if ($row['type'] == ST_SALESINVOICE)
- $deliveries = get_parent_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE,$row['trans_no']);
+ $deliveries = get_sales_parent_numbers($row['type'], $row['trans_no']);
foreach ($deliveries as $delivery)
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details WHERE debtor_trans_no = $delivery AND debtor_trans_type = ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY;
return false;
if ($type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY) // added 04 Oct 2008 by Joe Hunt. If delivery note has a not voided invoice, then NO.
- $delivery = get_customer_trans($type_no, $type);
- if ($delivery['trans_link'] != 0)
- {
- if (get_voided_entry(ST_SALESINVOICE, $delivery['trans_link']) === false)
+ $childs = get_sales_child_trans($type_no, $type);
+ if ($childs && db_num_rows($childs))
return false;
- }
- }
+ }
post_void_customer_trans($type, $type_no);
$col += $width;
if ($doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE)
- $deliveries = get_parent_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE, $this->formData['trans_no']);
- $line = "";
- foreach ($deliveries as $delivery)
+ $deliveries = get_sales_parent_numbers(ST_SALESINVOICE, $this->formData['trans_no']);
+ if ($print_invoice_no == 0)
- if ($print_invoice_no == 0)
- {
- $ref = get_reference(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $delivery);
- if ($ref)
- $delivery = $ref;
- }
- if ($line == "")
- $line .= "$delivery";
- else
- $line .= ",$delivery";
- }
- $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, $line, 'C');
+ foreach($deliveries as $n => $delivery) {
+ $deliveries[$n] = get_reference(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $delivery);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->TextWrap($col, $this->row, $width, implode(',', $deliveries), 'C');
elseif ($doctype == ST_CUSTDELIVERY)
} elseif (isset($_GET['ModifyInvoice']) && $_GET['ModifyInvoice'] > 0) {
- if ( get_parent_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE, $_GET['ModifyInvoice']) == 0) { // 1.xx compatibility hack
+ if ( get_sales_parent_numbers(ST_SALESINVOICE, $_GET['ModifyInvoice']) == 0) { // 1.xx compatibility hack
echo"<center><br><b>" . _("There are no delivery notes for this invoice.<br>
Most likely this invoice was created in Front Accounting version prior to 2.0
and therefore can not be modified.") . "</b></center>";
$cart->freight_cost = input_num('ChargeFreightCost');
$cart->document_date = $_POST['InvoiceDate'];
$cart->due_date = $_POST['due_date'];
- $cart->payment = $_POST['payment'];
- $cart->payment_terms = get_payment_terms($_POST['payment']);
+ if ($cart->pos != -1) {
+ $cart->payment = $_POST['payment'];
+ $cart->payment_terms = get_payment_terms($_POST['payment']);
+ }
$cart->Comments = $_POST['Comments'];
if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0)
$cart->reference = $_POST['ref'];
var $Location;
var $location_name;
var $order_no; // the original order number
- var $trans_link = 0;
var $ship_via;
var $freight_cost = 0;
for($line_no = 0; $line_no < count($this->line_items); $line_no++) {
$line = &$this->line_items[$line_no];
$line->src_id = $line->id; // save src line ids for update
-// $line->qty_min = 0;
-// $line->qty_max = $line->quantity - $line->qty_done;
$line->qty_dispatched = $type == ST_CUSTCREDIT ? '0' : $line->quantity - $line->qty_done;
$line->qty_old = 0;
function set_parent_constraints($sodata, $src_no) {
+ $srcdetails = get_sales_parent_lines($this->trans_type, $src_no);
$src_type = get_parent_type($this->trans_type);
- if ($src_type == ST_SALESORDER || $src_type == 0) { // get src data from sales_orders
+ if ($src_type == ST_SALESORDER || $src_type == 0) {
$this->src_docs = array( $sodata['order_no']=>$sodata['version']);
- $srcdetails = get_sales_order_details($this->order_no, $this->trans_type);
} else { // get src_data from debtor_trans
- $this->src_docs = get_customer_trans_version($src_type,
- get_parent_trans($this->trans_type, $src_no));
- $srcdetails = get_customer_trans_details($src_type, array_keys($this->src_docs));
+ $srcnum = array();
+ foreach($srcdetails as $line) {
+ $srcnum = $line['debtor_trans_no'];
+ }
+ $this->src_docs = get_customer_trans_version($src_type, array_values($srcnum));
// calculate & save: qtys on other docs and free qtys on src doc
- for($line_no = 0; $srcline = db_fetch($srcdetails); $line_no++) {
+ $line_no = 0;
+ // Loop speed optimisation below depends on fact
+ // that child line_items contains subset of parent lines in _the_same_ order !
