+ //
+ // get all locations
+ $ll = array($this->get_location());
+ $sql = "SELECT loc_code FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE !inactive";
+ $result = db_query($sql);
+ while($row = db_fetch($result)) {
+ $loc = $row['loc_code'];
+ if ($loc != $this->get_location()) $ll[]=$loc;
+ }
+ $this->_location_list = $ll;
+ }
+ return $this->_location_list;
+ }
+ function cart_to_text($cart) {
+ $text = $this->doc_text."
+"; // empty line are important
+foreach($this->location_list() as $location) {
+ $text.="$location, on_demand, on_order, " ;
+ return $text.$this->cart_to_text_v($cart);
+ }
+ function demand($stock_id) {
+ $result = array();
+ foreach($this->location_list() as $location) {
+ $result[] = sprintf("%d, %d, %d", $location, get_qoh_on_date($stock_id, $location, $this->cart->$due_date),
+ -get_demand_qty($stock_id, $location), get_on_porder_qty($stock_item, $location));
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function item_to_text($item, $user_price_dec) {
+ $dec = get_unit_dec($item->stock_id);
+ // dodgy format excel compatible
+ $quantity = $item->quantity - $item->qty_done;
+ if($quantity)
+ {
+ $demand = join(", ",$this->demand($item->stock_id));
+ return sprintf("$item->stock_id\t+ %.${dec}f\t\$ %0.${user_price_dec}f\t%0.1f %%%s -- %s\r\n"
+ ,$item->qty_dispatched
+ ,$item->price
+ ,$item->discount_percent*100
+ ,$item->item_description ? "\t| \"$item->item_description\"" : ""
+ ,$demand
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ return "";
+ }
+ function update_cart_item($cart, $line_no, $stock_code, $quantity, $price, $discount, $date, $description) {
+ $item = $cart->line_items[$line_no];
+ if($quantity > ($item->quantity - $item->qty_done))
+ display_error("'$stock_code' can not be updated because some of it has already been dispatched or invoiced");
+ else
+ $item->qty_dispatched = $quantity;
+ }
+} /*
+ */
class POTextCartManager extends TextCartManager {
var $cart_key = "PO";
var $use_date = true;
class ItemsTextCartManager extends TextCartManager {
function cart_to_text_v($cart) {
if (count($cart->line_items) == 0) {
- return $this->stock_to_text($this->get_location());
+ return "------------------- START ------------------------
+--------------------- END ------------------------
+-- Everyhing afert this line would be skipped
+-- please insert you textcart above it
else {
return parent::cart_to_text_v($cart);
function stock_to_text($location) {
$text = "";
- $sql = "SELECT mv.stock_id , SUM(qty) AS quantity, description FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves mv
+ $sql = "SELECT mv.stock_id , SUM(qty) AS quantity, description, avg(material_cost) AS cost FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves mv
JOIN ".TB_PREF."stock_master USING(stock_id)
WHERE mv.loc_code = '$location'
GROUP BY mv.stock_id
having quantity > 0";
$result = db_query($sql, "No transactions were returned");
- while($move=db_fetch($result)) {
- $dec = get_unit_dec($move['stock_id']);
- $description = $move['description'];
- $text.= sprintf("${move['stock_id']}\t+ %.${dec}f%s\r\n"
- , $move['quantity']
- ,$description ? "\t| \"$description\"" : "");
+ while($row=db_fetch($result)) {
+ $dec = get_unit_dec($row['stock_id']);
+ $text.= $this->row_to_text($row, $dec);
return $text;
+ function row_to_text($row, $unit_dec) {
+ $description = $row['description'];
+ return sprintf("${row['stock_id']}\t+ %.${unit_dec}f%s\r\n"
+ , $row['quantity']
+ ,$description ? "\t| \"$description\"" : "");
+ }
class ItemsAdjTextCartManager extends ItemsTextCartManager {
var $cart_key = "adj_items";
add_to_order($cart, $stock_code, -$quantity, $price);
+ function row_to_text($row, $unit_dec) {
+ $description = $row['description'];
+ return sprintf("${row['stock_id']}\t+ %.${unit_dec}f\t$ %f\r\n"
+ , $row['quantity'] * ($_POST['Increase']==1 ? 1 : -1)
+ ,$row['cost']
+ ,$description ? "\t| \"$description\"" : "");
+ }
function item_to_text($item) {
$dec = get_unit_dec($item->stock_id);