// Put this on the page only once an outside a form, e.g. print_hidden_script(systypes::sales_order());
+// If you have both invoices and credit notes on the same page use 10 or 11. Is doesn't matter which.
function print_hidden_script($type_no)
'PARAM_3' => get_first_bank_account(), // bank account
'PARAM_4' => 0, // email
'PARAM_5' => "", // paylink
- 'PARAM_6' => ""); // comments
+ 'PARAM_6' => "", // comments
+ 'PARAM_7' => 0); // IV or CN
case systypes::po() :
$action = "$path_to_root/reporting/rep209.php";
$st .= "</form>\n";
$st .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
-function printDocument(docno) {
+function printDocument(docno, typeno) {
document.pdf_form.PARAM_0.value = document.pdf_form.PARAM_1.value = docno;
+ if (typeno == 10 || typeno == 11)
+ document.pdf_form.PARAM_7.value = typeno;
// button("button", _("Print this order"), print_document_link($order_no, "", false))";
// or if a button inside a TD
// button_cell("button", _("Print this order"), print_document_link($order_no, "", false))";
+// You only need full parameter list for invoices/credit notes
-function print_document_link($doc_no, $link_text, $link=true)
+function print_document_link($doc_no, $link_text, $link=true, $type_no=0)
if ($link)
- return "<a href=\"javascript:printDocument('$doc_no');\">$link_text</a>";
+ return "<a href=\"javascript:printDocument('$doc_no', '$type_no');\">$link_text</a>";
- return "javascript:printDocument('$doc_no');";
+ return "javascript:printDocument('$doc_no', '$type_no');";
function get_first_bank_account()
function print_invoices()
global $path_to_root;
include_once($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc");
$from = $_POST['PARAM_0'];
$to = $_POST['PARAM_1'];
$currency = $_POST['PARAM_2'];
$bankaccount = $_POST['PARAM_3'];
- $email = $_POST['PARAM_4'];
- $paylink = $_POST['PARAM_5'];
+ $email = $_POST['PARAM_4'];
+ $paylink = $_POST['PARAM_5'];
$comments = $_POST['PARAM_6'];
if ($from == null)
if ($to == null)
$to = 0;
$dec =user_price_dec();
$fno = explode("-", $from);
$tno = explode("-", $to);
$cols = array(4, 60, 225, 300, 325, 385, 450, 515);
- // $headers in doctext.inc
+ // $headers in doctext.inc
$aligns = array('left', 'left', 'right', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right');
$params = array('comments' => $comments,
'bankaccount' => $bankaccount);
$baccount = get_bank_account($params['bankaccount']);
$cur = get_company_Pref('curr_default');
if ($email == 0)
$rep = new FrontReport(_('INVOICE'), "InvoiceBulk.pdf", user_pagesize());
for ($j = 10; $j <= 11; $j++)
+ if (isset($_POST['PARAM_7']) && $_POST['PARAM_7'] != $j)
+ continue;
if (!exists_customer_trans($j, $i))
$myrow = get_customer_trans($i, $j);
$rep->title = _('INVOICE');
$rep->filename = "Invoice" . $myrow['reference'] . ".pdf";
- else
+ else
$rep->title = _('CREDIT NOTE');
$rep->filename = "CreditNote" . $myrow['reference'] . ".pdf";
- }
+ }
$rep->Info($params, $cols, null, $aligns);
$rep->title = ($j == 10) ? _('INVOICE') : _('CREDIT NOTE');
$rep->Header2($myrow, $branch, $sales_order, $baccount, $j);
$result = get_customer_trans_details($j, $i);
$SubTotal = 0;
while ($myrow2=db_fetch($result))
$DisplayNet = number_format2($Net,$dec);
if ($myrow2["discount_percent"]==0)
$DisplayDiscount ="";
- else
+ else
$DisplayDiscount = number_format2($myrow2["discount_percent"]*100,user_percent_dec()) . "%";
$rep->TextCol(0, 1, $myrow2['stock_id'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(1, 2, $myrow2['StockDescription'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(5, 6, $DisplayDiscount, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayNet, -2);
- if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + (15 * $rep->lineHeight))
+ if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + (15 * $rep->lineHeight))
$rep->Header2($myrow, $branch, $sales_order, $baccount,$j);
$comments = get_comments($j, $i);
if ($comments && db_num_rows($comments))
- {
+ {
- while ($comment=db_fetch($comments))
+ while ($comment=db_fetch($comments))
$rep->TextColLines(0, 6, $comment['memo_'], -2);
- }
+ }
$DisplaySubTot = number_format2($SubTotal,$dec);
$DisplayFreight = number_format2($myrow["ov_freight"],$dec);
$doctype = $j;
if ($rep->currency != $myrow['curr_code'])
- include($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/doctext2.inc");
- }
+ include($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/doctext2.inc");
+ }
- include($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/doctext.inc");
- }
+ include($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/doctext.inc");
+ }
$rep->TextCol(3, 6, $doc_Sub_total, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplaySubTot, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayFreight, -2);
$tax_items = get_customer_trans_tax_details($j, $i);
- while ($tax_item = db_fetch($tax_items))
+ while ($tax_item = db_fetch($tax_items))
$DisplayTax = number_format2($tax_item['amount'], $dec);
if ($tax_item['included_in_price'])
- $rep->TextCol(3, 7, $doc_Included . " " . $tax_item['tax_type_name'] .
+ $rep->TextCol(3, 7, $doc_Included . " " . $tax_item['tax_type_name'] .
" (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%) " . $doc_Amount . ":" . $DisplayTax, -2);
- }
+ }
- $rep->TextCol(3, 6, $tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" .
+ $rep->TextCol(3, 6, $tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" .
$tax_item['rate'] . "%)", -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayTax, -2);
- }
+ }
$DisplayTotal = number_format2($myrow["ov_freight"] + $myrow["ov_gst"] +
- $rep->Font('bold');
+ $rep->Font('bold');
$rep->TextCol(3, 6, $doc_TOTAL_INVOICE, - 2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayTotal, -2);
- $rep->Font();
+ $rep->Font();
if ($email == 1)
$myrow['dimension_id'] = $paylink; // helper for pmt link
$myrow['DebtorName'] = $branch['br_name'];
$rep->End($email, $doc_Invoice_no . " " . $myrow['reference'], $myrow, $j);
- }
+ }
if ($email == 0)