+ while ($line_no < count($this->line_items) && $srcline = db_fetch($srcdetails)) {
$line = &$this->line_items[$line_no];
- $line->src_id = $srcline['id']; // save src line ids for update
- if ($this->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE)
- $line->src_no = $srcline['debtor_trans_no'];
- $line->qty_old = $line->qty_dispatched = $line->quantity;
- $line->quantity += $srcline['quantity'] - $srcline['qty_done']; // add free qty on src doc
+ if ($srcline['id'] == $line->src_id) {
+ if ($this->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE)
+ $line->src_no = $srcline['debtor_trans_no'];
+ $line->qty_old = $line->qty_dispatched = $line->quantity;
+ $line->quantity += $srcline['quantity'] - $srcline['qty_done']; // add free qty on src doc
+ $line_no++;
+ break;
+ }
$this->delivery_address = $sodata["delivery_address"];
// child transaction reedition - update with parent info unless it is freehand
- if (!$no_edit && !($type==ST_CUSTCREDIT && $this->trans_link==0))
+ if (!$no_edit)
$this->set_parent_constraints($sodata, $trans_no[0]);
// prepare qtys for derivative document entry (not used in display)
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
-// Retreive parent document number(s) for given transaction
-function get_parent_trans($trans_type, $trans_no) {
- $sql = 'SELECT trans_link FROM
- '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans WHERE
- (trans_no='.db_escape($trans_no).' AND type='.db_escape($trans_type).' AND trans_link!=0)';
- $result = db_query($sql, 'Parent document numbers cannot be retrieved');
- if (db_num_rows($result)) {
- $link = db_fetch($result);
- return array($link['trans_link']);
- }
- if ($trans_type!=ST_SALESINVOICE) return 0; // this is credit note with no parent invoice
- // invoice: find batch invoice parent trans.
- $sql = 'SELECT trans_no FROM
- '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans WHERE
- (trans_link='.db_escape($trans_no).' AND type='. get_parent_type($trans_type) .')';
- $result = db_query($sql, 'Delivery links cannot be retrieved');
- $delivery = array();
- if(db_num_rows($result)>0) {
- while($link = db_fetch($result)) {
- $delivery[] = $link['trans_no'];
- }
- }
- return count($delivery) ? $delivery : 0;
// Mark changes in debtor_trans_details
// date_ is display date (non-sql)
function write_customer_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $debtor_no, $BranchNo,
$date_, $reference, $Total, $discount=0, $Tax=0, $Freight=0, $FreightTax=0,
- $sales_type=0, $order_no=0, $trans_link=0, $ship_via=0, $due_date="",
+ $sales_type=0, $order_no=0, $ship_via=0, $due_date="",
$AllocAmt=0, $rate=0, $dimension_id=0, $dimension2_id=0, $payment_terms=null)
$new = $trans_no==0;
reference, tpe,
order_, ov_amount, ov_discount,
ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax,
- rate, ship_via, alloc, trans_link,
+ rate, ship_via, alloc,
dimension_id, dimension2_id, payment_terms
) VALUES ($trans_no, ".db_escape($trans_type).",
".db_escape($debtor_no).", ".db_escape($BranchNo).",
'$SQLDate', '$SQLDueDate', ".db_escape($reference).",
".db_escape($sales_type).", ".db_escape($order_no).", $Total, ".db_escape($discount).", $Tax,
- $FreightTax, $rate, ".db_escape($ship_via).", $AllocAmt, ".db_escape($trans_link).",
+ $FreightTax, $rate, ".db_escape($ship_via).", $AllocAmt,
".db_escape($dimension_id).", ".db_escape($dimension2_id).", "
} else { // may be optional argument should stay unchanged ?
reference=".db_escape($reference).", tpe=".db_escape($sales_type).", order_=".db_escape($order_no).",
ov_amount=$Total, ov_discount=".db_escape($discount).", ov_gst=$Tax,
ov_freight=".db_escape($Freight).", ov_freight_tax=$FreightTax, rate=$rate,
- ship_via=".db_escape($ship_via).", alloc=$AllocAmt, trans_link=$trans_link,
+ ship_via=".db_escape($ship_via).", alloc=$AllocAmt,
dimension_id=".db_escape($dimension_id).", dimension2_id=".db_escape($dimension2_id).",
WHERE trans_no=$trans_no AND type=".db_escape($trans_type);
function reinsert_customer_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $debtor_no, $BranchNo,
$date_, $reference, $Total, $discount=0, $Tax=0, $Freight=0, $FreightTax=0,
- $sales_type=0, $order_no=0, $trans_link=0, $ship_via=0, $due_date="",
+ $sales_type=0, $order_no=0, $ship_via=0, $due_date="",
$AllocAmt=0, $rate=0, $dimension_id=0, $dimension2_id=0)
if ($trans_no == '')
reference, tpe,
order_, ov_amount, ov_discount,
ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax,
- rate, ship_via, alloc, trans_link,
+ rate, ship_via, alloc,
dimension_id, dimension2_id
) VALUES ($trans_no, ".db_escape($trans_type).",
".db_escape($debtor_no).", ".db_escape($BranchNo).",
'$SQLDate', '$SQLDueDate', ".db_escape($reference).",
".db_escape($sales_type).", ".db_escape($order_no).", $Total, ".db_escape($discount).", $Tax,
- $FreightTax, $rate, ".db_escape($ship_via).", $AllocAmt, ".db_escape($trans_link).",
+ $FreightTax, $rate, ".db_escape($ship_via).", $AllocAmt,
".db_escape($dimension_id).", ".db_escape($dimension2_id).")";
db_query($sql, "The debtor transaction record could not be inserted");
-function get_related_documents($type, $trans_no)
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE type=$type AND order_=".db_escape($trans_no);
- return db_query($sql,"The related documents could not be retreived");
-function get_related_credits($inv_numbers)
- // FIXME - credit notes retrieved here should be those linked to invoices containing
- // at least one line from this order
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE type=".ST_CUSTCREDIT
- ." AND trans_link IN(". implode(',', array_values($inv_numbers)).")";
- return db_query($sql,"The related credit notes could not be retreived");
function get_customer_details_from_trans($type, $type_no)
$sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."debtors_master.name, ".TB_PREF."debtors_master.curr_code, ".TB_PREF."cust_branch.br_name
-function get_customer_trans_link($type, $type_no)
- $row = db_query("SELECT trans_link from ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans
- WHERE type=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no=".db_escape($type_no),
- "could not get transaction link for type=$type and trans_no=$type_no");
- return $row[0];
function get_sql_for_customer_inquiry()
$date_after = date2sql($_POST['TransAfterDate']);
function void_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no)
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details SET quantity=0, unit_price=0,
- unit_tax=0, discount_percent=0, standard_cost=0
+ unit_tax=0, discount_percent=0, standard_cost=0, src_id=0
WHERE debtor_trans_no=".db_escape($type_no)."
AND debtor_trans_type=".db_escape($type);
function write_customer_trans_detail_item($debtor_trans_type, $debtor_trans_no, $stock_id, $description,
- $quantity, $unit_price, $unit_tax, $discount_percent, $std_cost, $line_id=0)
+ $quantity, $unit_price, $unit_tax, $discount_percent, $std_cost, $src_id, $line_id=0)
if ($line_id!=0)
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details SET
- standard_cost=$std_cost WHERE
+ standard_cost=$std_cost,
+ src_id=".db_escape($src_id)." WHERE
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details (debtor_trans_no,
debtor_trans_type, stock_id, description, quantity, unit_price,
- unit_tax, discount_percent, standard_cost)
+ unit_tax, discount_percent, standard_cost, src_id)
VALUES (".db_escape($debtor_trans_no).", ".db_escape($debtor_trans_type).", ".db_escape($stock_id).
", ".db_escape($description).",
- $quantity, $unit_price, $unit_tax, $discount_percent, $std_cost)";
+ $quantity, $unit_price, $unit_tax,
+ $discount_percent, $std_cost,".db_escape($src_id).")";
db_query($sql, "The debtor transaction detail could not be written");
$company_record = get_company_prefs();
$payment_no = write_customer_trans(ST_CUSTPAYMENT, $trans_no, $customer_id, $branch_id,
- $date_, $ref, $amount, $discount, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, $rate);
+ $date_, $ref, $amount, $discount, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, $rate);
$bank_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($bank_account);
$credit_note->Branch, $credit_date, $credit_note->reference,
$credit_note_total, 0, $items_added_tax,
$credit_note->freight_cost, $freight_added_tax,
- $credit_note->sales_type,
- $credit_note->order_no, $credit_invoice, $credit_note->ship_via,
+ $credit_note->sales_type, $credit_note->order_no, $credit_note->ship_via,
null, $alloc, 0, $credit_note->dimension_id, $credit_note->dimension2_id,
// 2008-06-14 extra $alloc, 2008-11-12 dimension_id Joe Hunt
if ($trans_no==0) {
$credit_note->trans_no = array($credit_no=>0);
- set_document_parent($credit_note);
} else {
delete_comments(ST_CUSTCREDIT, $credit_no);
void_cust_allocations(ST_CUSTCREDIT, $credit_no, $credit_date);
write_customer_trans_detail_item(ST_CUSTCREDIT, $credit_no, $credit_line->stock_id,
$credit_line->item_description, $credit_line->qty_dispatched,
$credit_line->line_price(), $line_tax, $credit_line->discount_percent,
- $credit_line->standard_cost, $trans_no==0 ? 0: $credit_line->id);
+ $credit_line->src_id, $credit_line->standard_cost, $trans_no==0 ? 0: $credit_line->id);
add_credit_movements_item($credit_note, $credit_line,
$credit_type, $line_taxfree_price+$line_tax, $credit_invoice);
$delivery->tax_included ? 0 : $tax_total-$freight_tax,
$delivery->tax_included ? 0 : $freight_tax,
- $delivery->sales_type, $delivery->order_no, 0,
+ $delivery->sales_type, $delivery->order_no,
$delivery->ship_via, $delivery->due_date, 0, 0, $delivery->dimension_id,
$delivery->dimension2_id, $delivery->payment);
write_customer_trans_detail_item(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $delivery_no, $delivery_line->stock_id,
$delivery_line->item_description, $delivery_line->qty_dispatched,
$delivery_line->line_price(), $line_tax,
- $delivery_line->discount_percent, $delivery_line->standard_cost,
+ $delivery_line->discount_percent, $delivery_line->standard_cost, $delivery_line->src_id,
$trans_no ? $delivery_line->id : 0);
// Now update sales_order_details for the quantity delivered
$items_total = $invoice->get_items_total_dispatch();
$freight_tax = $invoice->get_shipping_tax();
- $delivery_no = $invoice->src_docs;
- if (is_array($delivery_no))
- $delivery_no = 0;
update_customer_trans_version(get_parent_type(ST_SALESINVOICE), $invoice->src_docs);
$ov_gst = 0;
$invoice_no = write_customer_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE, $trans_no, $invoice->customer_id,
$invoice->Branch, $date_, $invoice->reference, $items_total, 0,
$items_added_tax, $invoice->freight_cost, $freight_added_tax,
- $invoice->sales_type, $sales_order, $delivery_no,
- $invoice->ship_via, $invoice->due_date, $alloc, 0, $invoice->dimension_id,
+ $invoice->sales_type, $sales_order, $invoice->ship_via,
+ $invoice->due_date, $alloc, 0, $invoice->dimension_id,
$invoice->dimension2_id, $invoice->payment);
// 2008-06-14 extra $alloc, 2008-11-12 added dimension_id Joe Hunt
if ($trans_no == 0) {
$invoice->trans_no = array($invoice_no=>0);
- set_document_parent($invoice);
} else {
delete_comments(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice_no);
void_gl_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice_no, true);
write_customer_trans_detail_item(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice_no, $invoice_line->stock_id,
$invoice_line->item_description, $invoice_line->qty_dispatched,
$invoice_line->line_price(), $line_tax, $invoice_line->discount_percent,
- $invoice_line->standard_cost,
+ $invoice_line->standard_cost, $invoice_line->src_id,
$trans_no ? $invoice_line->id : 0);
// Update delivery items for the quantity invoiced
void_gl_trans($type, $type_no, true);
// reverse all the changes in parent document(s)
- $items_result = get_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no);
- $deliveries = get_parent_trans($type, $type_no);
+ $deliveries = get_sales_parent_numbers($type, $type_no);
if ($deliveries !== 0) {
if (count($deliveries) == 1 && get_reference(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $deliveries[0]) == "auto")
$date_ = Today();
add_audit_trail(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $deliveries[0], $date_, _("Voided."));
add_voided_entry(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $deliveries[0], $date_, "");
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
- $srcdetails = get_customer_trans_details(get_parent_type($type), $deliveries);
- while ($row = db_fetch($items_result)) {
- $src_line = db_fetch($srcdetails);
- update_parent_line($type, $src_line['id'], -$row['quantity']);
+ $srcdetails = get_sales_parent_lines($type, $type_no);
+ while ($row = db_fetch($src_details)) {
+ update_parent_line($type, $row['id'], -$row['quantity']);
- }
+ }
// clear details after they've been reversed in the sales order
void_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no);
return $kit_price;
-function set_document_parent($cart)
- $inv_no = key($cart->trans_no);
- if (count($cart->src_docs) == 1) {
- // if this child document has only one parent - update child link
- $src = array_keys($cart->src_docs);
- $del_no = reset($src);
- $sql = 'UPDATE '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans SET trans_link = ' . $del_no .
- ' WHERE type='.db_escape($cart->trans_type).' AND trans_no='. $inv_no ;
- db_query($sql, 'Child document link cannot be updated');
- }
- if ($cart->trans_type != ST_SALESINVOICE)
- return 0;
- // the rest is batch invoice specific
- foreach ($cart->line_items as $line) {
- if ($line->quantity != $line->qty_dispatched) {
- return 1; // this is partial invoice
- }
- }
- $sql = 'UPDATE '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans SET trans_link = ' . $inv_no .
- ' WHERE type='.get_parent_type($cart->trans_type).' AND (';
- $deliveries = array_keys($cart->src_docs);
- foreach ($deliveries as $key=>$del)
- $deliveries[$key] = 'trans_no='.$del;
- $sql .= implode(' OR ', $deliveries) . ')';
- db_query($sql, 'Delivery links cannot be updated');
- return 0; // batch or complete invoice
function update_parent_line($doc_type, $line_id, $qty_dispatched, $auto=false)
return true;
+function get_sales_child_lines($trans_type, $trans_no, $lines=true)
+ if (!get_child_type($trans_type))
+ return false;
+ if (!is_array($trans_no)) {
+ $trans_no = array($trans_no);
+ }
+ $trtbl = $trans_type == ST_SALESORDER ? "sales_order_details" : "debtor_trans_details";
+ $rel = $trans_type == ST_SALESORDER ? "trans.trans_type=$trans_type"
+ . " AND trans.order_no IN(". implode(',', array_values($trans_no)).")"
+ : "trans.debtor_trans_type=$trans_type"
+ . " AND trans.debtor_trans_no IN(". implode(',', array_values($trans_no)).")";
+ $sql = "SELECT child.*
+ ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details child,
+ ".TB_PREF."$trtbl trans
+ $rel AND trans.id=child.src_id";
+ if (!$lines)
+ $sql .= " GROUP BY child.debtor_trans_no";
+ $sql .= " ORDER BY child.debtor_trans_no";
+ return db_query($sql, "can't retrieve child trans");
+function get_sales_child_numbers($trans_type, $trans_no)
+ $trans = array();
+ $res = get_sales_child_lines($trans_type, $trans_no, false);
+ while ($line = db_fetch($res)) {
+ $trans[] = $line['debtor_trans_no'];
+ }
+ return $trans;
+function get_sales_parent_lines($trans_type, $trans_no, $lines=true)
+ $partype = get_parent_type($trans_type);
+ if (!$partype)
+ return false;
+ $partbl = $partype == ST_SALESORDER ? "sales_order_details" : "debtor_trans_details";
+ $parent_no = $partype == ST_SALESORDER ? "parent.order_no" : "parent.debtor_trans_no";
+ $sql = "SELECT parent.*
+ ".TB_PREF."$partbl parent
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details trans
+ ON trans.src_id=parent.id
+ trans.debtor_trans_type=$trans_type AND trans.debtor_trans_no=$trans_no";
+ if (!$lines)
+ $sql .= " GROUP BY $parent_no";
+ $sql .= " ORDER BY $parent_no";
+ return db_query($sql, "can't retrieve child trans");
+function get_sales_parent_numbers($trans_type, $trans_no)
+ $trans = array();
+ $res = get_sales_parent_lines($trans_type, $trans_no, false);
+ while ($line = db_fetch($res))
+ $trans[] = $line[$trans_type==ST_CUSTDELIVERY ? 'order_no' : 'debtor_trans_no'];
+ return $trans;
+function get_sales_child_documents($trans_type, $trans_no)
+ // FIXME - credit notes retrieved here should be those linked to invoices containing
+ // at least one line from related invoice
+ if (!count($trans_no))
+ return false;
+ $childs = get_sales_child_numbers($trans_type, $trans_no, false);
+ if (!count($childs))
+ return false;
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans
+ WHERE type=".get_child_type($trans_type)." AND trans_no IN(". implode(',', array_values($childs)).")";
+ return db_query($sql,"The related credit notes could not be retreived");
\ No newline at end of file
label_cells(_("Invoice Date"), sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]), "class='tableheader2'", "nowrap");
label_cells(_("Due Date"), sql2date($myrow["due_date"]), "class='tableheader2'", "nowrap");
label_cells(_("Deliveries"), get_customer_trans_view_str(ST_CUSTDELIVERY,
- get_parent_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE,$trans_id)), "class='tableheader2'");
+ get_sales_parent_numbers(ST_SALESINVOICE, $trans_id)), "class='tableheader2'");
comments_display_row(ST_SALESINVOICE, $trans_id);
$th = array(_("#"), _("Ref"), _("Date"), _("Total"));
- $result = get_related_documents(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $_GET['trans_no']);
- $delivery_total = 0;
- $k = 0;
$dn_numbers = array();
- while ($del_row = db_fetch($result))
- {
+ $delivery_total = 0;
- alt_table_row_color($k);
- $dn_numbers[] = $del_row["trans_link"];
- $this_total = $del_row["ov_freight"]+ $del_row["ov_amount"] + $del_row["ov_freight_tax"] + $del_row["ov_gst"] ;
- $delivery_total += $this_total;
+ if ($result = get_sales_child_documents(ST_SALESORDER, $_GET['trans_no'])) {
- label_cell(get_customer_trans_view_str($del_row["type"], $del_row["trans_no"]));
- label_cell($del_row["reference"]);
- label_cell(sql2date($del_row["tran_date"]));
- amount_cell($this_total);
- end_row();
+ $k = 0;
+ while ($del_row = db_fetch($result))
+ {
+ alt_table_row_color($k);
+ $dn_numbers[] = $del_row["trans_no"];
+ $this_total = $del_row["ov_freight"]+ $del_row["ov_amount"] + $del_row["ov_freight_tax"] + $del_row["ov_gst"] ;
+ $delivery_total += $this_total;
+ label_cell(get_customer_trans_view_str($del_row["type"], $del_row["trans_no"]));
+ label_cell($del_row["reference"]);
+ label_cell(sql2date($del_row["tran_date"]));
+ amount_cell($this_total);
+ end_row();
+ }
label_row(null, price_format($delivery_total), " ", "colspan=4 align=right");
$th = array(_("#"), _("Ref"), _("Date"), _("Total"));
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE type=".ST_SALESINVOICE
- ." AND trans_no IN(". implode(',', array_values($dn_numbers)).")";
- $result = get_related_documents(ST_SALESINVOICE, $_GET['trans_no']);
- $invoices_total = 0;
- $k = 0;
$inv_numbers = array();
+ $invoices_total = 0;
- while ($inv_row = db_fetch($result))
- {
+ if ($result = get_sales_child_documents(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $dn_numbers)) {
- alt_table_row_color($k);
+ $k = 0;
- $this_total = $inv_row["ov_freight"] + $inv_row["ov_freight_tax"] + $inv_row["ov_gst"] + $inv_row["ov_amount"];
- $invoices_total += $this_total;
+ while ($inv_row = db_fetch($result))
+ {
+ alt_table_row_color($k);
- $inv_numbers[] = $inv_row["trans_no"];
- label_cell(get_customer_trans_view_str($inv_row["type"], $inv_row["trans_no"]));
- label_cell($inv_row["reference"]);
- label_cell(sql2date($inv_row["tran_date"]));
- amount_cell($this_total);
- end_row();
+ $this_total = $inv_row["ov_freight"] + $inv_row["ov_freight_tax"] + $inv_row["ov_gst"] + $inv_row["ov_amount"];
+ $invoices_total += $this_total;
+ $inv_numbers[] = $inv_row["trans_no"];
+ label_cell(get_customer_trans_view_str($inv_row["type"], $inv_row["trans_no"]));
+ label_cell($inv_row["reference"]);
+ label_cell(sql2date($inv_row["tran_date"]));
+ amount_cell($this_total);
+ end_row();
+ }
label_row(null, price_format($invoices_total), " ", "colspan=4 align=right");
$th = array(_("#"), _("Ref"), _("Date"), _("Total"));
- if(count($inv_numbers)) {
- $result = get_related_credits($inv_numbers);
- $credits_total = 0;
+ $credits_total = 0;
+ if ($result = get_sales_child_documents(ST_SALESINVOICE, $inv_numbers)) {
$k = 0;
while ($credits_row = db_fetch($result))
- label_row(null, "<font color=red>" . price_format(-$credits_total) . "</font>",
- " ", "colspan=4 align=right");
+ label_row(null, "<font color=red>" . price_format(-$credits_total) . "</font>",
+ " ", "colspan=4 align=right");